Can You Prevent Alzheimer’s Dementia with Diet? (I Think You Can)

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There are brains which are giving in to the ravages of dementia as you read this. This is unacceptable and needs to be stopped. The medications promoted by big-pharma do very little to slow Alzheimer's, and Nothing at all to stop it.

In the last 30 years, Alzheimer's has went from being very rare to being far too common. Any time something is following this trend, we have to look to diet as one of the causes. What if there was a diet that could slow down, or even reverse early-stage Alzheimer's?

If there is such a diet, should we hold our tongues for the next 10 years while large research studies are conducted (or never conducted)? I don't think so, if common sense, and what limited research we do have, point to a specific way of eating as protective against Alzheimer's, then we should all be talking about it.

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.

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Рекомендации по теме

It is true, healthy fats are what our brains are begging for. I watched a Ted Talk on Alzheimers and also bought the book called The Alzheimers Antidote. Excellent info. Im 67 years old and 8 months into my keto healthy fat filled diet. I guess I have 2 yrs. and 4 mos. till my brain is protected/ recovered from my past poor diet. Thanks for this video Dr. Berry. xoxoMArjorie


Touché. I have heard this theory from a few other scientists and Keto-friendly doctors too! My mother is 90 years young and is praised by her doctor every year to keep doing whatever she’s doing (no depends, no bp meds). She was raised on a farm and sticks with eating whole food; and has a loving heart towards the worst of people. Every now and then we share a grass-fed cow. She’s been eating this way all her life. She has some muscle stiffness and I turned her on to adding (taking) essential minerals. Her brain is sharp and us kids can’t fool her. She’s lived to see 3 generations and creeping up on a 4th. She plans to be around as longs as the good Lord allows.


I lost my Dad to dementia/Alzheimer's April 8th, 2018. His father, my grandfather, died from the same thing. It was horrible to watch each of them die from this disease. I found Keto one year before my Dad died. I wish I would have found Keto 10 years ago or more and maybe my Dad wouldn't have succumbed to this. My Dad always stayed in shape, took a lot of supplements, walked every day and we noticed his change around the age of 80. My Dad always ate good, but he did love his desserts, snacks, and bread. My Dad's dad was a wheat farmer and, in fact, so was all his brother's. I live in Oklahoma and we have a lot of wheat farmers. Since I've started Keto, my brain fog has cleared. I was really getting worried because I was missing words and was forgetting a lot of things. Heck, I lived on junk food. My doctor is not crazy about Keto and I just had an appt. with my doctor, yesterday and my cholesterol is running a bit high on this diet and my doctor wants me back on a statin drug. I won't do it. I will be getting more lab work tomorrow and we'll see how it goes. I've done so much research on statin drugs and I will not take them.


Dr. Berry....I thought I was going crazy...I would forget what I was just talking about...I would ask the same question twice within 3 minutes...I seriously thought I was heading towards Alzheimers....well, I started Keto and I am on it for almost 4 weeks now and it totally changed my life! Before Keto, I felt like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz and now, only after I oiled it with Keto, my mental focus is amazing and I am not forgetting things! My memory is stronger! Thank you!


This hits home with me as my mother had Dementia as well as her sisters. If there’s anything I can do to prevent that being my fate then I want to do it! Been eating Keto for three weeks now and consider myself blessed to have found your channel, Dr Berry!


This is why most doctors are against keto, it can reverse alot of diseases which affects their bottom line. You Dr. Berry are awesome!!!


Thanks for this video. Strangely no one in my family was ever obese or diabetic but the ones afflicted with dementia were big time snackers. Every two hours or so candy or chips were being consumed and because they weren't fat, they thought it was okay. So glad I've learned this in time and quit the snacking.


I became type 2 diabetic. In researching the problem I saw a correlation between the two. I found Keto late last year. I quit taking all the medications and feel and can think so much better.


I wish I had seen your videos when my dad was still alive and I wasn’t falling for the advice from hospitals. I was guilty of treating my dad to more desserts and soda, not realizing how much damage they were doing. After my dad passed I let my own health go and started getting the systems that my dad had. In my late thirties, I was approaching 240 lbs, becoming very lethargic, had an excruciating kidney stone, experiencing worsening inflation that I attributed to a previous car accident, and worse, I was drifting off in conversation. My grandfather and my dad both had Alzheimer’s so it’s a huge concern for me as well. I noticed my body was falling part and I was only 37, not the mention the obvious depression that I experienced after my dad passing. This started me on a journey to diagnose these issues and I didn’t trust the doctors at all. Nothing they said to try with my dad ever helped. They were just throwing more medications at the issue. My dad passed away unexpectedly in his sleep in the VA hospital, from what I believe was overmedicating him with a cocktail of morphine and other drugs, so I am very mistrusting of hospitals now. Once I started going through the same issues as my dad myself, I began learning more about Keto and Carnivore diets. I first started eliminating sodas, and that helped me lose about 10lbs. Then I eliminated all processed foods, abut the real life changer was once I went full carnivore for about a month, and I started shredding fat. 3 weeks in, something incredible happened. My inflation that was had troubled me for about 5 years after my car accident, had completely went away. My mind felt sharper as well despite feeling from brain fog during the first two weeks on carnivore, but by the end of the month, I had an interest in reading again. My attention was span had admittedly gotten worse in recent years so I shocked at how much more clearly I could think again. I personally struggled sticking to the diet even know I absolutely love steak, and I felt so great that after that month I started introducing other foods and it became more a keto based diet but heavily focusing on more on meat. Over the course of 3 months, I completely healed my inflation, have more mental focus, tons of energy, and lost an additional 40lbs, 50 lbs total since I cut sodas. People I knew would act like I was crazy and under pressure of eating out fast food with friends, I took it as an opportunity to see if these results were real or just in my head. Now the amazing thing is my metabolism had reset to how it was when I was in college so I can have two or three cheat days a week now and rarely even notice any weight gain. I did noticed that once I reintroduced too much processed food and soda back into my diet, the inflammation came right back. I intentionally fell off the wagon to see if I could mimick my other health issues and they quickly came back. The great thing is once I went back on carnivore, I could treat it like a meat cleanse for my body and bounced right back in less time. Now I’m 39, at 190lbs. I have tons of energy which helps me greatly as a food delivery driver who is constantly moving. my metal focus has honestly never been this good, not even when I was in college and needed it. I highly recommend a meat based high protein keto diet or trying full carnivore to anyone, even if it’s for a short time. The real progress will be if I can fight of Alzheimer’s later in life but based the brain fog I was already experiencing on a processed food diet, I’m very hopeful that I have greatly increased my chances of keeping a strong and healthy mind.


I have been reading more & more about this. I use to run memory care communities and those places are loading the residents up with carbs! They argue that they don't want the resident with dementia to lose weight, but it's likely about food. At best they are spending $7 a day to feed these residents. Very interesting!!


You have many older followers. 58 here. It's funny, my mother has been on a semi vegetarian, but high fat diet for 20 years (she's 82 and just doesn't like meat, eats fish and cheese). She is sharp and healthy, and told me for the last 10 years at least not to drink milk. She has no clue what a ketogenic diet is but has been following a keto similar diet for years. Guess I should have listened to her a long time ago. Haha.


Awareness is what I hope for my family. My parents are very unwell and I fret over their diet and medical advice.

I eat more a no red meat diet plus fish and organic chicken occasionally but follow Paleo advice like avoiding grains, corn, starches. sugars and additives. Gluten is the devil in my home and has caused much sickness. My daughter suffered chronic pain for almost 2 years until I removed gluten from her diet. We have a great medical system here in Australia but the doctors and hospitals all got it wrong. The poor kid was on painkillers to take the edge off the pain. As a mum, I stressed over the number of drugs she needed to take. They believed it was her ovaries and it was not!

Dairy has been a problem with asthma and skin issues in a few family members too. My step-son was always coughing and sneezing, all swollen-eyed, claiming hay-fever. Two of my step-kiddos had severe skin rashes and peeling too. Constant hay-fever, cold and skin rashes for years. Dairy was removed and all these issues went away quickly.

We really need to follow our body's signals when it come to food. Not it's addictions. I love that YouTube and people like you use this platform to create awareness. I hope my time commenting helps someone too.


I just begin to read "Lies My Doctor Told Me". It is easy to read, very well written. Thank you from overseas doc. Istanbul/Turkey.


Thank you for sharing this Dr. Berry. My Mom has Diabetes II, and is showing signs of this. Dad had dementia 2 years ago before he died ... he had stomach cancer and could only eat ice cream. He ate full-sugar ice cream every day for 6 years. It was terrifying to watch.


Thank you, my 84 year old father has Alzheimer’s. This information is very helpful.


I sure will be glad when my three years rolls around!! Thank you Dr Berry at 65 I need this information. God bless


Thanks for the video doc. I see dementia patients every day and wish I had more influence over their nutrition.


My dad ate Atkins style, high protein/ fat for years. He was a body builder, played tennis worked hard physical job in the meat business. He smoked and drank liberally but always sharp, smart and productive. In his late 60s early 70s he started low fat no sugar eating. Early 80s he ate only lean meat occassionally eggs, mostly eggs whites, low sugar fruit juice, non fudge circles, diet Pepsi, sliced Turkey and 1 old fashion donut a day. Chemicals, aspartame, low fat, processed foods with no sugar and salads. He lost eight and starved his brain! He's 87, full blown dementia, struggled with memory and fatigue for the last 4 years. He followed doctors orders and bragged about his blood work numbers. Doctor lead him down the path of self destruction


I’ve been in and out of ketosis for about two years and my memory has definitely improved! Thank you for this!


I wish I knew this information to help my father who has now died of Dementia Alzheimers. I was his care taker for his last few years because we refused to put him in a nursing home. Thank you for this video.. I will share with my siblings.
