The MOST Advanced Tip I Could Find for EVERY LOL CHAMPION - PART 1

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So I made a list with the most advanced tips and tricks I could find for every League of Legends champion! Don't flame me if some tips look a little basic but I promise I tried my best to look for the best tip I could find. This is just a part 1 so subscribe to not miss a part 2.

Aatrox,Ahri,Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Aphelios,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Camille,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Ekko,Elise,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Fizz,Galio,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Hecarim,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Irelia,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jayce,Jhin,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Kalista,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Kindred,Kled,Kog'Maw,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lillia,Lissandra,Lucian,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nami,Nasus TIPS AND TRICKS

Which champion do you want to see next?
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Part 2 coming soon!


I made my own list for the champions I know something interesting about! Do your own research though, it's been 3 months since I last played so some of these might have been patched out:

Aatrox - If you're playing against aatrox, you'll know when he's in w range because he visually takes his sword out. If you are the aatrox you can fake this range with ctrl 5 to scare people off the minion wave.
Akali - If you e onto someone while they're teleporting you can follow them across the map. The tip here (guaranteed new information to 100% of akali mains) is that you don't have to do this every single time you see the enemy laner teleporting. The combo is mechanically intensive (it involves unplugging your keyboard until the urge to int cross map passes), but completely doable with a little practice. Also if your e reactivation goes on long enough (or if you canceled your ult dash to activate it) you can q during it.
Alistar - Alistar ult is a cleanse, and while they removed the ability to activate qss during knockups you can still activate cleansing abilities such as gp w or olaf ult during a knockup. In order to overwrite the current movement trajectory of a knockup / knockback or enter movement commands immediately however, you need to overwrite the knockup by activating a dash or a blink. So remember to ult flash next time a blitzcrank hits a particularly bullshit hook.
Anivia - Created terrain, such as anivia w, has a small knockback when it's created. This can be used to set up yasuo ult or cancel channels such as tp or karthus ult, but more importantly it also applies this knockback to allies, cancelling allied channels. Do with this information what you will.
Aurelion Sol - If you w after e-ing his stars go twice as fast for a bit as the rotation speed increase from reappearing after his e stacks with the increase from his w. You can flash or recall to instantly cancel his e into w for some nice burst damage.
Brand - pretty sure you can ult a nearby minion if you need a little extra range or you need to hit an invisible champ.
Camille - e2 has an indicator for nearby champions even if they're not visible. Ult will cancel if you lose vision of the target. Camille support is a lot of fun.
Cassopeia - If you ult flash over your cursor your ult will visually go backwards, but still hit enemies as if you did a regular flash ult. Champions are always facing the direction they're moving and not the direction they're model is facing (e.g lucian ulting while moving backwards)
Draven - Can make his ult suddenly change direction (no recast needed) by flashing right at the end of the cast time.
Ekko - Ult shadow won't be visible until you level ult so never level it until you need it to surprise enemies.
Elise - Spider form e - rappel - is *super* buggy and if you buffer it out of a transformation it will walk you perpendicular to your cursor for a bit before casting. The quickest way to use the untargetability out of human for is to ult, wait a tiny bit, and then e. Also spider form q is a dash and not a lunge (riot hates this champion) so it get's stopped by poppy w. Spiderlings will still attack things during zhonyas. The w spider jump thing only works if the path is uninterrupted. Iirc you can e to blast cone but not scryers bloom or the green one that the gay little cabbage turtle sometimes eats.
Evelyn - The empowered (demon shade) e is aoe. Make sure to position to hit all the monsters in a camp with the dash. Also the w is usually a bait you can 100-0 people without it no problem most of the time.
Gangplank - If you place barrels at different terrain heights (like the river borders) you can visually make it look like barrels aren't linked when they are.
Graves - Has some super weird animation cancels. Won't go into depth but in general abilities that cancel his reload animation or auto attack tail end don't have the same lockouts as normal.
Kaisa - Like a lot of champions can do the invisible ability trick by flashing at the end of it's cast time. Particularly nasty since it's so long ranged.
Yasuo - You can buffer ult out of eq to hit the q on the ulted target and nearby enemies. You can ult during q3 to change the starting point of the projectile to the target you're ulting. You can use herald during eq to delay the q until the end of the cast animation for a delayed knockup.
Kindred - Apply some next level sabermetrics to always get your mark by simply marking the enemy champion with the most deaths. Never under any circumstances deviate from this perfect system. Trust me on this, you might think you know better but the algorithm is never wrong.
Kled - The dismount is also a cleanse for some reason. The w passive doesn't start until you level the ability up so similar to ekko save it until you need to go all in.
Lee sin - You can get an auto off after ult by inputting the auto after ult. Also haven't seen this next one anywhere else had to lab it out myself but normally if you flash out of a bush to insec someone and lose vision your ult will cancel and you've wasted flash, however there's a specific timing you can do to get the insec off while flashing out of the bush. Also pretty sure you can still flash to avoid the damage at the end of lee sin q.
Lillia - The ult is a projectile and can be windwalled. This goes for fiddlesticks q as well but I forgot to put him in the list so uh
Fiddlesticks - Doesn't even have that much post processing on his voice over the va can just sound like that for the most part
Lucian (and graves again) - Can control the distance of their e dashes. Use the short one for faster aa resets. Also both of them can get the cdr reset if they use the dash while the aa is flying.
Lux - Can change direction of ult mid ult using flash. Used to have some extremely fucked multi ult interaction with protobelt but probably patched out by now.
Malphite - If the enemy has zhonyas flash at them to assert dominance and watch them waste it. Works every time, 60% of the time.
Malzahr - The q refreshes the e duration, so try to time hitting them with when the e would expire for double damage. Same goes for your ult. Voidlings can be used to block things like blitz hook, but have a bit of a windup before they become targetable units.
Master Yi - W is also an auto attack reset (pretty useful for early game skirmishes)
Miss fortune - Can tell if an enemy is a clone (like every other champion) by looking at the yellow ring around their mythic item. If it's missing then it's a clone.
Mordekaiser - Using ult will cleanse any CC that causes forced movement (charm, fear etc), so if you time it as you're about to get hit by a charm you can cancel the cc. Think this applies to both you and the person you're ulting though so be careful with this one.
Nami - e is a suspension, not a knockup. This means it can be qss'd and cleansing it will immediately allow your character to enter movement commands again.


For Kaisa: You can cancel the evolve-animation if u start the backport simultanious.


im 290k jax main and i didnt know that interaction, now playing vs teemo will be a lot easier


Wow nice tips, now im Waiting for the Yasuo tip!


Very useful video I really hope it goes viral. Also great idea for video 🤠👍🏿. Happy Easter :)


Very entertaining video, cant wait for part 2👍


0:42 Akshan E mouse tip -> no its the same
even if you rightclick youre still gonna wait for the cooldown to finish
go test it again in practice tool (without insta-cooldowns so you dont get confused)


Whoa, i didn't knew that elise's W spider did that


Can someone explain the Lulu one? I don’t completely understand


I don't play any of these champs, still liked the video though
