How to Receive the Holy Spirit + Gift of Tongues Activation (LIVE)

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I remember I went to a church with friends at 14 yo, and the evangelist said, If you want to receive everything God has for you then come down and we will pray for you. I had gotten saved. I knew nothing about the Baptism in the Holy Ghost. I couldn’t figure out what else I needed. So, I went down to get everything God wanted me to have. The ladies praying around me told me to lift my hands and start praising Jesus. I heard them speaking in a language I didn’t understand. I didn’t know what I was praying for, but I knew whatever it was I wanted it. I had been praying at the alter for a few hours. I told God, I will not leave this alter til you give me what I’m supposed to have. The next thing I knew, I heard someone close to me speaking in a different language. I was lying at the alter at that time because I was so tired. I thought, who is that. They were so close to me. Then I came to myself and realized it was me! I was speaking in my prayer language! As I realized what had happened, I begin to cry and excitement arose in me. I got what God had promised me! I began to speak louder and louder as the Lord Blessed me. The ladies around me were shouting and clapping 👏 I was so happy. I think we left after midnight that night. It changed my life forever. Praise His Holy Name.


My mom suffered from alcohol addiction her whole adult life. I took her to the ER 2 weeks ago for alcohol poisoning and withdrawals which includes tremors/ seizures. The day after detoxing in the ER, she relapsed and fell down the stairs while drunk and fractured her foot. I just began going to church learning about God and Jesus. Last week was my 2nd week going to church. I asked my mom to come with me and pray for her to be healed and remove the craving/alcohol addiction. She went to church drunk, the pastor said a prayer for her and others. After church, she didn’t have any withdrawals from alcohol, no craving for it, and her foot is healed! A miracle happened before my eyes. It’s been a week since this happened and I am still surprised by what I seen. God is good, Jesus is real!!!!


I'm homeless living in my broke down pickup in this Montana winters night and I feel the power of the Holy Spirit in this place...Thank You JESUS.


I was healed of my addictions of smoking, caffeine and marijuana. THANK YOU JESUS!


May whoever watching this receive a miracle and may the Holy Spirit move Amen


God is setting me free from fear and anger and hate for my enemies, thank you Jesus Christ!


I'm from Singapore. I'm receiving holy spirit again in my life. I'm renewing my life with God again. Amen.


I was watching this replay lastnight and I spoke in tongues for the first time! Holy spirit is so amazing. I remember when I asked for this gift. Hallelujah I thank you Jesus! All glory to God hallelujah 🙌


I started speaking in tongues while watching 😭🙌. Jesus gave me what I asked for, l was praying for the gift of tongues and God heard me. And I pray that God will use me for his glory. I am only 14 years old and if God can fill me he sure can fill you. Thank you Pastor David for this Video. I give all the glory and honor to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. ✝️


I spoke in tongues for the 1st time in my kitchen🔥🙏😭 i haven't stop crying feeling the Holy Spirit. I love you Jesus🥰


I received the gift of tongues for the first time today, while watching this video.
I Am Healed! Hallelujah, Thank You Jesus! I Am Delivered!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


I went to a religious and they refused using tongues but the Lord brought me you and now I can pray with tongues praising the Lord i am now healed thank you jesus


I had cancer surgery n now done with radiation. I asked to be Cancer free. I am free of cancer. I’m healed. I can’t stop the tears. I thankGod for bringing me to your channel.👩


I received it when I was 13 years old I was the very first teenager in my church who gave my heart to God I'm 56 now Praise God!


I've been suffering from severe depression for most of my life and wanting to die from emotional and physical pain, chronic migraines, etc. God is healing my physical and emotional health. He is restoring me to the person I was intended to be. I receive God's love and the fire of God. I got child watching this video. I'm desperately crying out to God to heal me and believing that He will.


Watching a replay two years later and I’m healed from periodontist disease. I felt sand like feeling in my teeth as I prayed and received healing. Im believing for new growth in my gums and strong teeth with no gaps. I also felt the Holy Spirit come over me with a fresh fire that shook me and dropped me onto my couch. He is the same yesterday, today and forever, He is still our healer!!


I've been sick with a cold and a cough which came out of nowhere, unable to breathe out of my nose especially when I lie down. While praying for healing my chest cleared and so did my sinuses. I'm laying down and I can breathe. I have also been praying for the gift of tongues and found myself praying in tongues. Praise God. Hallelujah


Me and my granddaughter 6 yrs old was filled by the Holy Spirit and she spoke in tongues now, ! Hallelujah!Watching from San Diego California! I'm a missionary.The Spirit of God Almighty is upon us all! Isaiah 11:2.


I've been following this young Pastor for Three weeks and I'm thanking God for younger generation that had deep encounters with God.🙏🙏 I Praise God for His life 🙏🙏.May his teachings reach the youth around the world to find JESUS CHRIST the NAZARENE 🙏🙏🙏🙏 AMEN


He opened my lungs and took my stomach pains away. Glory be to God. I can't stop crying he's here with me. Thank you jesus
