Eckhart Tolle on the Finding the Inner Source of True Fulfillment

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Eckhart Tolle emphasizes the importance of accessing and staying connected to the inner dimension of being and presence. He explains that this state of being is fulfilling on its own, making external achievements or manifestations secondary. Eckhart Tolle references Jesus' teaching to "seek only the Kingdom of Heaven," suggesting that once this inner connection is established, all other needs or wants will naturally be fulfilled as additional blessings.

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About Eckhart:

Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most inspiring and visionary spiritual teachers in the world today. With his international bestsellers, The Power of Now and A New Earth—translated into more than 50 languages—he has introduced millions to the joy and freedom of living life in the present moment. The New York Times has described him as “the most popular spiritual author in the United States,” and in 2011, Watkins Review (now Watkins Mind Body Spirit) named him “the most spiritually influential person in the world.”

Eckhart’s profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. His teachings focus on the significance and power of Presence, the awakened state of consciousness, which transcends ego and discursive thinking. Eckhart sees this awakening as the essential next step in human evolution.
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Everytime I feel disconnected from myself or with an agitated mind, I listen to Eckhart and it immesiately calms me. We are privileged to be able to liaten to his wise teachings. God bless him. He brings great light to the world.


This man is such a gift to the world!Every morning when I drive to work horrified what might happen during the day, I just listen to Eckhart in my car and my whole mood and the atmosphere in and around me change 🙏🙏🙏♥️🌹


He is so adorable ❤ just want to give him a big hug


I first read "The power of now" (in my native language Swedish) in 2008. Received it as a birthday gift on my 21st birthday. And still, every once in a while, I feel comfort in listening to Eckhart speaking. Thank you.


My dear friend, Eckhart, how beautiful you are, and what a treasured gift, you are to humanity. Thank you, for you help. x


Being appreciative of the desire itself seems to be the key. "Thank you, God, for my powerful desires." We came from Source to feel division and in division is wanting. We came from Fullness to Desire. It's the wanting that we crave. We already know what it's like to have. That's why when we get it, as Mr. Tolle says, it seems to be no big deal. It is no big deal. The wanting is the big deal. "Thank you, Source, for my beautiful desires."


Eckhart doesn't have to say a word and I'm grateful for his presence. But it's a treat to hear enlightened words in a state of awareness.


Thanks for the reminders about presence being the foundation to manifestation Eckhart. Hope everyone is doing well and have a great weekend! 💜


I like Eckhart's healthy outlook on manifestation.


show me that which no longer serves me, of that which i can now let go, a broader perspective of what is not needed, creating a clearing for that which is greater to fill 💫 love to you Eckhart 🙏


Whatever source is it's amazing. I feel like I've always had this ability but having eckhart to guide us is a huge bonus 🥰


Love Eckhart for reminding us "To touch deeper the dimension within yourself and stay rooted in that dimension of being presence. That is so fulfilling." ✨💖🙏🏻


The foundation of any manifestation is "conscious being", other blessings stand on it! ❤


Eckhart came into my life through my son. Initially I didn’t like him (bcoz of my mind conditioning, about which i was not aware at that time😅) . However I started listening him and BOOM!!! I find him very cute and funny, his voice has the power to make anyone calm instantly. Thank u Eckhart … so grateful 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Hi Eckhart,
Your teachings are appreciated. ❤ Have a wonderful day.


Greetings to Everyone, best wishes for wonderful blessed journey !


That's how it is.🙏 With a heart filled with love everything becomes Real.
So grateful 🙏💓✨✨✨🌸


Excellent, seek the kingdom of heaven, the main thing, perfectly said ❤


Access the dimension within and stay rooted in the presence.
That is already so fulfilling in itself that any manifestation is just icing on the cake.

First seek the Kingdom of Heaven. All else will be added on to you.

Kingdom of Heaven is the realisation of being, I AM, without adding anything, presence.
That’s the foundation of manifestation.

As you use visualisation or affirmation, stay connected with the inner dimension.
Then when you want something, it’s very different than egoic wanting.
You don’t need it to be fulfilled or happy.

Fulfilment can only be found in the present moment.

You want the fullness / abundance of life. That means the essence of life itself.
Others will be added on to you.
That’s the essence of manifestation.

Thanks Eckhart. 4 May 2024. 🍁🍇💥☘️😎🦜😎💪🏻🌾🍀🙏🏻💖👍🏻🌹🏃🔥


This is why when you forget about it, the thing you want is there. But, I tend not to forget!
