Can Backsliders Be Restored? | Episode 83

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What happens when a believer abandons their walk of faith? Can they be restored back into God's kingdom? What are the requirements of that restoration? Dr. David K. Bernard addresses these questions while offering hope to those who have walked away from faith.

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As a baby in Christ, I once backslid, and returned to Jesus. I repented and God restored me. I will never look back. He is my All!!


I back slid and sinned willfully in that time. After coming back to Christ I would often be guilt ridden to the point of anxiety as to if I could be forgiven for willful sins after salvation or I had ruined my chances. One day, after a particularly rough bout of guilt, I was reading my Bible and came upon a gospel where Jesus told a man, "your sins are forgiven". I paused when I read that because it was so heavy on my heart and just happened to read that (I didn't seek it out) and I asked God if He was telling me something. I went on reading still wondering if it was a coincidence. The very next day I was in Sunday service and following along as the pastor read the lesson for the day. We were in a different gospel and there those red lettered words streamed into view again, "your sins are forgiven". At this point I knew this was no coincidence. I marked my reading the day before and the reading of that day with the date because it has "freed" me ever since. I was obviously already freed but I didn't know it until then. Anytime the guilt tries to work on me I now practically HEAR the words in my mind, "your sins are forgiven " and it drives that guilt right away. That guilt has no power over me now. I don't see this as license to back slid again (not to say I wouldn't be forgoven again but I don't believe in abusing grace) though. Why would I want to after being freed like that. We need to come to the end of ourselves sometimes before we can truly see that we NEED forgiveness! Sometimes it takes backsliding (please don't take this as me blessing back slidding though!). For those who suffer with this guilt, please know Jesus died for all our sins, past, present, and future! Don't forget it and don't take it for granted!


Always love Dr. Bernard's teachings


I was raised in church. My heart left it before I physically stopped attending, but I spent the final years of my teens (17+), all of my twenties, and my early thirties (literally less than two weeks before I turned 32) living in sin. I actually spent the better part of those years living as a self-identified transgender woman. I was as crazy as the people of this world who push that agenda, and had many years wherein I didn't own a single article of men's clothing anymore (yes, including the unmentionables). I had even been taking estrogen pills for a year by the time I first attended what is now my home church, and was very near scheduling the first of my surgies toward a sex change (thank God I never got that far).

On Sunday, May 1st, 2016, I was baptized in the Holy name of Jesus, and my self identity instantaneously changed! I was nervous and scared as I stepped down into the baptismal tank, with the whole Sunday morning congregation looking on in encouragment. However, as my pastor lifted me back up out of the water, I was already a different person. I was now at peace with being the man that God made me to be, even to the point of being highly uncomfortable with the fact that all I had to wear when changing back out of the baptismal robe were the women's clothes I showed up wearing. I was at least thankful that I chose a pants outfit that day, but I was still--for the first time in many years--embarassed to be wearing women's clothes in public.

Now I'm living the way I should have been the entire time, as a man in Christ without a single article of women's clothes in my wardrobe. So yes, backsliders can come back.

The whole experience was kind of a blessing in a way; the church in which I was raised was a Trinitarian church that preached the sinner's prayer as the means of salvation, with baptism being a public profession of faith. If I hadn't backslid for so long in the first place, I may have never escaped those false doctrines.


Amen totally agree with this! To be able to be restored you need to confess it to God that you’ve failed Him, repent and ask Him for forgiveness. I am a living testimony that God definitely restores


I cherish the way you explained that, especially the part about why you might need to be rebaptized. Imagine if every time we sin we had to be baptized again. We'd never have a chance to dry off, LOL. Great stuff! Glory be to Jesus.


As someone who grew up in church, I can say that I backslid. For many years I made wrong decisions, but when I finally realized how far I've went. I've made up my mind to live for Him again, of course it was not something that happened over night, but it was process. God was always there waiting for me with His open arms and embraced me! I can't say enough how thankful I am for restoring me and showing me His unconditional love!


Thankyou sir. I needed a reminder of these truths. Personally I dont believe a believer needs to "speak in tongues" to recieve the holy spirit. However, we can all agree Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father. God bless!


Thank you David Bernard for this video it will enhance me to continue serving God, God bless


I was told by someone once who had strayed, their fear coming back was not God, but they feared the church more.

May we be people of restoration, love, and celebration when they come home.


Thank you Bishop Bernard for a more indebted and detailed information on this subject.


Hallelujah! Great teaching Praise ! JESUS CHRIST FOREVER !


Bro. David,

I was a backslider, but have been coming back to the Lord….I was baptized when I was still a child at 17 yrs old….i was brought to the faith by my eldest brother when I moved in with him….I had attended the church for only a short while when I was given a Bible study about the faith….the Bible study I was given knowing nothing at the time about Christ except believing he had died for my sins, was the rapture….
I don’t recall if I was given a complete teaching about baptism at the time and only remember I was taught about the rapture…I was so terrified I asked to be baptized….after the Bible study I was brought to the church by the young man who gave me the Bible study and was baptized that day….
looking back, I don’t recall if I even understood the complete meaning of repentance or even salvation for that matter….all I know is that I was given my first ever Bible study being brand new to the church, and it scared me into baptism….looking back I don’t understand the motive, and true intention of the young man, to teach anyone who didn’t know about Christ, or understand the faith the rapture….it’s a very touchy subject for me because I don’t recall all the feelings I had at the time, nor exactly the whole Bible study and teaching I received, because all I remember was being taught the rapture….part of me tugs at getting re-baptized, but the other part of me is afraid that I’ll continually be wrestling within my mind as to which of the two baptisms would’ve been the actual and more valid baptism if I was to choose to be re-baptized….I’ve asked God in prayer recently and this video popped up!…I came across this teaching as I’m already a subscriber to your channel….God Bless You Bro. David and for all that you’ve done and faithfully continue to do for The Body of Christ….

-Brother in Christ


May GOD Richly Bless You Dr. Bernard For Sharing This Inspiring Insightful




I absolutely believe they can …. Because I was backslid for 11 years lack of prayer life and no Bible reading I was consumed with carnal things ….. God so graciously refilled me with the HolyGhost 6 years ago !!!! Been on fire ever since


Amen Pastor. I was baptized without being repented of my sins in 2019...still hungry to be filled with Holy Ghost to speak in tongues Amen


Thank you, sir! I appreciate your faithful- Ness & compassionate advice!


Love this great explanation! Thank you very much! God bless! 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Can you do a video on the difference between backsliding, falling away (apostate), and reprobate? I have been studying this topic for a bit but as I’m not as experienced as you, I would like to hear your scriptural opinions on these things. My current believe after studying is that these are three separate mindsets/states that people can fall into, but I mostly get stuck on if these can all three be forgiven if repented of or not because there’s some verses in Hebrews that sound like they suggest that it is impossible specifically for an apostate (one who is fully saved but who falls away) to be “renewed unto repentence”. I have had an interest in these topics since May, mostly because I really had never heard that verse preached before and had always heard it preached that God will forgive you no matter how far you’ve strayed away. So I am just very confused about this specific topic upon reading and studying this for myself because some of these verses don’t seem to line up with what I have heard-whether that be my understanding is not right or the world (even Christian’s) have begun to become very soft in this world.

Disclaimer: I do believe backsliders who have not apostated can be forgiven, but I believe that backsliders are ones who just fall into sin whereas apostates are ones who fall into sin and deception and lead others down the path of turning from God as well after knowing truth and being fully saved.
