Challenger Explains How to Build Your Champion Pool - Support Edition - League of Legends

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Challenger Support Explains in depth on how and why to choose champions for your champ pool to climb solo queue.
0:00 Intro
0:32 What makes a good champion pool?
0:40 Reason 1
1:10 Reason 2
1:32 Example of draft
1:52 Subclasses of support
3:12 Reason 3
3:49 Example of crafting a pool
4:38 Conclusion

Song title: [Summoner's Rift The March - Draft Pick]
Artists: [League of Legends]

Рекомендации по теме

Hey! This video was f'in amazing info. Can i suggest you can do an updated chart of Hook/Mage/Melee Eng/ Ench for the current season? Since it's a lot different and there's so little content about it? Thank you very much, you helped me a lot on my knowledge since I haven't played for 10y now. Keep up the good work!


Super helpful guide. I'm pretty much a fill main in norms (and quite honestly use elorip to pick my champ pretty much every game) but have been trying support in ranked. Champ pool is definitely somewhere I struggled as I enjoy so many different champs so I really didn't know what to pick and I feel like this is a rare issue, so I'm super happy to see a well laid out guide for it! Immensely helpful, thank you!


I loved this! I already knew a lot about this already but here is so detailed explained with pools included to visualize better. Thank you for this video!


Thank you for this guide, I've been thinking about fixing my champ pool since I only play mages and one enchanter


i like the rock paper scissors analogy peepoShy


Thank you for this guide! I used it to make my rotation and blind picks for support :) Do you have any advice for how to construct the Bot/ADC Champion Pool? Specifically if you have a subclass breakdown for Bot/ADC like you did for support (Hook, Mage, Enchanter, Melee Engage). I tried figuring it out myself, but the best I came up with or found was Hyper Carry, Poke, All-In/Burst, and Melee/Tank. I'm not sure those make sense though, and if they are 'correct' I'm not sure which would counter which. I know it'll vary case by case, but I'm wondering if there are general subclasses/types and what the rock/paper/scissors system would look like for these subclasses/types.


Please make a support tier list based on difficulty


I've been playing lots of glacial, enchanter lux (albeit not at a very high level, D3 atm), i think it is a relatively good blind pick, but I would like to a get pro's opinion. My overall reasoning is that, lux being relatively long ranged, will do well into most enchanters early game, and be evenly matched with other poke mage supports, whilst out scaling them later on due to an enchanter build. She struggles into hook champs, but does ok into melee engage with good q accuracy, and glacial proc will also assist with survivability.


Tbh I really hate the need to adapt to your teammates since most of them don't do that or troll (like picking Luc and having 1 game on him whenever you as a supp take Nami). Plus picking enchanters and tanks makes your agency as a supp even lower in games when your team has no one to carry. So you end up playing champ (I'm talking about whole sub classes, for example some people don't like playing tanks at all) you don't like, getting negative experience and losing eventually.
I really love the role but I hate the feeling of being forced and helpless just because I'm playing the role that is "not meant to carry"


I like your videos and i hope that you will make more. I have a question. Whats the reason amumu is a hook support and leona not? Are the two so different?


Loved the video! This has really helped me to narrow down what champions I want to focus on learning and playing, my champ pool now looks like, Hook: Thresh, Enchanter: Yuumi, Mage: Morgana, Melee Engage: Taric


Will you be coming out with a laning fundamentals guide as support for each sub class?


Hi There, Love this series and I realise it is old.
Looking at the chart, I wonder when you need to use the Mage if you have a Hook, Melee Engage and Enchanter. It appears to cover all the options.
I started with Morgana but thinking of trying Lux, been playing Sona and Maokai and was looking to get Thresh next as the blind pick.
However, I struggle to think of when I would pick Morgana/Lux in that line-up?


What about Swain, what sub class is it? :(


When to pick an enchanter support like nami. In which comp?


My champion pool is Janna, Rakan and Brand/Zyra. I only lack a hook champ. I don't feel comfortable with Naut, Thresh and Blitz tho... I will try out Amumu and Pyke


some advices for building my midlane champ pool? thanks :)
like how can apply this, mage, assasins, splitpush?


Let’s say my picks are, Renata, Morgana, nautilus, and Leona. How do I know which type works with my adc best? Do you have any tips for this? Enchanters with late game adcs like Vayne, kogmaw, etc.


I've discovered that (excluding the extremes and exceptions) there are only a few support champions that are played in high elo
Rakan, Rell, Naut, Karma, Seraphine and Leona


My champ pool atm is Amumu, Sona, Neeko, would you say I need a blind pickable champ? Been considering Pyke since he's AD and great roamer but I don't know if he's good for blind picking, I also have a sneaky suspicion that neeko can suffice for blind pick since she can flex.

So my 2 questions are
1- Is Pyke a good blind pick?
2- Is Neeko a good blind pick?
