How to Share the Gospel

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Amen. This is something that I struggle with. I get so scared, because I don’t know what to say or I’m afraid of people’s reactions or being awkward. It’s sometimes easy for me to share my faith and the gospel on social media or online, but to people I interact with face to face, it’s harder. And I get so frustrated and angry with myself, but I am still hopeful in God that he is not done with me and he has good plans that I still need to fulfill❤


I used to distribute drugs on the street and now I distribute gospels on the street thanks to people like you <3!


Tip #11 make sure people know you're a Christian and from time to time tell them them how God wonderfully acts in your life through circumstances, so they see He's not only in the Bible, but also in people's lives


As a 12 year old striving to preach the living word of God, everybody goes through struggles, we are not perfect. But through Lord Jesus Christ we have the strength, wisdom and power to spread the word and preach the Gospel. I pray for my brothers and sisters, to truly be at salvation and to be blessed with the Holy Spirit,


I Love JESUS, I don’t want likes but I just Love JESUS🤷‍♂️


The hardest thing is to realize we are operating in a spiritual world while most are still walking in a material world. They don't see what we see. Start from there. And focus on them reading scripture for themselves.🙏🏽


Seeing other people's comments about how they struggle and how they're scared to share the Gospel makes me feel like I am not as alone as I thought. Thank you for the great video!


Whoa. Thank you! It’s almost as if the Holy Spirit had read my mind and recommended this video! I prayed for guidance in sharing my faith, and I got what I needed. God Bless! ❤️‍🔥✝️


WOW, I'm 67 and wish I knew how to do the cartoon teaching. This teaching is GREAT!


This is totally for me! So yesterday I was doing my laundry and I think of spreading the Gospel to my classmates and I asked God about it to help me and then I've been seeing videos like sharing the Gospel to my friends. Thank you so much!!! Praise God hallelujah!!!!❤❤


Someone I've heard someone say: Don't practice what you preach; preach what you practice. In this context, I think it can mean to preach about how the Gospel has changed your life.


WE CAN DO IT EVERYONE! I suffer with social anxiety so this is helping a lot!


I seen what the mercy of God can do. He changed my life. One minute I was at my lowest.. had thoughts of harming myself but I decided to read the Bible again and I felt a weight being lifted. I also witnessed the Lord blessing my Auntie and cousins with a spiritual gift like decernment, gift of giving and prophecy and more


5:51 I absolutely needed that. Just earlier this year, my sister gave up her faith in God and denied Christ. I have been suffering, lately, because I want to stop talking to her. I just don't want to be her friend, because I don't want to associate myself with someone who might suffer eternal damnation. Please, pray for her, she's changing in ways that absolutely terrify me, and I have been feeling the devil try to use this as leverage to destroy my faith.


"More than a Carpenter" is a great book! Its great as an evangelistic gift to a skeptic, and also great for a believer to help strengthen their faith & give them answers to defend Christianity/theism.

I also recommend "I Don't have enough faith to be an athiest" by Frank Turek, and "Cold Case Christianity" by J Warner Wallace.

Also the movie "Case for Christ" is great too 👍


The other day i bought a gentlemen something to drink, and i asked him, "do you know Jesus?" And he said, "yeah, i know him." And i didn't know what else to say, so i a panicked and didn't continue. I'm so frustrated and ashamed that i'm never able to say what i want to say, i could think of a hundred thing to add to that now, but when i'm there in person i just get choked up. I backslid after that. Every time i try i fail and failer stings so bad. I dont say this to discourage anyone, i just wanted to share my feelings with someone.


Thank you for this, Amen!
Recently I shared the gospel with my friend for years and she decided she didn't want to be my friend anymore BECAUSE I was a Christian, and we had "too far opposing beliefs".

But, the word always stays true and so I knew the way is long and narrow and in denying the world and following Jesus will not be easy, but he is worth it. And it's said people with either have an ear to hear or the words of the bible are foolishness to them.
Anyway, I'm rambling.
Like the video said, sharing the gospel is all I need to do. God will continue to be with her, as I pray he will.


I’m not a Christian but I just wanna say even though I disagree with you, I think that the way you say to approach people is great. Being respectful is always good even if the person disagrees or is rude.


A Bible verse for you I hope it hits home 💕Isaiah 41. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”💕


It's our job to preach the gospel. Saving people is God's job. Amen❤ It really corrects my thoughts.
Thank You Jesus for this channel❤🎉
