This is your brain on communication | Uri Hasson

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Neuroscientist Uri Hasson researches the basis of human communication, and experiments from his lab reveal that even across different languages, our brains show similar activity, or become "aligned," when we hear the same idea or story. This amazing neural mechanism allows us to transmit brain patterns, sharing memories and knowledge. "We can communicate because we have a common code that presents meaning," Hasson says.

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what hit me home was the fact that language doesnt matter.. it's the meaning of the message that will sync the brains - incredible!


I realized part way through the video that it was hard to understand his language through the thick accent at first, but became easier to understand him later on. Pretty neat.


It's true what he says about meaning across languages... I have conversations in three languages, and sometimes I can recall the content of a conversation but I can't remember what language it was in.


this is definitely the most insightful and inspiring lecture I have watched. He gave enough details and much advice. His voice was hard to follow, but the content of the speech was so interesting ! Such a great idea worth spreading !


I wish my teachers in high school can teach this well. I thought this person was very repetitive. However, not once did I think this lecture was boring. Great job on this, Uri Hasson.


I'm not gonna lie....I'm pretty positively sure youtube comments have a negative effect on my brain. I want to stop reading them but the occasional good laugh or positive feedback and sometimes even educational response are worth yearning for.


just keep the subtitle on guys its not so bad. great content by the way


Accent a little tough to understand at times but the content was OUTSTANDING. Thanks!


I participated in this study. I forgot about it until I heard the guy telling the story. It was a stand up comedian type guy talking about how he found out years later, that his old landlord in New York back in the '80's was a murderer. He narrowly avoided having the guy put a hit out on him because he moved out of the building in time. Sometimes this guy's lab does studies where they put two people in the fMRI scanner at one time. I might be wrong, but I think they actually used to fit them into one scanner before they got a second one, in the new building they're in now. I'd like to know how they did that.


all we need to do is make sure we keep talking.


Great lecture! "Because the sum of all of us together is greater than our parts." because we all create our culture and our world. Imagine if we do so consciously and in organized and directed ways! Oh, that's called cultural (r)evolution!


If it's the meaning of the message that the brain is responding to, I'm curious to know if autistic brains will align the same as everyone else's, or if our brains will do something different (as they tend to do with other things)?


When the speaker's brain and the listener's brain show similar patterns, is it possible that part of the reason is that the speaker also hears what s/he is saying, thus evoking similar responses in the brain, he didn't make that very clear in the talk. But overall, very interesting study!


Think about religions and other similar meta-narratives, these are like meta stories deeply programmed in human brains and caused divided perspectives and therefore conflictions, confrontations even wars...and to correct this, is to keep sharing stories from different cultures/countries...etc.


I think this guy stumbled upon the mechanism by which the general population's opinions are orchestrated by certain media. Uri Hasson could also be on to something akin to the 1983 movie Brainstorm. Sounds fun!!


Ironically, his voice made me feel short of breath xD


Kind of obvious, it might be more rewarding to study the outliers who respond differently or differences in decoding non-intuitive concepts.


I feel like I missed his point. He just confirmed that stories and conversation are essential tools for human communication. We know this. The fact that this common knowledge has a basis in the brain is neat, but i don't see where he was trying to go with it unless his overarching message is that to better understand others, we need to communicate with them...


One of the reasons I LOVE the communications field.


I wonder, what's the effect in terms of communication through writing?
