BMW e46 AWD (xDrive) on a new BMW X1 test track - GenerationX event

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In a circumstances pretty difficult to explain an old, 14 years old BMW E46 touring ended up in the middle of the BMW GenerationX event, where the all new BMW X1 was promoted.

The question was - would a 14 years old xDrive system cross a ramp with a rolling road prepared for a brand new xDrive system in a most recent BMW X1? I decided to find out and for some really strange reason - lovely people from the BMW Marketing Department didn't mind.

Big thank you for BWM Poland and BMW Austria for making this possible!

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It will be a drivetrain issue. But since you have xi, you need to inspect lots of things. Could it be, Axle Shaft, Drive Shaft(including rubber coupling) and Differential. Hope it helps:)


Well actually it's really easy to explain. If 14 years old xdrive can do this it means that all this BMW's promo thing is a load of bullshit. And almost every single one of car makers is guilty of something like that.
But to more important things. I happened to own an E46 330xd with a problem. Car shakes when I press the gas pedal, shaking is worse when turning right. No one can find out what's wrong with it. My suspect is the drive system but what in it I don't know. Clutch seems to be ok so maybe the drive shaft, differential, transfer box? I need help boys!


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