Conception explained

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This is the Fertilization Process

Fertilization is the amazing story of a sperm facing incredible situations to unite with an egg and form a new life.

During sexual intercourse, about 300 million sperm enter the vagina.
Shortly after, millions of them must flow out or die in their acidic environment, however, many survive because of the protective elements of the fluid that surrounds them.

Next, the sperm must pass through the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina.

Usually this remains closed, but while the woman ovulates it remains open for a few days.

The sperm has the difficult task of swimming through the cervical mucus, which has a very watery consistency in order for the sperm to reach the uterus quickly.

Once inside the cervix, the sperm continue to swim towards the uterus, but millions of them will die trying to penetrate the mucous.

Some sperm get stuck in the pathways of the cervix, but may then continue their journey.

Once inside the uterus, there are muscular contractions that help the sperm make their way to the egg, however, the cells of the woman's immune system, mistaking the sperm for invaders, destroy thousands.

Afterwards, half of the sperm enter the empty fallopian tube while the other half swims to the fallopian tube containing the yet unfertilized egg.

Now only a few thousand remain inside the fallopian tube.

Meanwhile, small cilia push the egg towards the uterus so it continues on its path, sperm must seek that movement to reach the egg.

However, it should be noted that some sperm become trapped in the cilia and die during this part of the journey.

On the other hand, some chemicals in the reproductive tract cause the membranes in the sperm heads to change. As a result, the sperm become hyperactive, causing them to swim harder and faster towards their destination.

Finally, the sperm reaches the egg.

At this point, only a few dozen of the 300 million sperm remain on the journey.

The sperm must be pushed through this layer to reach the outer layer of the egg, that is, the Zona Pellucida, which aims to prevent more than one sperm from entering so that fertilization is normal.

Within the Zona Pellucida there is a small fluid-filled space, just outside the ovular membrane, and the first sperm to make contact will fertilize the egg.

That's right, after a dangerous adventure and against all odds, a single sperm attaches itself to the ovular membrane

Within minutes their outer membranes fuse and the egg attracts the sperm inside. This event causes changes in the membrane that prevent other sperm from attaching to it and then release chemicals that repel other sperm from the egg, making it impenetrable.

Meanwhile, inside the ovum, the male genetic material spreads out and a new membrane forms around the genetic material creating a male pronucleus.

Inside, the genetic material reforms into 23 chromosomes,

For its part, the female genetic material awakens and finishes dividing by the fusion of the sperm with the egg, resulting in the female pronucleus, which also has 23 chromosomes.

As the male and female pronuclei form, tissues called microtubules pull these thus, uniting the two groups of chromosomes and completing the fertilization process. In this instant, a unique genetic code is created, determining its sex, hair color, eye color, and hundreds of other characteristics.

The new single celled zygote is the beginning of a new human being and now the fallopian tubes and cilia gently sweep the zygote into the uterus where he or she will implant into the rich uterine walls growing and maturing for the next nine months until the birth of a new life.

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#Education #Fertilization #Pregnancy
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I have spotting today..its my 12 DPO. I WiLL take Pregnancy test tomorrow. Pray for me pLease. I'm 38 and this is my first pregnancy🙏🙏


The fact that all of our journey started from there. To think, we actually only have like 0.00001% chance to survive and won that race, almost as impossible, and now we're here


So I won a race between 300m of my siblings? I’m the chosen one 😍


I think personally, this is the most beautiful and successful journey I have ever been in my life. Grateful <3


Some still argue that this whole proces and beginning a new life from scratch is coincidental, proof that there is a Great and perfect programmer!


"He or she" Ah yes thank you for making that nice and clear. I've forgotten there were only two genders. I keep getting asked what is a woman and I've forgotten basic biology. Thanks for the reminder, definitely needed it to remember basic facts about my own species.


There is no way all this process just random chnace and emerge from nothing. This is too perfect to not have a designer!!!!


Imagine fighting 299 million other sperm for one egg 😂


This is exactly what I remember. When I tell people about it, they get mad and ridicule starts from the skeptics and unbelievers of God. Now they will understand what I try so hard to explain. Thank you to those that made this to show how we started.


Can’t believe I was a little cell before I was born


After realizing when winning that race feels 2000% so much more self-rewarding than winning the Squid Game


So Am the Chosen one😭😭...i passed through all this processes by the grace of God


Life begins at conception ❤ beautiful video


Its mindblowing to think as each sperm as being "alive'. I actually feel bad for them now.


The one race I won, but wish I didn't.


This kind of stuff is so fascinating to me (hope that doesn’t sound too weird lol). I was made with IVF/ICSI so I wasn’t conceived inside the body and it was more like a rigged lottery than a race in my case, but I find it amazing how nature is able to pull of something so intricate and fragile every single day. The fact that any of us exist is wild.


Some people still think there is no God or creator


🤨🤨 This is astonishing. What a magic going on inside 🧐🧐


Damn these guys are our siblings. Real ones since day one
