Webasto Air Top 2000 STC vs. EVO40 Comparison

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In this short video we compare the two most popular Webasto gasoline heaters for camper vans and RVs: the Air Top 2000 STC and the Air Top EVO 40.

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Vanlife Outfitters started as a blog that detailed Zach’s journey building DIY camper vans with RAM Promaster vans back in 2016. Now we have a store full of carefully curated products for other both DIY and professional builders. From unique products that you’ll only find here to our favorite appliances and other road tested camper van parts. We only sell products that we’d use on our own vans. We also offer consulting and project support services.
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In theory you can adjust the fuel pump for altitude by using a pump with a lower dosage. Then the frequency is high enough even at lower fuel amounts to avoid starvation of the flame. Newer heaters do it that way.


You reference the evo 40 at 6800 BTU’s while the manufacturers site says it’s actually around 13, 000 BTU’s.


Glad they made a high altitude evo 40 now


Thank you for the good video. I have my ram promaster 159 extended, tall roof, almost done. It is time to put in my heater. Trying to decide between these two.
The van is 365 use. All tanks are on the inside of the van. It is well insulated. There is no 'garage', it is all living space. We will cover windows and will isolate the cab from the living compartment when it is cold. Will the 2000 STC be enough?


Hmmmm, I am often over 8, 000 feet . Can I even use the EVO40? Plus I live part of the year at only 900 feet. Sigh.


That webasto guy never got to the bottom of the issue tho
