Beginner Introduction to AutoCAD 2D Drawing & Cutting CNC Plasma Parts

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On this episode of Make It Kustom, I walk you through drawing a part in AutoCAD to CNC plasma cutting the part. This is meant to be a introduction to the process rather than a complete tutorial. Anyone can benefit from these basics and turn their napkin sketch into a finished part!

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Hell yes, please make more of these style how to’s!!! All your stuff is solid gold bro!


Nice! I have been using autocad for 25 years, but that tangent command was new to me.
I have two simple things that will speed up and simplify your work a lot: with Trim command, if you don’t select cuting edge. Just tap space again and the nearest edge Will be the cutting one.
And also. Start using ”fillet” command! Thats for doing rounded corners.


Opened the vid, hit like, and now I’m finally watching it 45min later😂🤣😂 This is one of the videos I’ve been waiting for!


I love that you made this video. I have been wanting to save for a plasma table but was afraid it would be to difficult for me to learn being 50+ years old.


Carl I myself like to thank you for your generosity to share what you have learned with all of us.
And to get the information from you for free just to say what Kind of man you are!!!


Hey karl, My father had that autocrat on his old computer. He was trying to explain it to me at one time. He was a tool and die maker for Chrysler and GM. He had all kinds of drawings saved. I still have all his programs and booklets, along with his old computer. You explained it a lot easier then my father did, but you lost me when you went to your plasma cutter.
Happy New Year. Hopefully it will be a Healthy year for all of us.


It's amazing to see where this has gone. In 1979, I was a draftsman helping to design and build one of the first CNC plasma machines, and used to program directly using G-Code and paper tape. No Autocad in those days! 😀


Mate, you make it so simple. You have got a real flair for teaching. Thanx.


That's funny you mention the napkin drawings. My wife is a CAD person, and when was nesting for a local laser cutting company there would be farmers come in with a design on a scrap of paper and want her to "just whip this up"! She had some good laughs over their reaction to the time and cost to "just whip this up". 🤣🤣🤣
Awesome video Karl! 👍👍👍


Demystifying the scary CNC plasma cutter! And that shift knob is sweet, nice job Nick.


I started my own business last year and have been debating on purchasing a CNC plasma because, well, I'm computer illiterate. Lol. I was trying to figure out 360 fusion and a few others. Your explanation and the ease to which this software guides you is awesome. I understood more from watching your video than i have watching 360fusion videos for hours and hours, taking notes etc. I think you have sold me on this cad software because you are abke to describe it in laymans terms. Not the over the head terms used in other series. Thanks a ton!!!!


Another great vid. As a guy who has worked with metal for 60 plus years; I encourage all viewers to grab this knowledge, go do something. You may end up a a world class metal artist or maybe just being able to fabricate a dust pan, it does not matter. The skills you gain will be with you all your life. Working with metal is fun, go do it.


okay Carl, I've owned a crossfire table for quite awhile, and a working toolpath has eluded me, thanks to you young man and Lazy cam i have come one step closer to having a working table !! well done sir well done indeed


Hey Karl, another great video! I taught myself autocad back in the late 90’s using the autocad manuals. That was so painful to learn it that way. Thank you for taking the time to put this video together to show everyone that they can learn something new. You explained it very well. As I’m sure others have commented, play around with the “fillet” command, it will save you time on making the radius corners. I’ve had times that fillet won’t do what I needed so I did just like you showed. There’s always more than one way to accomplish something and your way is great!


Absolutely brilliant, fella! I’m of an age where this kind of stuff is pretty daunting but you showed us how simple it really is. Thanks so much and have a great 2022!


Very nice video. Just when I think you've hit your peak, you fool me and come out with something even more useful. Thanks for the effort.


How is this builder able to explain to me how to use Auto Cad better than an I T software teacher ? Oh yeah because HE'S A BUILDER LOL. Thank you :)


This was a very good tutorial and real world explanation on how to start using a program like this. This was something that I wanted to learn to start using, but just never took the time. Keep up the good work.


Thats straight forward and easy enough... we would love to see how to turn our cheap plasma cutters into a CNC plasma table!


I just bought my first plasma cutter (bestarc). I hope to migshift a cheap cnc router in my upcoming retirement! There is a great video on youtube doing this!

A basic plasma cutter is a real game changer in my shop! In SO sick of drilling holes, and my cuts already look cleaner!

Your awesome!
