Getting This Dog to Do What He Doesn’t Want to do. [Reality Dog Training EP 14]

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Wonderful episode again 👍 Why hasn't any baseball manufacturers jumped at the opportunity to use George as their posterboy 😅😅 " The Ball you can't take your eyes off" 😁😆


I love that at 2:29 as you're bouncing the baseball & talking about his love of it, George comes trotting around the corner like he's been summoned 😂⚾️💚🖤💚


This is my favorite episode of training with George. Bully breeds can be so intense and seeing you break down different ways of addressing that and working through it is so valuable. Thank you!


I love how in the beginning you are just tossing the baseball in the air and you can see George come charging in the background 🤣


It's really impressive how responsive George is to your 'no' and 'leave it alone' commands, I know you ideally want him to be listening to you in the first instance but I remember the episode where you first introduced him to that concept and now he's even listening to that command from you when it comes to his absolute favourite thing in the entire world, his ball!


I love watching the bullies get the spotlight for all the right reasons! I have a bully mix that has been accused of being aggressive for doing the same play jumping as George did with the baseball, when all he wants is to play and be a puppy having fun!


So nice to see what many would consider a "stubborn" or "willful " breed respond so positively to positive reinforcement. No need to "dominate" or force compliance.


This is the best series ever! I’d love to see you do this with more shelter dogs. It’s awesome to give them this chance!!


Loving these reality series! Would love to see you working with an anxious/timid dog. The kind that runs away with tail between the legs instead of lunging at… They tend to get overlooked in shelters too because they try to hide from people and don’t win them over compared to the outgoing dogs. Thanks for all the effort you put in to helping people with their dogs


Wow this episode showed that George has a mind of steel! Even though his fixation with the baseball is sooo intense that he stops when you say, "No"! He definitely is toy driven and he wants that ball but he still listens to you! Another fantastic episode watching him restrain himself when the baseball is presented in fron of him. Also, awatching him jump the hurdlew was super fun! Thank You for another wonderful episode!


It's a matter of will. Man vs animal. Or I this case, George vs George 😂🤣


I have a 3 month old Alaskan Klee Kai and I’ve been using these videos to train him. People come up to me all the time (mainly because he’s so cute) but also because he’s so well-behaved!
Thank you Zak George!


I love this training with George. Anybody to give superficial advise on how to fix serious problems in 10 minutes. The reality is for those of us that have to “smooth out turmoil” in our training, the 10 minute guys have no clue. Seeing how it takes time, patience and knowledge for a long road. So glad you are discussing energy levels. Most people don’t get that. I do. I understand completely. I had to spend 20 minutes to get a tennis ball out from my Malinois. Finally did it by throwing 3 tennis balls out. When I threw one she would drop the other. Then when she got really tired, she took a high dollar treat. Ready to practice your stategy. Thanks Zac, You’ve got this. Keep them coming. This is great.


I recognized that hypnotized look that George has in his eyes😂My foster dog is a very energetic pittie like George and he is completely OBSESSED with his toy balls. I’ve had such a hard time getting him to look, or listen to me when there’s a ball in the room. This is SOOO helpful. Thank you, Zak and Bri!


I recently rescued a old pit bull and he’s supper lazy and ultimately untrained. It’s been about 6 months since I had him and I’m no glad I found your videos. Hes improving so much and I can’t wait till we try his training outside😁😁😁😁


Best like always! Ather teens idols are singers or actors or models, your mine! Your the first force free trainer that is that great and passionate about it! Not only taught me how to improve my dog but helped me not be being too tough on myself, you taught me that sometimes taking a step backwards it's okay, and it's okay to do mistakes. I realized I was being way to rough on myself due to the misinformation on social media. "How I fixed my dog issues within 5 minutes" "train your dog not to be reactive in a day". Thank you so much for being honest and showing your mistakes.<3


Just love George. If you don't keep him, he will need his own channel lol.


I just want to say, thank you. Watching your video has helped me become a better owner for my dog. You make me want to be better.


I'm really going to miss this George series, he is such a good man
