Intellectuals Going Missing Under Bizarre Circumstances

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► We often talk about strange disappearances on this channel and once before I have specifically looked at highly intelligent people who’ve gone missing under unusual circumstances. I thought I’d have a look again to see what I could find. All of these disappearances had elements to them that are odd, perhaps suspicious in some circumstances and very questionable as you’ll come to see; you be the judge. Now let’s go back in time to 1975, Yosemite National Park

► Intellectuals Going Missing Under Bizarre Circumstances

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Hey all,

Sorry it's been so long in between videos, I normally don't leave it this long. I needed to step away and recharge my batteries, but I'm back now. I'm interested in knowing your thoughts on the cases discussed, so let me know.

Have a great weekend folks, be safe


I grew up in socal and frequented Yosemite as a kid. It seems only out of towners disappear there. It is curious because according to locals hundreds of people, mostly older adults, have disappeared, most of them immediately in the vicinity of bridal veil falls. The zone around bridal veil falls is very strange. Thousands of people per day file up and down to the lower falls. Meanwhile only a few dozen per day make it all the way to the upper pools. Despite this, every time i go to the upper falls there are piles of clothing and misplaced items. This is always creepy…


"They decided to split up". Even excellent doctors do incredibly stupid things. These stories always start with splitting up. Next time the question of splitting up comes about, make the answer a resounding "NO".


You gotta remember that the Mississippi is the third or fourth largest river in Earth, if you end up swimming in a deep area or get caught by a current you probably aren't getting out again.


The biggest groups disappearing are those in anti-cancer, sustainable energy, military research and natural medicine. It happens in the UK, too.


Yosemite ALWAYS has freak storms! My parents lived right outside the park for almost 30 years, and weather in that area is extremely changeable. In the Summer, heat can be a big fire hazard, and winter storms can barrel in without warning. I didn't like it up there much, but it is very beautiful up there. A LOT of people vanish up there, my mom was always telling me about people going missing in and around the park, and besides the weather danger, there are a zillion mountain lions all over the place.


Media frequently get things wrong and is one of the reasons there is so much confusion when trying to figure out what actually happened.


It's a common misconception that suicidal people can't be happy or joyful, as 1) they can mask and 2) they are often happy and content as they approach the act. However, what is UNUSUAL is when a so-called suicidal person is talking and planning about the FUTURE. Suicidal people often intentionally cancel plans and so forth as they are aware there is no future for them. So for this guy to be jovial and talking about his plans for future research and his trip to see his family is a strong indicator he probably wasn't suicidal.


The question is what were the people working on, who was their colleagues and friends? What did they know. Think tesla, people think knowledge isnt deadly, but believe me, it can be very very dangerous.


They say that a person with depression makes good actors because they hide it so well. So maybe he wasn't in the greatest mental state as everyone thought. He could have committed suicide.


Putting away groceries, going to bed, getting ready for the day… these videos are perfect for any time of the day! Keep up the great work ❤️❤️❤️


About bloody time :) Just opened a beer & settling in to watch this. Cheers!


Being an intellectual is no bonus when it comes to survival in the wilderness. In August of 2017, the body of 38 year old Sarah Beadle found in the Grand Canyon. Not only was she an experience hiker in regards to the Grand Canyon, she was an emergency room doctor. By all accounts, she was a very respected physician who made life or death decisions everyday in the ER. Yet, this obviously very smart and experienced woman left her young daughter and nephew sitting by the hiking trail while she went to get water from the river. Were it not for a passerby who found the children in over 110F temperature, they too would had perished. Rather than turning back and taking her child and nephew back to the trailhead, she left them alone while she went off trail, apparently got lost and died. Just one bad decision after the other from a woman who was otherwise very smart in the ER.


Head injuries while mountain climbing are super common. Chunks of ice and rock are always falling from above. It's really dangerous.


This is without a doubt, the best channel that covers this subject.
UFOs/alien abduction cases- beyond creepy
Sasquatch and other possible cryptids- Bob Gymlan
Missing 411- my man Adam, here on top mysteries. Damn proud to have been a subscriber since pretty early on. Welcome anyone new. You just found a great channel!


It would be interesting to see a map of the different locations the missing folks started and areas searched and where they were found.


Thank you for your well researched and cogent video. I'd like to add...there has been 2 occasions in my life that I have had either eye witness, or close second hand information about deaths considered sensational enough to be reported in the national news. *Both* times I was stunned by how erroneous the most basic of facts were reported about the tragedies, and how disingenuously they were written. I'm referring to wrong names, dates, sequence of events as well as the less tangibles like motivation or consequences, etc
It's been a lesson learned for me - don't believe everything you read, or watch in regards to published news.


With the guy on the bridge, I remember not too long ago seeing a clip of a guy approached someone on a bridge and for no reason, they grabbed them threw them off the bridge. If there wasn’t a police dash cam to capture it, I wouldn’t think that could ever happen.

Thankfully the guy was okay despite the massive fall into the water below. Absolutely random things can happen to people, which makes missing peoples cases so difficult. I would be interested in knowing how expensive his jacket and shoes were, as someone may have seen him on the bridge (if he did indeed stop because he felt sick) and spontaneously decided to rob him to steal them.

My brother’s friend was once mugged out of nowhere after leaving a bar alone. They were shoved to the ground from behind then they wrestled off his expensive shoes and fled. According to a detective I’m familiar with criminals are currently very interested in expensive items that can easily be stolen off a person and can be sold without the risk of it being tracked, like phones or items needing a certificate of authenticity, like watches now do, so shoes, jackets and handbags are the most common items targeted.

It obviously wouldn’t answer everything about the case, but it’s certainly a motive to quickly steal from someone and push them off a bridge.


I was just thinking about how I was missing your videos. You're a savior. Definitely needed this today.


I was having an especially really bad day until I heard you say..."good actual lord". Now I cant quit rewinding and giggling! I always love your videos but this one teeny comment is my all time favorite!!!
