Dietitian Reviews Grace Booth GRACKLE What I Eat In A Day

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Hi everyone, welcome to Abbey's Kitchen! In today’s episode of What I Eat In A Day YouTuber reviews, we will be taking a look at British YouTuber, Grace Booth, from the YouTube channel, Grackle. A reminder that the information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only and you should always seek the help of a medical professional for your unique case.

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Xoxo Abbey

Contribution by: Giselle Segovia RD, MHSc
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Some notes on Grace:
She is in fact lactose intolerant which is why she is dairy free.
She also drinks hot water simply because she likes it. It’s her favorite beverage. She HATES coffee.
She also had multiple followers tell her she eats A LOT of sugar every day which she didn’t seem to even realize and she made a video cutting out sugar for a day which was hilarious to watch.
She is a treasure. I hope this video gets her more followers. She deserves it.


SHES MY ABSOLUTE FAV PERSON TO WATCH!!!! She’s such a positive influence!


I absaloutley ADORE grackle, she’s litterally a breath of fresh air. And for people that’s suffered with ED she’s so free with her eating, and I wish wish / hope I can get to that point xx


Any grackle fans will know Grace will be so annoyed by her breakfast choice. Grace Litterally lives for a bougie breakfast. This is probably the most boring breakfast I've ever seen Grace have.


She's the only person on yt who's diet reflects the people i see on an everyday basis outside of influencers and internet personas and that..says a lot about the internet and wieiad videos. Wish more people with 'average' diets were represented.


Grace is my absolute favorite. She is a breath of fresh air and truly has the best attitude. She's funny and real and if anyone says anything bad about her I will fight them in a macys parking lot. Also she drinks hot water because she doesn't like coffee, and isn't huge on tea. Caffeine and Grace do not get along. She is also very lactose intolerant and that is why she's dairy free, she's talked about his on her channel often and all her baking is dairy free as well. Great source for vegan recipes.


Omg I adore grackle, she really helped me to recover from my eating disorder by posting normal eating videos!


Grackle needs to be protected, sees the big sister/mother/best friend I’ve always needed


OMG she’s like a totally normal person! 😲 She eats cereal for breakfast! I didn’t think anyone on social media ate cereal for breakfast any more!


I love that you're promoting Grace's channel! she's such an anomaly in this platform! her relaxed and positive look on life and food is something a lot of people need to try. I encourage anyone in the comments struggling with their relationship with food to follow this girl, and if you're following cheat days or mukbang channels, realize it may be doing you more harm than good.

Abbey, your attitude through all this video was a mood haha, very refreshing, I love positive videos showing people there's hope out there with food influencers.


I also want to point out that usually when Grace labels something a “mukbang” it’s less of a typical high volume/high calorie sort of thing and more of a trying a smaller amount of several different types/flavors/brands of a food. She isn’t really someone who (at least not in her videos) eats massive amounts of food in one go.


Never heard of or seen her videos actually. I was a model and still have a horrific eating disorder, and I agree that she seems to have a really casual relationship with food which is sort of what I'm aiming for as it's definitely healthier than obsessive! Thank you Abbey for introducing me to her videos.


Could not have clicked faster!!!! GRACK IS THE BEST 😭😭😭


Abbey: she could've bumped up the vegetables here

Me, who just ate a handful of mini eggs for lunch: pfft yeah she could've


I GASPED when I saw this! I just ADORE that girl, she is 100% her own person and it’s absolutely wonderful!💕


My ED got really bad over quarantine... it actually made me realize I have an ED. We went to the doctor’s office and I was told I was underweight, but not severely. I looked pale and I had no energy at all. I was also told I either start eating more or I’m sent to a psychiatric unit. Now I’m in my bed at 12 am eating crackers and hummus because I’m hungry. I’ve gained 5 pounds in the last 3 weeks-a month! (: I know it probably doesn’t sound like much, but I’ve been working so hard to tell my ED no and allowing myself to enjoy food. If there’s anyone out there struggling, I promise you that you CAN make the choice to recover. It’s not always easy, it’s a lot of the time difficult but it’s so worth it. I believe in you! Now go eat a fear food, start your recovery! You can do it


grace is the sweetest loveliest young woman ever, she's a blessing


I am literally loving all the grackle support on here, just shows how incredible she is. We all love her :)


I love Grace! She's been such a positive influence in my ED recovery because she's so relaxed around food. She also constantly reiterates that her diet is what works for her and that everyone is different with individual needs. We really do need more influencers like her!


Very interesting. Remember though we have way less added sugar and salt in our food in the U.K. Even with like for like products such as Heinz tomato ketchup, Doritos and even McDonalds fries.
There has been an active ongoing process for the past 10 years or so to reduce salt and sugar in food. Pretty much everything has ‘new improved recipe’, ‘now with less salt’, ‘reduced Sugar’, ‘reduces salt’, ‘30% less sugar/salt’ etc labels on them.
It’s been great in a way as the changes have happened slowly and as a nation we have adjusted. The salty, sugary breakfast cereals of my childhood taste nothing like they did back then.
Things like chocolate bars and cans of fizzy drinks are way smaller over here too.
