3 Minute Vel'Koz Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

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Got 3 minutes spare? Why not take a quick look at how to play Vel'Koz Support!
Vel'Koz is the definition of painful opponent! His ability to poke his opponents out of lane is second to none before he presses all his buttons to delete any champion back to a grey screen!
0:00 Why Play Vel'Koz?
0:15 Vel'Koz's Abilities
1:17 Combos
1:28 Match Ups
1:35 Runes
1:37 Build Order
1:47 Skill Order
1:51 Summoners
1:55 Lane Phase
2:35 Mid/Late Game
In this video we learn How to Play Vel'Koz & CARRY MID LANE for Beginners + Best Build/Runes - League of Legends seeing the Season 13 Vel'Koz Guide, Best Vel'Koz World Guide for Mid, Support, Top, APC Bot lane Preseason 13 seeing How the Best VEL'KOZ SUPPORT Carries Games seeing How to Carry a LOSING TEAM on SUPPORT | Vel'Koz Guide Season 12 League of Legends seeing 👾 NEW Rod of Ages Vel'Koz Season 13 Build, Free LEVEL is MASSIVE 🦑
Vel'Koz is the definition of painful opponent! His ability to poke his opponents out of lane is second to none before he presses all his buttons to delete any champion back to a grey screen!
0:00 Why Play Vel'Koz?
0:15 Vel'Koz's Abilities
1:17 Combos
1:28 Match Ups
1:35 Runes
1:37 Build Order
1:47 Skill Order
1:51 Summoners
1:55 Lane Phase
2:35 Mid/Late Game
In this video we learn How to Play Vel'Koz & CARRY MID LANE for Beginners + Best Build/Runes - League of Legends seeing the Season 13 Vel'Koz Guide, Best Vel'Koz World Guide for Mid, Support, Top, APC Bot lane Preseason 13 seeing How the Best VEL'KOZ SUPPORT Carries Games seeing How to Carry a LOSING TEAM on SUPPORT | Vel'Koz Guide Season 12 League of Legends seeing 👾 NEW Rod of Ages Vel'Koz Season 13 Build, Free LEVEL is MASSIVE 🦑
3 Minute Vel'Koz Guide - A Guide for League of Legends
3 Minute Vel'Koz Guide - A Guide for League of Legends
3 Minute Vel'Koz Guide - A Guide for League of Legends
3 Minute Vel’Koz Guide - A Guide for League of Legends
The Only Vel'Koz Guide You Will Ever Need!
Basic Vel'Koz guide by Azzapp | Vel'Koz guide
Vel'Koz Combo guide by Azzapp | Vel'Koz guide
Master Vel'Koz in three minutes
Frame Perfect Vel'Koz Q
What is better than 1 GREAT Vel'Koz angle?
Have you ever seen a better setup for Vel'Koz ult? #shorts
How the Best VEL'KOZ SUPPORT Carries Games
Rule 1: Don't Line Up Against Vel'koz
Yasuo used to counter Vel'Koz, not ANYMORE | #Shorts #LolShorts #Leagueoflegends
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Season 13 Vel'Koz Guide, Best Vel'Koz World Guide for Mid, Support, Top, APC Bot lane Pres...
nah but this teamfight combo was so sick 🤩😳
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