🍗 The KFC Console Story! - The Console Wars Are Over!

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In today's video, we look at the history of the KF Console. An Ultra-Powerful ''Game Console'' that will supposedly have a built-in Chicken Chamber. Finger-lickin' good!!! #kfc #gaminghistory #consolegaming

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Additional Gameplay & Footage Sources
Introducing the KFConsole
KFC Gaming

KFC Gaming

KFC | I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin' Good Dating Simulator | Available Now!

Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A KFC (Restaurant) "2019 City Tutorial"
TSMC - Minecraft

Additional Information Sources
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I remember this one, at first I thought it was an April's Fools joke (keeping your chicken warm in a console tray etc). Then it went quiet and now this short documentary ! It's going to me finger licking good.


If ever there was a topic to make a creator bust out laughing multiple times just describing it, the kfconsole is absolutely it


The KFConsole sounds like a major fire and burn hazard.


I can imagine how hard Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft must been LTBO when they heard KFC announcing a video game console.
Besides, even if this console launch, it wouldn't take to long for customers send a rain of complaints about their motherboards, video and cards and such all getting fried because the way it was designed.


You really had fun with this one... Even I couldn't help but laugh at that one.


I remember actually hearing about this before on another channel once I have no idea if this is actually going to be a real item or not but it will not surprise me KFC has put out some interesting items in the past that I've seen on the internet as well the only thing that I know that sucks about all this is when it comes to their random products such as this they're usually only available in certain countries. Like at one point I remember them giving out drones I think it was but again it was another country and there was another time I remember that you bought a box of chicken that had it built in Bluetooth speaker or something like that but again it was in another country so even if this is really a thing it'll probably almost impossible to get a hold of.


It sounds like their advertising department is having fun, and we should all hope to have fun at work.


One of two things probably happened if this was ever supposed to be anything other than a joke. The chip shortage made it impossible, especially since KFC would never get priority over more proven actual tech companies. Or they couldn't figure out how to get it to work without the gimmick making the system overheat.


I remember hearing about that when they first talked about it. Like everyone else, I thought it was a joke and moved on. I honestly didn't think much about it. My guess is it's probably never coming out. I shudder to think of the possibility of chicken particles falling inside console itself out outside of the chamber.


Just what I need, a bunch of greasy fingerprints all over my controller.lol.i actually saw KFC firewood at Walmart, so anythings possible.


Have you ever heard of the BL6? Budweiser to make a game console too. It is a beer cooler that's shaped like a six pack of bud light and has a built-in android game console as well as 2 Bluetooth controllers and storage for both controllers. Plus it also has a built-in projector for portability. I know it sounds like something made-up, but I've seen review videos on YouTube. It turns out that a small batch of these were made as a promotion for budweiser.


Now if only Popeyes made a game console...


The KFC console proves Terry Pratchett right in one respect.

People who graduate from University don't always come out smarter. Sometimes the universities take their students knowledge and intellect, package it neatly and store it safely where it can't cause any harm while the individual goes about their lives.

Whoever thought up the KFConsole must have had MULTIPLE university degrees to come up with that gem.


KFC doesn't come from ovens. It comes from a pressure fryer, basiflcally a pressure cooker filled with oil. That machine was a big part of what made KFC chicken practical and pressure fryers are still how every major fried chicken chain does it. Anyway, the product is fake. What IS true is the promo video is 4K 120fps and so is all the game footage in the promo. That's what's legit. It IS what they claim. But the promo is the product. Not an actual console. As Col. Sanders famously said, "It's entirely, uh it's uh, it's entirely different, it's it's entirely different. Rent. It's entirely different" RIP Colonel. True fact: Sanders was instrumental in the creation of the Wendy's chain and another one I forget. His early employees took what they learned from him, and his advice and encouragement, and started numerous other businesses, many of which thrive today. Sanders wasn't just a chicken guy. He shared what he knew about making a successful business. Of course he also got his success by appropriating other people's recipes and never crediting them. But that's another story.


KFC also released KFC fireplace logs, which of course, smelled like fried chicken in your fireplace. They also produced a 25 minute romantic "movie" featuring Colonel Sanders, which they paid to air on the Hallmark channel. So considering their past, I'd guess the KFConsole to be a marketing deal which fell through, due to the fact that a branded PC requires more than an initial investment to actually hit the market.


During the 90's, my nephews would often times come over to stay the weekend. We would rent some games, grab some KFC or several Little Ceasar's $5 pizzas, and it was party time!


You deserve a sponsorship from KFC after this.


Is it safe or even good for the games console to potentially become greasy. Not sure about that.


This just reminded me to watch Kentucky Fried Movie again.


Not wanting to be left out in the cold, Microsoft made a refrigerator.
