This is your brain during a concussion 😬 🧠 😱

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It may look like Jell-O, but this brain is the same consistency as a real brain!

As Dr. Christopher Giza from UCLA demonstrates, the brain is made of soft tissue and floats in fluid inside of the skull. When the skull moves quickly, the brain can jostle around a lot, which can lead to neurological symptoms.

“Most concussions are recoverable,” Giza said.

But concussions can be difficult to identify and some people suffer more serious symptoms, particularly after multiple concussions.

Lab studies have shown a “window of vulnerability” after a first concussion, Giza said. Concussed athletes are three to six times more likely to get another concussion. If they rush back to play, their reflexes, reaction time and thinking may be slower, putting them at risk of a second concussion and longer recovery period.

#CTE #Concussions #ucla
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It may look like Jell-O, but this brain is the same consistency as a real brain!

As Dr. Christopher Giza from UCLA demonstrates, the brain is made of soft tissue and floats in fluid inside of the skull. When the skull moves quickly, the brain can jostle around a lot, which can lead to neurological symptoms.

“Most concussions are recoverable, ” Giza said.

But concussions can be difficult to identify and some people suffer more serious symptoms, particularly after multiple concussions.

Lab studies have shown a “window of vulnerability” after a first concussion, Giza said. Concussed athletes are three to six times more likely to get another concussion. If they rush back to play, their reflexes, reaction time and thinking may be slower, putting them at risk of a second concussion and longer recovery period.


I've probably had 4 or 5 concussions and the Long term damage to my brain will eventually show up!! And once your brain has been damaged, even if you sneeze, you could get another one!! Be very careful with your head!!!!


Parents, guardians and student athletes should be shown this video as part of NFHS concussion videos.


One time i fell down onto concrete pavement while playing basketball, i hit my head and had a pretty big concussion. I remember laying down for 3 days in my dark room because i couldn't stand any light, not even a nightlamp. My head ached so bad the first 2 days, that i wasn't able to move or even speak. Even opioids didn't help much. After 3 weeks i went back to training basketball in college, and i just lost my abillity to play the game. Before the concussion i was a fast agile player and after the injury i couldn't even make a simple layup. My body just forgot how to play. It took me another 3 months to master the game again. That was 10 years ago and that was the scariest experience of my life. Be careful guys.


I had one concussion in middle school.
We were outside on the concrete basketball field, cause the principal wanted to do some announcements.

No roof and the sun that day was merciless, I was standing among my classmates and suddenly I felt extremely light headed, and my vision was becoming super trippy.
I immediately sat down where I was standing while holding my head.
A teacher poked me on the shoulder to get my attention, he scolded me for sitting down right there and told me to go sit down somewhere with shadow.
I didn't get back up until the announcements were over and my day continued as normal.

Two weeks later we were yet again outside for more announcements.
Exact same thing happened, I got light headed, dizzy and my vision was going blurry.
This time though I remember what the teacher told me last time, so instead of sitting down where I was, I turned around and began walking towards a spot with shadows where I could sit.
I didn't make it that far.

As I was walking I remember my vision obscuring from the edges leaving a circle in the center where I could watch with some blur just for a second or two before completely blacking out, during those seconds where I could still see I noticed that I was picking up speed, I wasn't walking anymore my body was leaning forward and my legs automatically began to run to help me keep my balance.
Then everything went black.

when I opened my eyes again I was laying face up with some teachers surrounding me and asking me question, when I began picking up speed I face planted really hard on the concrete.
I didn't feel it though cause I was already out halfway through my fall.
I had busted open my forehead and received 8 stitches.
I remember returning home with bandages and immediately went to take a shower.
I was looking in the mirror as I was taking off the bandages, not really shocked or pleased with how my forehead looked, I was just accepting what happened.
The moment I touched my hair though it was so crusty.
A ton of hardened blood was all over my scalp, somehow I found that more disturbing than looking directly to my forehead.

I was going through some stuff at the time, I wasn't eating enough I wasn't sleeping enough and dropped quite some weight which led me to that accident.

After one or two weeks break I returned to school just to be mocked with they thought I was dead, and also some teachers would make jokes about my accident in front of my class, just great.
Don't worry I'm over it, which is why I can share this with you


I had a concussion and I couldn’t remember my left from my right and how traffic lights worked. My job was pissed I called in and withdrew $100 from my checking account and wanted me to apologize for calling in. I worked in healthcare. One, not safe for patients to have me take care of them. Two, shouldn’t they understand hitting a deer on the interstate and spinning into oncoming traffic and having a concussion is probably a serious thing instead of acting like they would expect my ghost to show up if I died?


And that was a light slap...imagine a power punch 😮


Remember, to get a concussion, you need a brain


Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy is a serious condition. I’ve had several concussions, competed in Boxing several times. It concerns me. I already have PTSD with Depression and Anxiety from traumatic experiences. Cannabis helps. Want to try Ketamine, but it’s cost prohibitive. Also a SGB (Stellate Ganglion Block) to reset my Autonomic nervous system and reprogram my “fight-or-flight” overactive sympathetic nervous system.


I wish there was some way to train against this. Such a shit weakness to have


I'd be more concerned that the skull is showing


So someone just slaps my head slowly and I get a concussion?


I just did it to myself I don’t have a concussion


Fell from a bunk bed 13years ago, my life changed forever😢


Good and accurate demonstration. Using this with a patient.


Just like sometimes you can fall or an injury and your muscles, bones, tendons do not get damaged. Other times they do get injured. This is the same with a head injury.


This is why powerslap is a horrible idea.


Can't really say how many concussions I've had during my younger years, but this puts things into perspective


I had a TBI 27 years ago but since seeing this I now say, my brain did a little trauma dance inside my skull.


I actually fell on my head in childhood from the attic, I still feel something is wrong with my brain
