The Best 6 Beginner Ice Skating Tips!

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In this video, special guest ice skating coach Luke Russell shares his top 6 beginner ice skating tips! Ice skating is a very fun sport to do, but it can also be very dangerous. When ice skating for the first time, it's important to take certain safety precautions to minimise the risk of injury. Of course, injuries can always happen, but certain things can be avoided by following some basic ice skating safety tips. One you have got to grips with the basics of ice skating, you can then go on to try some more advanced moves including some figure skating moves. For more videos covering many different aspects of ice skating, check out our channel!

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1. Reach for your knees when losing balance
2. Not like walking, start with knees up. Bend knees, push, together
3. Snow plow stop, Toes come in, weight in center


Love how he ran, slid, fell, and just laid there casually like “don’t do that :)”


These are great tips for beginners! The tip about going for your knees was something I’d never thought about but it’s so smart, seen way too many people get hurt tackling someone else… 😂


Went ice skating tonight for the first time. Watched this video and did everything he said. Not only did I survive but I think I did pretty well. I guess I’m older and I probably won’t be as fluid as those who have skated since they were young but it was fun.

Here are a few more takeaways I had and could be helpful to others:

- having the correct size skates and lacing them up correctly is kind. Do that. Also, wear taller socks. Your feet will not hurt as much.
- my skating skills started to suffer when I got tired. Take breaks often. Know when to quit.
- when given the choice between hockey or figure, take figure. (My advice. Do you.)
- wear a jacket or something with a little padding, especially on the elbows.
- if you fall, and believe it or not I didn’t but a couple of times, let it happen. Just go limp. Protect your head. Lay there for a second.m and then get back up - one skate at a time.

Thank you for this video. I will be watching more. Thank you!!


Looked at so many beginner skating videos, this one was the simplest, clearest - and taught me the most. Thank you!


Who else is here because they are going ice skating today


Today was my first day ice skating.
I fell down about 396548 times.
But at the end of day had a really good grasp of how to do it.


thanks! i'm a very... perfection oriented person, and i hate going into anything blind bc i dont want to look and feel stupid. this helped me not chicken out of going to get on the ice for the first time today <3


This guy’s great - Not afraid to fall over, but not faking for clout either👏🏽 Super helpful.


If the snowplow stop is very confusing for you, I also recommend looking at the T-stop.

The snowplow stop is easier, especially to do on command of you need to stop quickly. But it's much harder to explain. Certain aspects come down to attempting the stop until you 'get it'.

By comparison the T-stop is harder, but has steps for every part of it that are easy to explain. As someone with a very analytical brain, the clear steps made this stop easier to start with.


i have been roller skating since August and went for ice skating for the first time today! ice skating is very similar and very different from roller skating! incredibly difficult to push forward compared to roller skates. bending my knees same as in roller skating helped me massively to keep my balance and not to fall over. also, spinning is wayyyy easier in ice skates, so i really enjoyed doing that. i was that one weird person who can not properly skate but can nicely spin becausee of jam skating i am doing!


I had a WICKED EPIC dream last night where I was ice skating as quickly as heck! It was the COOLEST dream I've ever had! I wish I could actually skate that fast and very well.


Went ice skating for the first time with my boyfriend tonight and that was so much fun but so scary too!! Great beginner tips! Thank you for sharing!


Other tips could be:
- try not to block your shoulders. I know it can be frightening at first, but the more you're relaxed, the more you're ready to do whatever is necessary on the ice (and trust me, panicking is not)
- try to put your weight on your toes, so that in case you fall, you'll do it in front and not backward. In case you fall backward, use your glutes and not your head first ;)
- if you feel like it's getting overwhelming for you, slow down and rest your legs and your head
- never stop in front of the entry, unless you fall, because you never know who'll try to be a Rocketman next
- if you go ice skating with someone else, it's probably easier because you'll get to chat along the way, but if you're by yourself and need help, just ask. The majority of the people there know how difficult it can be to skate for the first time, so they'll help you out with your skills or escort you to the exit
- stay attentive to the other people around you. it's a bit like driving a car: you don't want to bump into someone else, especially if they're going relentlessly fast. and if you're gaining speed without it being your goal, slow down for the love of God! You can either use the method here or you can slowly use the borders of the rink to help you slow down. Another technique could be the L method, but be sure to have enough stability before attempting it


I’m going ice skating for the first time later today and I’m so nervous! This looks very helpful so thank you!


I actually just started skating last week, this video was better tips then all of mi amigos/amigas tips


Being from the sub tropics, ice skating is quite an attraction here, especially in the summer.
These tips genuinely helped me. Thanks mate!


tysm for the tips i just went ice skating yesterday and this helped me


I went skating for the first time recently and I didn't fall over so I'm now getting lessons and these tips are really useful


I went to the Ice Rink with my friends today unfortunately I couldn't remember any of these tips except the knee thing as a result I kept- actually we kept falling down over and over it was really embarrassing but we had lot of fun 😂
