🌕🐿️ Squirrelflight/ Moonlight PMV- You Right 🌕🐿️

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pspspsp come get yalls squirrelflight content

Rebe's art is beautiful and one of kind, be sure to check out all their videos!!

managed to get this done in just two days!! no background pmvs my beloved

design notes:
the reds, oranges, and blue hues are indicators for each's personality. Bramblestar and Squirrelflight are both hotheads, and its like fighting fire with fire with those too. maybe the level-headed very cool Moonlight can soothe Squirrelflights troubled soul. i dunno

Bramblestar not having eyes is intentional for him *Not Seeing* Squirrelflight. In their younger days, Bramblestar *did* see her but has lost sight as he feels they've changed too much.
Moonlight starts off that way too, but more in a hidden way as Squirrelflight tries to hide and push down her budding feelings for the she-cat until finally she cant hide from Moonlight or even herself anymore.

Also squirrelflight only has eye shines when looking at someone she loves- she loses her shine as Bramblestar and her grow apart but she regains them when looking at Moonlight.
Tumblr: @projectshadovv
Twitter: @sadmachlne666 (the i is a lower case L)

Audio: You Right ft The Weeknd by DojaCat
Programs: Paint Tool Sai 2, Sony Vegas Pro 11.0
Characters: Moonlight, Squirrelflight, and Bramblestar
Series: Warrior Cats
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
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“Have you SEEN Moonlight? She’s the size of a BADGER she can throw me over a football field!”


Remember when Squilf straight up considered leaving the Clans and being with the sisters? Would've been better for her honestly. This is really cute


man when I read Squilf's hope I fall in love with theyr relationship and I know there is something between them😭 thank u for making my favorite non-canon ship real♡♡


So what you're saying is Squilf's type are huge, chonky floofers she can use as her own personal pillow /j /lh

I love the symbolism you've managed to pack in such a short video! I adore the whole vibe of this


The way I really disliked the Jessy x Bramble ship to turn around and ADORE the Moonlight x Squirrel ship lol 😂 The symbolism is so good and so seamless I didn't even notice why the PMV affected me so much until I read the description. Something as subtle as eye highlights and color choices go a long way!!! Squirrel deserves the world, and as much I will always love the old Brmable x Squirrel ship, enough has changed between them in the books that I truly think they'd be happier apart at this point 😞

It's so funny to me that in New Prophecy, they compare Ash to water and Squirrel to fire, saying that he'll only put her down and "drown her" and that she needs to be with someone who can match her hot-headedness. ie, Brambleclaw. Similar temperaments can be something to look for in a partner, but without maturity and mutual respect, it won't get you far. And Moonlight is a leader in her own right and gives me the sense that she's a bit older and wiser than Squirrelflight - they could have been such a complementary match!!!!

sorry for rambling on, lol. I love this PMV!! Your work never disappoints! <3


I like the colour contrast between Bramblestar and Moonlight! While Bramblestar is hot red and a bit hard to look at, Moonlight is more pleasing to the eye. Especially when the shots change from Bramblestar to Moonlight, its like jumping in cool water on a hot day.


I hate how the Erins are constantly pushing Bramble/Squilf. Last arc would have been the perfect time to kill him off, for her to become leader and get a new mate and become the legendary character she was supposed to be, but no. I'm screaming!

Anyway, I love the minimalistic design and the symbolism in this video. The whole "woman that you used to be" thing with Squirrelpaw hits so hard when you know the only reasons the Erins won't let them break up is "it was prophesised!". Squilf running off with Moonlight would have been so good.


Squirrelflights Hope messed me up when I read it. It's so insane how abusive Bramblestar was in that book. Like the rest of the books you read as a kid and unfortunately don't realize how messed up he acts but it was just SO apparent in that book reading it as an adult. It was so refreshing to see Squirrelflight bonding with other she-cats after everything that's happened to her and it was so disappointing when she went back to Bramblestar :/ This is so good though I hope moonlight/squirrel gains traction in the fandom 👀


I love this PMV and it’s symbolism, so smart! I don’t know who Moonlight is (probably because I haven’t read any of the recent books) but if they’re any better than Brambleclaw (which I can probably tell they already are by a LONG SHOT) then I really hope that they and squirrelflight get together! Amazing job, you never fail to inspire me!


Even Moonlight could have been a better mate than Bramblestar.
Your art style is unique! Loved this Pmv.


While I don't personally fully ship them due to the sisters' treatment of their sons and how much Squilf cares about hers, I think they'd be a great power couple if Moon learned to love her kids like Squilf does.


New Sadmachine vid!??! Featuring complex artistic metaphors!?!! Is this what happiness feels like?!


Moonlight and Squirrelflight are everything to me. Thank you


The RELIEF I had when I saw this on my recommended, oml

I've shipped these two ever since reading Squilf's super edition, and I hadn't been able to find anyone who agrees until today.


I think squirrel and bramble honestly should split up..They deserve a mate who'll make them happy, and instead they fight a lot and make each other unhappy. This is a cute option for squirrelflight!
I love the symbolism btw!! <333


wheezing at how squilf had better and more natural chemistry with not one but two side characters if you count shrewpaw but they can’t put that same energy into her actual man smh


You know when I first read SH, I remember thinking Moon and Squilf had better chemistry than Bramble and Squilf in the book despite Bramble being her mate. This reminded me of that and how that was exactly how I felt with Root, Bristle and Shadow where I felt Root and Shadow had better chemestry than Root and Bristle because he wasn't constantly thinking about his crush when around Shadow. Its weird how the Erins seem to be better at writing chemistry between friends than they are at straight relationships (most of them aren't that good with the acception of ones like FireSand and LeafCrow was alright if very short (Feather and Crow is kinda creepy since she is a lot older than him and he's still an apprentice) FernIvy is nice too since its cute and Fern supports Ivy)

But yeah Great video. Highlights exactly why I think Squilf and Bramble should break up.


I can already tell this video is gonna be *fire*. The colors already look amazing, this is gonna be so good!




The thing that impressed me the most was how you added whiskers, I never see cat animators add whiskers
