5 body language tips to make anyone instantly like you - Personality Development video

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5 tips to make anyone instantly like you - Develop your Personality and become confident.

There's no question that body language is important, you can capture - and hold - anyone's attention without even saying a word. We've selected some of the best body language techniques and shared them through this session which would help you to become confident and develop your personality.

The Flooding Smile

"Don't flash an immediate smile when you greet someone," If you do, it appears as if anyone in your line of sight would receive that same smile.

Instead, pause and look at the other person's face for a second, and then let a "big, warm, responsive smile flood over your face and overflow into your eyes."

Even though the delay is less than a second, it will convince people your smile is sincere and personalized for them. According to Lowndes, a slower smile can add more richness and depth to how people perceive you.

Sticky Eyes

Pretend your eyes are glued to your conversation partner's with sticky warm taffy, Even after they've finished speaking, don't break eye contact. "When you must look away, do it ever so slowly, reluctantly, stretching the gooey taffy until the tiny string finally breaks." This technique will help you appear more intelligent and insightful.

The Big-Baby Pivot

People are very conscious of how you react to them. When you meet someone new, turn your body fully toward them and give them the same, undivided attention you would give a baby.Pivoting 100% towards the new person shouts, 'I think you are very, very special.'"

Limit the Fidget

If you want to appear credible, try not to move too much when your conversation really matters. "Do not fidget, twitch, wiggle, squirm, or scratch, Frequent hand motions near your face can give your listener the feeling that you're lying or anxious. Instead, simply fix a constant gaze on the listener and show them that you're fully concentrated on the matter at hand.

Using your hands

Use you hands to create appropriate gestures. Hand movements help you to get the words out of your mouth accelerating your thought process. Do not cross your hands while speaking, It passes a signal that your are disinterested in a conversation.
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It seems difficult for me to do since I am kind of introvert... BUT I FIND IT SUPER HELPFUL. Thanks a lot Niharika. Keep on motivating and inspiring us. God bless you


I believe that the best way of presentation is "to be out, what you are inside yourself." (Without duplicity, without pretending to be).
This in my opinion, is the most perfect way. Being a real person, simple and clear. If you are in this way, it is very simple to understand people from their visual expression. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Remember.
As for you. I must tell the truth: every lesson you do, I laugh. (You take this in a good way!). I believe that you are a very simple and genuine.Have a good time !!


Niharka you are my favourite teacher I was going through a rough time and I wasn't sure I would make it, but you showed me that I am important and you helped me get through the tough time.  Thank you for being supported.


Yes ! You are absolutely right ! Our body gestures playing a key role to elaborate what we really want to be ! ... and the way of describing everything in very formal way is the best part of your ypu are doing a great job to providing best stuff to improves our communication and body gestures...


Thank you for your advices. I'm a bigginer student and your lessons help me to understand more and more english and use new vocabulary. The moust important, I understand everything when you talk. You have a great accent and module very well your mouth when you talk and this is excelent for understand. THANK YOU again.


I LOVE these suggestions. They are simple and effective, very well thought out! // I admit I can not stop 'fidgeting' because I'm hyper, but I make up for it with smiles, and genuine interest. :)


Structure DO's and DON'Ts! Very


I usually do this tips but sometimes people often do not interested in conversation and endup using face😑 they must also understand


Hello I am Muralidharan from kerala l very much like your way of presentation in English an everyday I watch your channels about two hours in a day. Now I become very confident. Thank you niharika mam


Niharika ...you are just awesome. I love your speaking.


This 10 mins lesson with you Nikharika is such a delight.


U know I'm not good at doing proper eye contact even with my frnds as I feel very unpleasant to do that .. but as u had told I will make sure to do that properly..nd thnkuu so much for motivating us nd giving us the knowledge about several kinds skills they are really working for us thnxx again😘


I do appreciate your effort in improving our skills .. if I have the chance to meet I'm really sure that I will love u instantly.. u look welcoming. I'm from Jordan. Thx a lot .


This is the first time i found a good teacher. Really you are awesome.


i am really very much fortunate to watch this video, your suggestions are awesome, will enhance, my personality development skill. thank you for making this video.


hello niharica mam you have an awesome channel.well..i have seen a lot videos of yours and rally they are very effective in our day to day life...just keep it up for us...thanque very very much.


Niharika plzz do a video of secrets on succesful relationship


It really helps ..we all really appreciate everyone on skillopedia who is actually taking a time to help everyone in every aspect of life... thanks once again..


your tips really effective.. i like your all videos which i have seen.. its really helpfull to enhance your skill..your smile that you put on your face is attractive and impressive.. i want to meet you personaly so can clear ma all doubts


I like your smile, voice and way of talking...
