15 Traits of a True Alpha Male

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What are the signs of an alpha male? This common male archetype involves a number of traits that truly define an alpha male. If you want to be strong, powerful, honest, and loving, consider the path of the alpha male.


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Chief Editor: Tristan Reed
Voice Over: Christian H. Miles
Music credits: Original song produced exclusively for TopThink by Joseph McDade
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0:13 positions of power
0:53 personal dimensions
1:32 the social adhesive
2:05 a clear direction
3:06 worthy of respect
3:35 calculated expressions
4:09 the definition of strength
4:49 a problem-solving mindset
5:33 the most valuable resource
6:29 qualities of a gentleman
7:17 fix your weaknesses
8:04 the price of honesty
8:58 the tough decisions
9:30 intelligent persuasion
10:04 knowing your value


I personally wouldn't obsess over these labels like alpha or sigma or anything like that, just become the best version of yourself.
That's what I'm doing.
I make sure to go to the gym multiple times a week.
Cook healthy meals and meal prep.
Make self improvement YouTube videos on a daily basis which you gotta be working towards a dream daily.
Constantly finding ways to step out my comfort zone and grow.
Now it's time for you to do the same


The loud, arrogant, bully type of “Alpha’s” are usually the first to have a melt down when things get tough. A true Alpha keeps calm and makes others comfortable.


The day I met my husband, I knew he was an Alpha male, even though that term meant nothing to me at the age of 16, in 1984. He was 17 and an Alpha from birth. I was instantly attracted to him for all of his Alpha traits. I was raised by a father who served 32 years in the US ARMY, so I was naturally attracted to the traits of an Alpha, but the weaknesses of my new boyfriend were something that my traits wanted to help and be a comfort. I didn't see them as weakness, I saw them as softness, gentleness and kindness that other men did not have in their souls. We've been together 40 years now, married for 34 years, and I'm just as happy as I was when I first met him! Everything in this video had me nodding my head, saying yes, exactly, that's right. Great video!


I just want to thank the content creator for making this biography about me, and sharing it with the world. Thank you.🙂👍🏾


In the wild there’s a fine line between being today’s alpha male and tomorrow’s outcast. Men who try to dominate other men and women will eventually lose out because there will always be another stronger male ready to take his place. There can be no honor in being superior to your fellow men. Dominance is something that belongs in nature, and as moral beings people have the responsibility to show humility, kindness, and empathy to each other.


8:05 All true Warriors acknowledge the Spirit of Truth.


I love this! The idea that no one image is completely him and the corresponding idea of balance conveys power that is demonstrated in a lot of different ways. Taking the initiative is what a leader does. This is sooo hard at times but a leader gets past the obstacles so others can follow.


A true Alpha places the needs of the collective ahead of their own - it's the leader who sees the bigger picture and will make necssary sacrifices to an end. It's not about being a bullheaded, bossy prick. It's about serving others. An Alpha isn't about concerned about social status or role in their society, they just wanna help.

They're also keenly aware that they've got earn respect before issuing commands. A bully or usurper is far different by motive

All that said, I don't consider myself as an Alpha. I'm too much of a loner.


Excellent list, and I agree. My quick acid test for who the Alpha is, is "Who do I want when I don't feel safe". I won't go to someone that I cannot trust, don't feel safe with, is rude, has unaddressed weaknesses or don't respect. The term "Alpha Male" has become synonymous with an aggressive man that thinks he is in charge - but that position is hard earned, not demanded, and it is defended by being able to navigate hard times with mental fortitude and compassion.


*_If You Know This, You Will Succeed Whatsoever_*

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” – Og Mandino


Nothing has described me more than this video.


Connor's a stereotypical alpha. Khabib is a stone cold silent assassin. Anything but an alpha.


5:48 Yes. Time waits for no one, and is running out.


If ur unironically watching this i pity u


I highly recommend that whatever type you think you are…..look up the sweet talk of the other types.


I told "him" no, and that I am done wasting my time with getting little back. If that makes me a good man but a bad woman, SO BE IT! I go elsewhere to find the right situation for me. That is how I love myself.


If you need to say, I'm a this or that, you're not. ✌️


"Live for something, or die for nothing." Rambo


No.. ….but as long as YouTube says nice things about you…..it’s fine. Look up your own personality type and see what get.
