Find Your MAIN Champion in Toplane - TOPLANE CHAMPION TIERLIST

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0:00 - Intro
1:11 - Aatrox
3:17 - Akali
4:58 - Akshan
6:04 - Camille
8:36 - Cassiopeia
10:06 - Cho'Gath
11:13 - Darius
12:35 - Dr. Mundo
14:18 - FIora
15:47 - Gangplank
17:37 - Garen
19:11 - Gnar
20:32 - Gragas
22:14 - Gwen
24:06 - Irelia
26:34 - Illaoi
28:12 - Heimerdinger
29:47 - Jax
31:57 - Jayce
34:09 - Kayle
36:14 - Karma
36:17 - Kennen
38:20 - K'sante
40:13 - Kled
42:00 - Malphite
43:35 - Mordekaiser
44:58 - Nasus
46:21 - Olaf
48:08 - Ornn
49:46 - Pantheon
51:37 - Poppy
52:59 - Quinn
54:22 - Renekton
56:16 - Rengar
57:52 - RIVEN
59:33 - Rumble
1:00:57 - Sett
1:02:13 - Shen
1:03:41 - Sion
1:05:08 - Singed
1:07:09 - Tahm Kench
1:08:39 - Teemo
1:10:47 - Trundle
1:12:54 - Tryndamere
1:14:37 - Udyr
1:16:24 - Urgot
1:18:15 - Varus
1:19:43 - Sejuani
1:20:55 - Vayne
1:22:09 - Volibear
1:23:40 - Warwick
1:26:17 - Vladimir
1:27:39 - Wukong
1:28:58 - Yasuo
1:30:15 - Yone
1:32:19 - Yorick
1:33:56 - Zac
1:35:10 - Outro

#Educational #Challenger #Toplane #Fundamentals #Guide #Macro #alois #leagueoflegends
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Isn't it beautiful how Varus wins against everyone except Yasuo, who loses against everyone else? Very poetic.


This is actually much better way to go about tier lists than the usual S>F tier lists because it actually works off the context of “what’s your skill level?” more than only just “THIS CHAMPS SO BROKEN” and not explaining that you need actual hands and a functional frontal cortex to pilot them.


This video is so valuable for begginner top laners, not only for helping select a main, but you also go over at a very high level the strengths and weaknesses of all top lane champs. Obviously this isn't enough, but it's a baby step for the HUGE top lane learning curve that is learning match-ups


Very good take on Urgot, I also believe he's gonna be better in s14 with the mythics gone and the reworked hullbreaker might be really good on him


I watched this whole tier list get created live. I love that the editor managed to milk so much content out of it (and more importantly, spread it into bite size pieces so everyone can actually learn some things instead of only those who watched the full longform video).


There aren't enough videos like this. Thank you Alois.


Camille in easy to pick up i think is nuts. Bul i think your explanation about The champion is very accurate


I started one tricking Illaoi because I realized that I had a nasty habit of getting ganked due to not paying attention, so I turned to a champion that basically wants that exact scenario, lol. I've gotten a lot better about paying attention now (in large part to you and KingStix), but I definitely love it when my team is warning pinging or telling me they're all coming for me and I'm like, "Oh I know. I want this." and then 1v5 them and live in their base, lol.


I 100% agree with your Gnar/Ezreal comparison, but I believe that they are both pretty good lane bullies if you play aggressive while abusing their safety mechanics,

like don't just play a chill lane stupidly and use the movement for backpedaling,
these guys are a threat pretty early and saving yourself from overextensions that you win is really oppressive if you do it correctly


Imo Camille is at least relatively hard because of her lack of wave clear+not having a decent way to farm in bad matchups, which leads her to spike late and to her being stuck in lane even after getting a solo kill


Hey AloisNL, jij bent de enige waardoor ik de macro fundamentals echt ben gaan begrijpen. Ik win nu veel vaker mijn lane en games. Thanks daarvoor en ga zo door!!!


as a singed main i disagree with "easy to pick up" tier. i mean his abilities arent hard and mechanically he's besinde the goofling(E into W) or flash goofling . BUT its really difficult for singed to lane against almost any enemy top laner. to a straight 1v1 singed looses against 90% of all top laner. proxy is a thing but u can also start struggeling if u 2v1 top and bot still loosing. usually u start to play singed and int for the first 20 games or so not that easy needs alot macro
almost always agreed with the rest keep it up Alois


Wow, i started to look for my main 2 days ago and now i have a very good video to help me with it, thanks!


About bel Veth top (And mid for those intrested. In midlane, you pick bel veth only against assasins, with the exception of akali). This is my experience and is not the full truth.


1) Strong lvl 1 and 2. You start usually Q, then E. Against mobility you start Q and W. Miss W=Back off.
2) Quit easy to pick up.
3) Play around levels and herald. Very hard to shut down once you start snowballing.
4) Versatile build path.
5) Your tempo midgame can be only matched by riven and yone.
6) Scales really well.
7) Strong invader, if your team has any long range cc (Zyra E, Lux Q, Morgana Q etc)
8) Quite self reliant and hard to counterplay around.


1) Enemy will camp you
2) Only works as a counterpick. You do not want to play her against likes of Jax or Fiora, as they can dodge one of your spells completely.
3) Very unorthodox build path. When ahead: Build damage with some mix of defence. When behind: Build defence.
4) Likes short trades early, will lose extended trades against lanebullis.
5) Once you fall behind, hard to get back into the game. You have to keep yourself even.
6) Will get camped. You have to track of jungle and mid, because they will try to stop you from scaling or getting herald. (This starts happening from silver already).
7) First herald is a major win condition.
8) Your only sustain is your E and conqueror. So second wind and revitalize is suggested for most game as secondaries. This dampens your damage potential.
9) Knowledge check champion. Kinda like Illaoi, if enemy dodges your crucial ability for that match-up, you lose the trade.
10) All skins are pay to lose. You do NOT want a skin on Bel Veth. Without skin enemy will underestimate you.
11) Do NOT blind pick. You want to avoid akali, Akshan, Illaoi, Rumble, Renekton, Gnar and Camille early on. Too much damage or too mobile. It becomes a who dodges crucial ability first, wins matchup.

Win Conditions:

1) Lvl 1 or 2 kill. If countered, focus on farming. Most lanebullies can harrass you, but can not dive you.
2) Cannon minions
3) You want to freeze the lane in most matchups or force the enemy to push. Good bel veth top is a nightmare to handle, since she can easily manage waves even when behind.
4) Lvl 6 Before Herald spawns. You want that early herald as soon as possible.
5) Almost always take ignite for kill pressure.
6) Lvl 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 13 are your spikes.
7) Damage when even or ahead, defence when focused or behind.

Signs that shit is hititng the fan:

1) You need waveclear. Any time you need waveclear, you will also need defences.
2) You can not get a chance for herald. This means you are not in control of your lane or the game. In this case, build more defensive, cause if your team is losing, you will be focused.
3) You are behind, everyone is ahead. This is the best case scenario when behind. You build defence, as you can dive deep enough to force the enemy to focus you, while staying near enough to your team to survive that and get out. Again, build defensively, rely on your team and scalings. I'd say only 20% of games go like this.

*Build paths* :

Standard Bel Veth

1) *Standard runepage* : Conqueror, Triumph, Alacrity, Last stand. Sudden Impact and Treasure Hunter secondary. Shards Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Armor.

*Standard core* build: Collector, then Triforce. After that situational.

*Standard summoner spells* : Ignite, Teleport, Ghost, Flash.

Skill order: Q-E-W, Max Q first. Second E for execute/Sustain, W to catch enemies. Usually you want second point at E for level 5.

*Explanation*: This is your go to runepage. You want to snowball, You know you are stronger early and you know you will have tempo advantage. You do not want to get to lategame, you want to end before 25 minutes. Your weakest point is 30 to 45 minutes, then you spike again thanks to your stacks.

For boots look at Berserkers, Mercs, Tabis or if you can roam alot, Swiftness. (you still need in combat mobility early, so mobi only works after you completed triforce).

Collector helps you snowball, paired with Triumph thats extra 50 gold every kill. Add the treasure hunter stack and you get extra 150 to 250 gold every time you kill a new champion.

Triforce fixes your early attack speed issue and will last you through midgame, until your stacks (Around 80+ needed) start to kick in. The whole reason bel veth is played in jungle, is because he has insanely healthy clear and gets stacks a lot faster there. In lane, your only source are cannon minions and champions.

You take ignite if you need strong execute.
You take ghost if the enemy is prone to taking ghost.
You take TP if you know you don't need ignite to kill the enemy.

*Playstyle*: You want the middle brush to ambush the enemy. Ward the brush closest to enemy tower. If the enemy enters it, you can engage for a short trade, but they usually back off when you have conqueror stacked. Level 1 sieze priority by waiting for both sides melee minions to get low. Thats your chance to trade, since your 4Q's clear the entire wave. After that, play around fundamentals (Easier) or around constant wave crashing, locking the enemy into the lane.
If level 1 trades fail, then wait for bounce back. At level 2 or 3 you can look for all in.

*High Snowball matchups*: Kayle pre6. AD Udyr, Assasins. Pre6 mundo, Wukong, Lee Sin. (Yes, lee sin top is much weaker against bel than lee sin jungle), Urgot.
*Good matchups*: Tryndamere (Watch for ult), Aatrox (Dodge his W), Yone (Watch for Q or Ult), Fiora (Watch for W)
*Can deal with*: Ranged squishy toplaners like vayne or akshan. In this case, you max W second, and put one point in it at lvl 4, then into E at lvl 5, after that continue maxing Q. This gives you sustain and better catch potential.
*Bad matchups*:Gankplank, Pantheon, Gnar. You need to avoid multiple key abilities of theirs. See under "Hard Counters" how to deal with them.

Difficult to deal with:

*Illaoi*: You need to dodge her E. When she Q's, use your Q to damage her and dodge it as well. After she gets her first item, she has outscaled you till lategame, play around the map. This and shen are the only matchups you need teleport for. Skip collector, take triforce and Steraks.

*Darius*: When he Q, you Q inside his range, Then you W and Q sideways. If he apprehends, use your E. Do not look for lvl 1 trade against him, instead, play around the wave bounce. Q to dodge Q, E to waste his W, W-Q to escape. Do not expect to win this one.

You can build collector if the enemy is bad, but it is reccomended to build Iceborn Gauntlet first, as it helps you with both kiting him and surviving his early burst.

*Jax*: Good jax will go for short trades and make your life a living hell. A mastered one will go for short and long trades, forcing you to farm under the turret. Either way, if you can dodge his E, you will win the matchup. If he lands it, you lost. Play around your spells, do not let him too close. Max W instead of Q, you want to be able to cancel his leap as often as possible.

Exeptions: Vi, Irelia. The two champions you want to take the following runepage:

Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Bloodline, Last Stand.Second Wind, Revitalize. Attack Speed Shard, Double Armor shard.

Start with Dorans shield.

Vi: You want long trades, she is fine with either. So you let her engage, dodge her Q and then go in. You take attack speed shard, because if vi goes for extended trade, the AS speed shard will help you outdamage her. Legend Bloodline, since you will not have sustain from Conqueror.

Irelia: This is a matchup. If she gets her stacks (And mind you, she usually does), you will have hard time doing anything. However, your W allows to distrupt her dashes, if placed properly. You want to aim towards your low health minions the moment she engages, this has the highest chance of distrupting her. That way even if she stuns you, at most, you both come out even. At worst, you lose the trade and can sustain back up. Corrupting potion on second back is reccomended.

Sett: You can handle him with conqueror or lethal tempo. Key point is to dodge his stun, and keep a Q ready to also dodge his W. He will outscale you fast early, but fall off late. Look for farming over fighting. However, key thing to watch out for: If you both have lethal tempo, you win. if you both have conqueror, you win. However, if he has lethal and you have conqueror, or vice versa, then trading will be extremly challenging.


as a Voli top main i can confidently say that W1 is not useless in lane, sure i know its underwhelming damage wise its just an aa with like 25 more dmg in the earlygame. But what gets overlooked is that W1 (and W2) have 50 more attckr ange then his regular autos, maing it good to proc another grasp when the enemy is going for last hits while saving your q in case they engage on you. Along with W only have 5seconds cooldowns makes it very spammy on minions (especially canons).

In the Lategame W1 deals a solid 350dmg when building tank or bruiser with an even lower cooldown and more dmg W1 is really good waveclear.

But i get it, on paper W1 looks underwhelimg (with its numbers) and because you wanted to save time you just siad its useless wich is understandable since you didnt have enough time to go in-depth.


aloisnl please upload subtitles or generated.
as a person who uses hearing aids its hard to manage


Great vid as always.
Seeing as there are a lot of comments on Camille being easy to pick up, maining her myself, is not a false statement.
She indeed has a pretty straightforward and easy to understand kit.
But where i do join you Camille enjoyers is on the fact it's becoming harder when you can't access the wave : if you can't get the push lvl 1, even lvl 4 against 3 seems underwhelming by the time the wave bounce.
If you can' get this early advantage : oh the pain, oh the suffering.
Imo it's not only the meta champions but any champions who has a form of wave clear be it Darius Q, Gwen Q... who is hard to deal with since you really need to understand what trades you can take. One mess up and your lane is pratically over since Camille scales a lot with Gold and you have no way to get to natural ressources quickly before Tiamat. Jax & Fiora being natural counters they are hard to deal with, scale harder but you can still manage the wave as they have bad waveclear too.
She is one of the only champions where you need to understand that even with a slight gold lead, you won't win trades if you don't play perfectly.
We all did the Sheen + Long Sword advantage E into D.Shield Boots Darius lvl 5. Well all ran down with our tail between our legs chased by a madman with an axe.


Yorick is actually a good champion to have as a pocket pick. I can't speak about high elo, but he stomps in low elo. The biggest reason I play him is because he does well into ranged match ups and also beats most tanks because of his % health magic damage, the only tanks he really struggles against are shen and volibear if you can even call him a tank. I don't know however how he would do in high elo where players will zone you out of the minion wave level one.


Overall not a bad list, you tried to explain your way of thinking pretty well. But there are some parts where I disagree. (For context I'm D2 rn):
1. Akshan: I understand that he has a lot of problems later on when he falls behind early and teamfights are not easy to play on him. Apart from that he's still a ranged lane bully and is one of the most impressive champs on the lane as you said. That's why I don't understand how hard it can be to not lose your lane and get out with an advantage. It's still a solo lane ADC with high XP and good item power spikes which can easily carry games when ahead. For me he's not harder than a Vayne cause of his more impressive early and mechanicly not much harder kit.

2. Ornn at the same tier as Fiora, Akali, Aatrox and Rumble. I understand what you said but that's exactly why its way easier to play him than the champs I listed before. He got nearly 0 counters - you can play every matchup and he's one of the best blindpicks in the game. You can still win a lot of matchups early bc your early is very strong with high base dmg and good sustain with his passive. Also, you're a tank where it wouldn't even be that hard if you die early bc you don't need as much gold. On top, your fancy combos (not that easy but still not hard in comparison to Fiora, Akali or Aatrox) are not necessary. You can play ornn pretty well for a long time and the combos won't impact your game that much. So for me, there is no big difference between an Ornn first time with 10 games or an Ornn Lvl 7. In addition, playing teamfights is pretty easy and he scales for his team with the passive.

3. Camille: Hard to get an early solo kill. Pretty rough getting through Lvl 6 till ~10 (Divine/Trinity). Good spike with the first item but not an auto-win, the real spike is with 2 or 3 items complete where many games are already over bc you couldn't impact the game and you don't spike like a Vladimir who can run into 5 enemies and somehow win without outplaying. Even if you're fed you have to play her right. One messed up E or canceled Q2 and it could be over. You still have to use your Sheen CD well and kite back and forth with your W and E. In Addition, animation canceling is pretty important and she won't get easier next season with Tiamat active. For me definitely on the upper end of "Relatively hard".
Champ Placements where I disagree a little bit: Yone and K'sante one tier down - Vlad, Zac, Kled, Gwen, Fiora, Akali, Aatrox, Irelia one tier up.

Still thanks to your Video, just wanted to leave my opinion here. I'm open to other opinions :D <3


amazing the job that you are doing for community, appreciate a lot the effort that you are doing for you in primis but also for us as players, keep going like this, i wish you the best from bodegraven :D
