The KFC Console Ripped Off our Idea!! - WAN Show December 25, 2020

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Timestamps (Courtesy of Blake Rodriguez)
00:00 - Show starts
01:40 - Topic introduction
02:19 - Intro rolls
03:20 - Linus talks about twitch personalities
05:30 - Linus talks about luke's chin over lower third
06:20 - KFConsole
11:30 - Luke's pizza heating computer video
17:30 - Cat bed PC
19:00 - Simpsons politics
19:30 - "Why no WAN show VODs on floatplane?"
19:50 - Back to the KFConsole
21:30 - Linus 3D printed a stencil for his badminton racket
30:40 - Sponsors (PIA/Ridgewallet/Honey)
33:30 - Tesla/Elon announces full sell driving subscription
41:30 - General car topics (insurance, self driving, car ownership, defensive driving)
49:10 - US ISPs can no longer charge rental feese for equipment customers already own
50:30 - Intel is rumored to be taking back the gaming crown
51:40 - LTT store boxing day promotion ($5 off storewide)
52:00 - Luke formally introduces his bird Taquito
53:50 - Luke leaves and linus does superchats for the rest of stream
Рекомендации по теме

00:00 - Show starts
01:40 - Topic introduction
02:19 - Intro rolls
03:20 - Linus talks about twitch personalities
05:30 - Linus talks about luke's chin over lower third
06:20 - KFConsole
11:30 - Luke's pizza heating computer video
17:30 - Cat bed PC
19:00 - Simpsons politics
19:30 - "Why no WAN show VODs on floatplane?"
19:50 - Back to the KFConsole
21:30 - Linus 3D printed a stencil for his badminton racket
30:40 - Sponsors (PIA/Ridgewallet/Honey)
33:30 - Tesla/Elon announces full sell driving subscription
41:30 - General car topics (insurance, self driving, car ownership, defensive driving)
49:10 - US ISPs can no longer charge rental feese for equipment customers already own
50:30 - Intel is rumored to be taking back the gaming crown
51:40 - LTT store boxing day promotion ($5 off storewide)
52:00 - Luke formally introduces his bird Taquito
53:50 - Luke leaves and linus does superchats for the rest of stream


I really loved the mineral oil cooled pc from a few years ago . You guys should re do the idea in a new way. It would be nice to see



Concise timestamps
2:19 Intro
2:28 Linus talking about Twitch
6:17 KFC gaming console
21:30 Linus's badminton stencils
30:41 Sponsor spots
33:31 Tesla full self-driving subscription
49:08 ISPs no longer charging for your own equipment
53:37 superchats
Detailed timestamps

2:19 Intro
2:28 Linus talking about Twitch
6:17 KFC gaming console
6:40 Console specifications
8:12 Potential ripping off Luke's idea
8:52 How the console potentially came to be
11:13 Luke's pizza warming idea
17:18 Potential new video of cat warming PC
21:30 Linus's badminton stencils
21:33 Linus bought a badminton stringing machine
22:58 Linus decided to 3d print stencils
25:04 Linus had issues with transparency on stencils
28:26 Linus uses "wrongspeak"
30:41 Sponsor spots
30:57 Private Internet Access
31:36 Ridge Wallet
32:33 Honey
33:31 Tesla full self driving subscription
33:36 Elon Musk Twitter
34:21 Need for the high subscription price
35:36 Linus does not like software as a service when not completely necessary
37:06 In the future this will not matter as you wont own a car.
38:41 Less parking is being built out in cities
39:36 Cars will be shared in the future almost certainly
42:00 Some people might not like near universal FSD
46:36 Linus rides a motorcycle
49:08 ISPs no longer will charge for your own equipment
50:33 Intel may regain gaming crown
51:10 Might be 20% faster than comet lake release date of Q1 2021
51:40 LTT Store boxing day promotion
51:58 Luke has a bird
53:37 Super chats
54:04 Linus does not like YouTube music
55:16 Could LTT store distribute other things?
55:56 Linus does not have air-conditioning for his server
56:46 With United States stimulus check you can buy one of everything on LTT store
57:18 Tips on being tech youtuber
58:45 Wireless valve index rumor
59:26 motorcycles stop faster than cars

Christmas will not stop the timestamps week 3/52
Seeing Linus do the sponsor spots without notes
made my day.
Timestamps completed in 35 minutes


Linus' kids : "Mommy, what is Dad doing right now?"
Linus' wife : "He's trying to justify not using -crycut- cricut, dear"


The KFC rig has 12 gbs of RAM upgradeable to a 24 piece with a side of corn.


"hey guys, i am closing the door for a reason! Please quit opening it" ~Linus "TechLips" Sebastian

this seems like parenting in a nutshell


Tweet Wendy's -- They'll perform a savage takedown on KFC.


The problem is not, not owning a car. It is what comes with not owning a car and using a subscription service for 100% of your transportation, it's Data Mining you on every step.


Luke needs to do another LTT video. I love his crazy ideas


My parents told me something a few days ago: before I was born in 2005, they were convinced, just like you, that I'd also never see any purpose in learning to drive because they thought that self-driving car technology would be flawless by then. I'm 15 right now and I'm about to start learning in a few years.


Wow, the oval shaped canvas took me by surprise. "Linus can't be serious", I thought. I was wrong.


04:10 "woops daddy's talking about sexting again, better go"


The fact that the KFC Console is getting the coverage its getting is already making it a success. Hint: their goal wasn't to sell chicken-warming computers.


If only Linus knew there was a website convertio that just turns any image into an SVG outline for 3D modeling


I think Twitch is so dramatic because is like a reality show. You see people in their home for like 3 or 4 hours per day. A lot of things can happen in that time and there's no option to record and edit, if you make a mistake or say something bad, you can't erase it later.


Please remember that KFC actually DID publish a game called "I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator" on Steam last year. It got a freaking 92% positive out of nearly 8, 8k reviews! You can imagine to how ridiculous lengths can they go for publicity.


7:00 Linus chin under banner
8:27 Linus chin under banner
14:11 Linus chin under banner


For your racket stencil you should use that picture of your serious face that get's meme'd everywhere. The "thinking about retiring" one.


With the kfc console, do you also get the grease resistant pubg controller? Genius pairing!


There was an old Acorn RISC PC that someone put a pizza oven and a kitchen sink in, probs sometime in the late 1990s or early 2000s. The sink worked.
