3 Minute Vel'Koz Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

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Got 3 minutes spare? Why not take a quick look at how to play Vel'Koz Support!

Vel'Koz is the definition of painful opponent! His ability to poke his opponents out of lane is second to none before he presses all his buttons to delete any champion back to a grey screen!

0:00 Why Play Vel'Koz?
0:15 Vel'Koz's Abilities
1:17 Combos
1:28 Match Ups
1:35 Runes
1:37 Build Order
1:47 Skill Order
1:51 Summoners
1:55 Lane Phase
2:35 Mid/Late Game

In this video we learn How to Play Vel'Koz & CARRY MID LANE for Beginners + Best Build/Runes - League of Legends seeing the Season 13 Vel'Koz Guide, Best Vel'Koz World Guide for Mid, Support, Top, APC Bot lane Preseason 13 seeing How the Best VEL'KOZ SUPPORT Carries Games seeing How to Carry a LOSING TEAM on SUPPORT | Vel'Koz Guide Season 12 League of Legends seeing 👾 NEW Rod of Ages Vel'Koz Season 13 Build, Free LEVEL is MASSIVE 🦑
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Side note: his Q restore half the mana for each enemy killed (up to 3). In the Q explanation clip, his Q costs 50 mana, so 1 enemy is 25 mana, 2 enemies is 50 mana e and 3 enemies is 75 mana. This restoration counts in champions, minions, pets and monsters


As a Vel'Koz main, Liandry's is almost always better than Ludens. The CDR and the sustained dmg from the item is insanely more useful than the burst and pen you get from Ludens. Ludens is still good, just Liandrys is better.


Was just thinking of picking up and maining Vel'Koz and then see this video pop up. It is destiny.


Neat guide as always. Almost makes me want to try him.

I'm kind of nostalgic about him since he's the latest release when I started playing League.


love the videos as always. hope you get the recognition you deserve soon!


Wow I was just looking for this on you channel! Only saw the older vel'koz video lol.

Also I hope you get a chance to cover more exotic picks in lanes once you get done with the regular ones. Would be interesting to see a guide on like "karthus mid"


bruh I played Vel'koz when he first came out and today I learned his Q can be re-cast. I have an issue with not reading things LOL


New here, love the video. Gonna check if you have a katarina guide. If you don't have a kat guide, please make one!!!! I'm a 1.3m kat main D: I the guide


So called Leona mains when they engage on me and get absolutely melted with EWQR combo dealing lots of true damage:


HIS Q CAN BE DETONATED MANUALLY? Now that explains how they are so good at landing their skill shots on me!


Which is the first item, the knife and the pot, how is the knife called?


Isn't Night Harvester a better Mythic for Support Vel'Koz?


Dark Harvest is way better these days, normally youd want to go Dark Harvest, taste of blood, ghost poro and relentless hunter. scorch and manaflow band is mandatory. arcane comet rune is better for midlane, but instead of cookies and cosmic insight you go ghost poro and relentless hunter.

or if you wanna be an absolute crackhead go first strike
