How to Share the Gospel (and How Not To)

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If you want to know how to share the gospel, it’s important to have the love and courage to not just give answers and corrections, but to ask questions. It is in asking questions from the heart that you convey true interest in the person’s soul, instead of just trying to convince the person you’re right.

Fr. Mike tells of a time when a student came to him saying he tries to evangelize, but just gets shut down. He tried to tell his good friend that he shouldn’t be over-drinking, and this just made his friend mad. Fr. Mike told this student, that’s not evangelization. That’s correction.

A good friend or pastor, depending on the relationship, may be in a position to offer correction to those they love. But evangelizing is a different conversation. Evangelization is introducing Christ to others.

That’s why Fr. Mike suggests asking questions when trying to introduce Christ to someone, because questions are a natural part of two people getting to know each other. If you are being Christ to someone, by asking them questions they are getting to know Christ just as much as you are getting to know them. Furthermore, asking genuine questions establishes a relationship and shows you are interested in where the person is coming from.

Also, it’s OK not to know the answers. Sometimes we get caught up in the concept communicated in St. Peter’s words:

“Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15).

There will be a time for that, but when that time comes the Holy Spirit will give you the words to say (Luke 12:12). Be content with just getting to know the person better first.

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I am a catholic from India living in Australia in sydney...whenever I watch you talking I feel that God is talking to me....we are one in the Spirit...we are one in the Lord....praying for everyone in the world


I really love and appreciate your videos!! I am not Catholic, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (often called "Mormons"), but I think so many of your videos can be appreciated by all of Christianity, and while certainly coming from a Catholic perspective, I find that they focus on core Christian concepts that I find thought-provoking, informative, and inspirational. ❤


Genuineness & simplicity! People can tell if you’re being annoying or actually being a hopeful witness to Jesus and His Church. And it doesn’t have to always start explicitly religious. Just be real with people and they’ll tend to open up


I really needed this today Father Mike.

I'm not a Catholic(at least not yet), but I've been questioning my beliefs for a long time and have been through a long "Dark Night of the Soul" period in my life for a very long time. I was raised protestant, first in a Presbyterian church and then baptized in a Lutheran church. I was very involved at that time, until I saw a bit of "the sausage being made" and I knew something was wrong. I take 1 Peter 3:15 seriously, and I could not in good conscience continue to practice Christianity the way I had been, because I could not make a defense for the things being accepted, acclaimed, and taught by the church.

Since then, nearly 10 years now, I've been wrestling with this. If I am to be held to account for what I believe and why, I need to make a firm case, and it's not easy, because, as many Catholics have said, if you're a protestant who rejects the authority of the Catholic church, you have to make that account without relying on Catholic teaching if it is not authoritative. I am not Catholic, so I can't do that. However, the flip side of the token, if I decide to become Catholic, I have to be held to account for that decision also, I can't just use that as a "get out of jail free" card for not having a defense for what I believe. I find myself feeling alone in this struggle, for a host of reasons. It's difficult.

A little over a year ago now, I realized that while I was capable of critiquing many of the different aspects of the common practices of Christianity in the protestant traditions, I wasn't particularly well educated about the Orthodox or Catholic teachings. I've been reading, listening to, and praying for wisdom and understanding with respect to Catholic teaching very seriously since then.

As a result of this study and prayer, more recently I have found myself in conversations with my family where I try to share either my current struggle to understand these things, why I am struggling, trying to discern what the Scripture teaches, or explain some of the things that I am convicted about with respect. It has led to tension. It has made me feel more alone when I am trying to share either my current understanding or my struggle with understanding, and be left rejected and dismissed.

I know I am not perfect, and that I shoulder the responsibility to speak the truth in love, and to honor my father and mother. I will meditate on what you've said here and pray for guidance.
Thank you and god bless.


Thank you so much father! I love the distinction you made between correction and evangelization. That’s gonna be the basis for my entire perspective towards evangelization. Thank you again, father!


Today I was thinking that our vocation in life is to Love God and our neighbor and to preach the gospel all around the world
And this video popped out
Thank you God for hearing me ❤️🙏🏼✝️


By living on a daily basis the Gospel, we are preaching it as well🙏❤️🤗
It is all about Love and only Love; one single word that encloses everything beautiful in life😍
For exemple by forgiving on the spot someone who hurt us, we will be imitating Jesus . Sometimes it is hard since we have our" ego" that is altered, yet we should forget about it, be humble, merciful and loving. Just a smile can make a huge difference and the wickedness displayed will be overcome and Satan won't have to rejoice for his defeat.


Be salt and light. Live Christ’s compassion.


This is something that I've been and have struggled with because of scrupulosity. I've always felt like I needed to tell people they're doing something wrong to be an evangelist. Thank you for making this video and helping me understand.


In the homily for daily mass father talked about sunday's reading, "my yolk is easy and my burden light". He talked about how Christ should not be a burden and we should want to share the Gospel because it is as small as a mustard seed.


Questions questions questions.... nailed it soFather Mike, that really opens the door to connect with the other and REALLY listen what the hold in their heart so that we can spark a light within them or guide them in the path of God who is GOOD, TRUTH AND BEAUTIFUL himself . So many times we preach and perhaps we are not penetrating because perhaps we are not answering the quest of their hearts. 🔥✨🙏🏻✨🔥


Thank you, Fr. Mike as always. This is why I can not wait to begin the RCIA process. I was always told that you never ask questions because that is how it's always have been done or that's just the way it is. FINALLY, I will have a chance to ask the questions so that I can have a better understanding of the word and start the journey that God has laid out for me.


Lord have mercy I'm so captivated by this priest.


We really needed this video. Thank you Fr. Mike!


I know that this message will affect millions of people in the future ❤ 🙏 Thank you Father Mike... Godbless us all.. 🙏🙏🙏


I'm a convert to Catholicism. Thanks for the video. I do think the tips here are good on starting with questions and caring about the answer, but I disagree with the premise that there has to be an author for there to be meaning. That kind of tactic would not have worked with me, because I still see the premise as incorrect, even now. However, I do think asking questions will allow us to understand more about the person, and see if that person is open to the Gospel, and in what ways.


I can relate to this because my friend's sister, a few years ago, used to get drunk all the time and has even had to go to the hospital on a few occasions. I told her about God's word and how he does not want us to get drunk but I explained that when God has a law, there is a reason. Sometimes the reason may not be clear, and in such cases, it's not an excuse for not following it, but the reason is there nonetheless. I told her that God loves her and would not want her to die or lose out on her relationships with other people because she doesn't want to stop drinking so much. I told her though that God loves her no matter what, and whether drinking is a sin or not, or whether she chooses to stop or not, God will still love her and I hold out hope that God has mercy and would grant her grace even though she sinned because God has that power. Shortly after that, she stopped drinking. I'm not sure if it's because what I said to her, or if she just stopped by herself, but I believe that's the way to share God's word. Because if you just say, "God said not to get drunk" then there's a chance it won't work; that's how you get people to say, "Oh then the bible is fake, I'll do whatever I want."


Giving a wider look at the matters broadens the reality that we know of it.
It’s wise to review things; giving the matters a good look before our perception takes over the reality.


Beautiful. This takes away a lot of the anxiety I felt about sharing my Faith with others.


❤ wow this is so powerful! It's not "teaching", but creating a relationship in which hard questions can be discused! Wow thank you for sharing this
