Create Components from Bodies in Fusion 360 Tutorial

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Create Components from Bodies in Fusion 360 Tutorial

Sometimes a Fusion 360 model does not have components and is made of many different bodies in fusion 360. You can fix this by making the bodies into components in the browser. Right click on the bodies that you want to change in two components and then you can make them into components.
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You solved world greatest problem for me. Thanks alot.


This is great - THANKS - but (as a beginner) I am really confused by the idea of saving a "component" for later insertion in other new designs. Can you recommend which of your past videos I need to learn these terms - sketch (hey I know that one), bodies, components, and now ....envelopes (which I have never heard of until now). Obviously, this video is in the middle of the lake for me, not the shore.
Back to components, I do ornamental ironwork designs and have identical collars, finials, and other pieces that can go into many different projrects. I have saved only one item successfully by >Save Component As. It shows up (and you can see what it looks like) on the left panel in later sessions, BUT doing the same thing with other parts simply puts an orange/yellow cube in the document list (rather than showing a small image of the part) and will not let me insert it in a new project. Any ideas what am I doing wrong?
NOTE: In my defense, the only place I see the word/label component in the program is where it says ">New Component."


But what if I want to create one component out of all those 5 bodies?
In this case you created 5 separate components (one from each body).
I am interested in creating one component out of all those bodies, so that I can then handle all of them as one unit entity.


Is there any way to get the sketches that were used to create the bodies to become part of the components?


But how can I make a component with those components inside (after I created the individual components)?


why cant i export 1 component insted of all components?
