How To Get Kids To Listen And Respect

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Being a parent alone is a challenge, and it can get overwhelming at times especially when they don't listen and when they're disrespectful. If you stay tuned long enough, this video will help realign you to what your job is as a parent and give you some tips on what you can do to get your kids to listen and respect you.

Find out more about Positive Parenting here:

Watch and Enjoy!
Dr. Paul Jenkins

For a FREE digital copy of my mini-book, Portable Positivity, visit this link:


Track: Kisma - We Are [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Licensed under Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0

Video by Nate Woodbury

Рекомендации по теме

You should have your business card posted on the walls of OBGYN offices, it gives parents a head start. There is a lot to learn. May your efforts be blessed; they are beneficial to many. And..your humor really helps me listen (rather than get frustrated to hear my mistakes out loud).


As an angry yelling adult in progress from a product of angry physically abusive parents, your videos are helping me to break from my anger and yelling for more productive options and I very much appreciate you for helping me break the cycle of anger.


This morning my 4y daughter on the way to preschool: "mommy why do you look so happy?"
Me: "because I am so happy you and Paul (12weeks old) are with me."
The smile on her face was priceless. We didn't have the best start that morning (not listening nor respecting my privacy) but I really felt happy walking down the street . I am so greatful she asked. Smiling is the best.

Thank you for your video.


Lately my 7 yr old daughter has been trying me. It’s obvious my words are garbage to her. So that is why I am here. Thank you for your videos. I have watched 4 so far and they have been so helpful. I will try these approaches with her. Thank you for the reminder that my job is to love her no matter what & even if. Because the Lords knows how crazy my daughter is driving me.


As I sit here crying after screaming at my 3 year old for not going to bed I am really happy I found this video. Thank you so so much


Ha! I adore Dr. Paul and how he makes me laugh as I learn..."Smile. You're happy, right? Well, tell your face."


Thank you. I will use these tips with my boyfriend


Good reminders: Love your children no matter what & even if. Say what you mean & mean what you say. Smile!
So, so, SO true: be an EXAMPLE to your children of what it means to listen & be respectful. Where else are they going to learn it?
Illuminating: Yelling is a parent trap. Oh my goodness, you're right!
Hilarious: "You're happy, right? Well, tell your face!" HAHAHA!

Thanks for 10 and a half minutes of entertainment & enlightenment, Dr. Paul! :)


Oh dear, this topic is exactly what i have to hear right now. Thank you Doctor.


May God continue blessing you with great health Dt. Paul so u can continue blessing us(parents/humans) with your great advice/wisdom/ experience so we can be the parents God created us to be! Thank you so much!!!


I used to follow through, I used to discipline. Then his dad happened for another go round. The last go round. Narcissism can be very damaging. Working on fixing myself but it is so hard to fix the lack of positive parenting I had had when I am barely taking care of myself and fixing my own soul... But I most definitely appreciate the harping. Love them, no matter what, and even if. It is good and I will find a nice way to put it up on the walls for a gentle reminder. Thank you all for producing these videos and posting them.


I love these corner of YouTube. Without toxic community, where we, strangers, from different places and with different stories, get together to listen to music that awakens different sensations and feelings. 😅😅


Thank you so much Dr.Paul for always reminding us what our job being a parent, because sometimes i personally forgot.Great video and very helpful as always.😊😊😊


Your videos are helping me immensely 😭❤️


My son has totally dehumanised me, I could say nothing to him, he sneered at me. I was still saying ''good morning!'' trying to start every day like a fresh slate. Buying him his favourite foods. The fact that I was trying to stay on the right side of him seemed to make him lose respect for me, like he wanted me to FIGHT him. Right now, he's at my brother's, respecting my brother with no problem. I am glad he is capable of showing respect. I guess that shows that he is capable of moving out of the first stage of moral development. Not to me, yet, he chose not to respect me, but it is some comfort that he is capable of showing somebody respect. It's small but it's all I have right now.


Just watching your videos puts me in a great mood


I’m trying to smile more. Consciously smiling


Thank you so much for giving this advice. The fact that you do it for free shows that you care. I have been trying your tips and they have been working. Thank you.


You have changed my life for the better. I watch your videos every morning and fight to apply this in my life. You're so fun, funny and easy to listen to. My kids get a better mother because of this channel!! I love you guys and I love the name of the channel, Live on purpose!!! 😁


- your words are either garbage or gold- if they don't listen it may be that your words in the past were used to threaten them into compliance but not actioned it. turn it to gold by

1. say what you mean and mean what you say.
2. SMILE! if you're happy n positive, your kids are more likely to think! kids are monitering who is on control and if they feel like they are the ones in charge they start to have anxiety. smiling sends a message that you are in control that you are not tipped over. it invites them to think and respect.
- yelling is a parent trap- it gets their attention immediately but not good, as you may have to keep yelling. children seek your attention thru it. don't give your authority away. smile, see how you feel and how your child responds
3. consider how much are you listening go your child? how much do you respect them? do a self inventory which can be painful but do it and find out how you are showing up with your kids, are you being an example of them of how to listen and be respectful in a relationship? :)
