10 Things I’m NOT Buying in 2023 | Minimalism & Saving Money

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What are 10 things I’m NOT buying in 2023? Today I’m sharing a few items I’ve chosen not to buy in 2023 to save money and make more intentional buying decisions. 🤍



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What’s one thing you’re NOT buying in 2023? 🤍


Last year I decided to not buy any “low tier” fast food like McDonalds, Wendy’s, Burger King, etc.. next week will be my 1 year mark! It made me realize how my body really was addicted to those unhealthy foods and I plan on cutting out more in 2023


Love hearing these types of videos. I’m setting the goal of no new clothes or shoes in 2023 because, like you, I’ve realised how many wasted purchases I’ve made and I need a good reset and learn to buy only what I absolutely love to wear. Thanks for the inspiration.


Re special occasion clothing: I do have multiple items because I do love dressing up, but if you don't particularly and you're not that interested in renting my recommendation is to buy a nice black dress that fits you well and then accessorize it for different occasions instead of buying multiple pieces that you'll only wear once. Then you'll have different looks but only the one dress in your closet.


I love how focused you are on using what you already have. It's such a good reminder that whatever we already have is more than enough. Most of us don't need more than maybe 3 pairs of shoes, but it's really about what things genuinely bring you joy and what you're buying just to fill emotional voids. <3


For puzzles, my local library started lending them during/post Covid. Might be a good place to check for both borrowing and donating!


in 2023 my no buy items are
1. clothes
2. shoes/sandals
3. bags
4. make-up
5. skincare items
6. stationary items
promise to use up and enjoy everything i have


Candles - Velas
Special Occasion clothes - Ropa para ocasión especial
Plants- plantas
shoes zapatos
clothing that doesn't fit- Ropa que no me queda
Excess freezer food- comida congelada en exceso
Ceramic mugs - Tazas de cerámica
ast Food- Comida rápida
Art supplies - Artículos para arte
puzzles- rompecabezas


I am at the beginning of minimalism and these things inspired me even more to declutter. 😊


Love this! One thing I won’t be buying anymore of this year is home decor. I don’t need any and I am moving soon so I want to be able to pack light, and adjust to the new space accordingly when we get settled in.


Totally feel the clothing that doesn't fit right! As a 6'3" woman I've struggled with this a lot. I now invest in pieces that fit me perfectly and it's all that I wear!


i would love to see a video showcasing all of your collections! it’s fun to see what fellow minimalists “collect”. 😏 the things i also tend to grab a little too often that i’m no longer buying/adding to my current stash: candles, puzzles, glass jars, flavored decaf coffees, plants & band tees!


Special occasion clothing!!! I worked on that this year! I started asking friends if I could borrow something, or thrifting something that I would ACTUALLY wear again.


Use up everything. No spend January and February. No balance on credit cards, pay no interest. Food shop sales. Menu plan by sale items. Cook from scratch. Make your own coffee. Declutter. No One Click Amazon shopping! 🤑😁👍 Merry Christmas 🎄


One thing to consider on not buying clothing pieces that don't fit, is you can always have them altered a bit for a perfect fit. I'm not talking about major changes, but I often have to have pants hemmed and a dart or two put in around the waist as I'm bottom heavy. I'm also smaller on top than around my stomach, so I'm rarely going to find a "perfect" fit off the rack. Find yourself a good seamstress. The money you spend to make your favorite items fit, will be cheaper than buying several items that you don't love.


I am going to try to do it the other way around. Look at what I will buy next year. This way you have a positive spin and still get dopamine when you look forward to purchases. I also try to add something I really love on my weekly grocery list. This influences me in my daily life and the result is not to want to go and spend money on things I did not deside on. I have realized that "essentials" is way way less then we think. My essentials this year where some unexpected tax and my adobe+books for my college classes. The rest of what I spend was on things that where more expensive "to improve my life" so I would say be carefull not to spend more because you go for higher quality things. There is a big chanse you still will be decluttering a lot. What also helped me was to chose what I really wanted to focus on. Did I want to buy healtier food? Put more in a spesific erea of my life? Experiment with hobbies? We all want to fill our lives and are looking for ourselfs, thinking we are not whole. This year I will look inwards and have fun with what I do add to my life. Love your videos, cheers.


i hear you on the plants. i used to have over 60 then in 2022 i seriously downsized and gave away quite a few. now i have about 25. i started collecting plants as an act of mindfulness and to slow down and enjoy caring for them. but then it became such a chore that the meaning was lost. so now i have my favorites and the ones that do well in my home and bring joy. merry christmas and thanks for this video!💜


I just started my journey on minimalism and am very busy decluttering my house, but I already keep a register of everything I spend my money on for years. So I decided to do a complete no buy for a month and if it works out I might continue it. There is one thing that is very difficult for me and that is hobbies. I just love all these materials, but I will not buy anything for my hobbies this year. There is already so much in my house that it should lest me for more than a year 😅.


I’m not buying any more skincare or make up as I have so much that I need to get through. I’m also not buying any more Jewellery as I would like to get more enjoyment from the pieces I have


I definitely want to be more mindful of the toys and books we get for my kiddos. We’re hoping to be moving and I know it will be so much easier and better if I work on this❤️
