SNL Emmy winning mediocrity on the NBC show's 43rd season premiere
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SNL: Emmy-winning mediocrity on the NBC show's 43rd season premiere
The cold open of the Season 43 premiere of “Saturday Night Live” wrapped with the president (Alec Baldwin) draping his arm around the shoulders of Sen. Chuck Schumer (Alex Moffat) explaining: “We’re both New Yorkers, we enjoy a good slice, we never go to Times Square and we both love saying ‘Live from New York it’s …’
The cold open of the Season 43 premiere of “Saturday Night Live” wrapped with the president (Alec Baldwin) draping his arm around the shoulders of Sen. Chuck Schumer (Alex Moffat) explaining: “We’re both New Yorkers, we enjoy a good slice, we never go to Times Square and we both love saying ‘Live from New York it’s …’