Dracula: How Vampires Are A WARNING About Narcissists

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We know that narcissists are *like* vampires, but what if they actually literally were vampires (minus their ability to turn into bats - although we don't really know what they do when we are not looking...)?

Maybe, if we knew that they sucked away our energy, drained our focus and life, and ultimately attempted to turn US into undead, maybe then we would be more careful around vampires? I mean narcissists.

Maybe, if we took seriously tales that warn us of the monsters inside of us, maybe then we would be less vulnerable to attacks by these monsters?

Maybe the Vampire stories are warnings that we did not heed.

And maybe, if we see the commonalities between narcissists and vampires, we will learnt to take the threat of narcissists more seriously, so that we can beat narcissists, escape from narcissists and - last but not least - heal from narcissists?

00:00 Maybe narcissists really are vampires
00:11 Clue 1: They feed off energy
01:02 Clue 2: Charming appearances, but actually are monsters
01:57 Clue 3: They are vulnerable to disinfectants (truth)
03:03 Clue 4: They have no reflection (no personality)
04:00 Clue 5: They must be invited to enter your home
05:09 Conclusion: Are Narcissists Vampires?
06:18 What are you hoping for?
06:46 What does a Vampire actually think? Ask Uncle Drac!
07:34 How do monster figures warn us about toxic people and narcissists?
07:58 Beware of people who want you to take warning signs too literally

#npd #narcissism #vampire
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Thank you, Frederik. The visualization of the narcissist as a vampire is a good tool. I also try to visualize who I was, myself, before this all happened. I wasn't physically attracted to the narcissist that I'm extricating from my life when I first met him, but I overlooked that because I believed his lies. He mirrored me in all my likes. So one thing that helps me, is to remember that I wouldn't have given him the time of day, if I had known the real him. I'm not interested in being kind to someone who pretends to be pleasant to your face, but stabs you in the back. The visualization of how I felt when I first met him, not being attracted and not wanting to go out with him at first, helps me to be calm and uninterested in him. The visualization of who I was before this sh*%storm happened gives me strength.


I love the duck analogy too. If it walks, quacks, swims, waddles & flies like a 🦆, abracadabra it's a 🦆.


Just finished Dracula and it was surreal to read it. The feelings described by the characters dealing with their battle with Dracula were all too familiar to my own personal experiences with someone who was overly narcissistic. I reccomened to anyone going through recovery to read Dracula. It's comforting to know that this isn't a new phenomena and we as a people have been dealing with this dynamic for a very long time.


Vampire? Yes, I can relate to this. I could type out a string of names to describe him. Most of them colorful. Lets stay with vampire today. I believe it will grow on me. Thank you.


I am convinced that narcissists were the very reason vampires were created!! Another great video ❤ Thank you!


Beyond the facade, we see the state of their souls...
Truth doesn't mind being questioned...


I re-watched this video and was struck by how uncomfortable I am with my soon-to-be-ex-husband even so much as puts my children’s bags in the back of my vehicle. It feels too much like allowing him in to the vehicle as a passenger.

He certainly is not allowed on my property beyond the curb in front of my house, and I’m wondering whether I get to rein in the boundaries with my vehicle. I think I’ll go with my gut on this one and respect myself—no matter how goofy it might sound to others. Because I know myself and I know him, and that is explanation enough for me.

Just look at how much I’m understanding and respecting my own needs and boundaries now! Thank you, Frederik!


What timing! Just earlier this week I was explaining to my mother how narcissists are like vampires.

Such a tremendous video! Thank you.

And your Count Dracula impersonation was gut-splittingly funny! Thank you for that!


It is the monster hiding behind a false presentation - that is the vampire part. Don’t they only come out at night? Working in the shadows is how I think of them, only pouncing when they wear out their victims. So poignantly true.


Are you convinced? Do you disagree? Which clues did I miss?


Fredrick I don’t know if you have seen BBC’s Dracula, it’s a great watch but the description of narcissism fits perfectly.

You and everyone else should definitely give it a whirl….. it’s Dracula with a twist so do watch past first episode.

I’ll focus on the video now…. Rewind 😊. Thank you 😊


Thank you for yet another great talk Frederick. I'd like to highlight, if I may for other readers, that they also steal our support network eg family and friends turning them into flying monkeys, or our identity by emulating us or downright plagiarism.In my current dilemma I'm dealing with the former and going through the grieving process as much of my family and friends are from my country of origin, so for me saying goodbye to a large part of my past is a work in progress. For the latter, I know it's driving them crazy realizing I stopped using social media months ago but their continuous hacking of my former accounts is beginning to abate.(save for YouTube under a psudonym)Thus for me resulting in lack of sleep which is now correcting itself, which you highlighted..it's sobering to realize how much we lose ourselves to our vampires, only our nearest and dearest when showing concern give us notice to correct our course of action. Thanks again.x


Vampire or Narcissistic? Which is worse? Scary.


Thank you so much for the comparison, I love your video and will listen to it as soon as I need to be reminded of what is true and what is not. I am recovering from all the mind games and I have been scared now that I see more and more who they really are. It's a difficult truth but it must be better to see vs not to see. Hold on to truth. Halloween is coming early this year 🎭🎃


Brilliant metaphor—can we expand on the list of effective disinfectants


I love your channel, really helps my life


Thank you, Frederik, for your insightful videos! I'm new to this channel and probably you have already made a video on this, if so, could you please share the link. My question is: have you met many narcissistic colleagues? Are they capable of providing good advice? My ex boyfriend was doing a degree in psychology but instead he misused all the knowledge he had obtained by manipulating me and turning my life in utter hell; never admitting his mistakes, guiltripping me, attacking me, flipping the argument. How come these narcissistic people training to be therapists have overlooked their personality?
What makes my healing really difficult is that me being a foreigner, English was connected with him but after he had left, l did more videos on psychology in English than we were together, so that is a plus!


Very likely the concept of vampires has its origin in someone's experience with narcissists or psychopaths, long before the disorders were understood. A lot of demonology has its roots in psychological disorders or illnesses, before we had scientific or clinical explanations for them.


From a galactic walfare we are here, on earh, lizards, dragons against lyrans, and lyran hybrids, maybe they are our ancestors, im getting downloads


7:35 maybe we evolved from it thru thousands of years
