What Mormons Believe: The Book of Mormon

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A video explaining basic beliefs Mormons have about The Book of Mormon (the actual book, not the musical).

These videos are meant to inform and clear up misconceptions about beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka, "Mormons), and are not intended to convert. Video topics are inspired by questions frequently asked to me or misunderstood by those of other beliefs.

Each video is made independently by me, a Mormon girl with many friends who are not members of the LDS Church who have wanted to learn the truth behind what Mormons believe.

These videos are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, though my top aim is for accuracy.

● "Mormons Believe... What?! -- Fact and Fiction About a Rising Religion" Gary C. Lawrence. The Parameter Foundation, 2011.
● "How Americans View Mormonism." Gary C. Lawrence. The Parameter Foundation, 2008.
● "Preach My Gospel." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2004.
● LDS.org
● "The Book of Mormon"
● Personal experience. :)
Рекомендации по теме

Does the geography match the historical account? Simple question.


just a question: the gold plated book is still there?


The way I came to believe that the bible is true is by studying Bible prophecies. Archeological evidence and historical evidence that shows that the prophecy came true, word for word. Not only that, but the bibles historically accurate, scientifically accurate, even medically accurate. All these things, these proofs and evidences prove that the bible Is true. If we just ponder and pray, we are simply gonna reach our own conclusions based on emotions, not on any evidence or facts.


If praying about the Book of Mormon is the only legitimate way of knowing whether it is true, then what if a person feels the opposite after doing so? I cannot imagine that literally everyone who has done this has had a positive sensation.


Having a "feeling" that it's true.  Sounds legit.  But in all seriousness, people in other religions claim to know that their own religion is true based on a feeling they had, so I don't think this a very efficient way of obtaining knowledge of what is true.


So, I figure out objective reality by pondering and praying about it? Wow!


I'm Catholic (and love my Church) but thank you so much for putting these videos up!  When talking to people about Catholicism, I always get frustrated when people reference non-Catholic "resources" because 99.99% of the time those "resources" misconstrue so much of Catholic teaching.  I know that misrepresentation is also true of the LDS church and so I'm glad there's a legitimate resource for finding correct info about it... I have a lot of LDS classmates so its nice to go to the actual source to hear what you all believe.  God Bless


Reading, pondering. Still sounds like a child's fantasy story. I really don't know how anyone can believe this. Can you explain why you choose to believe this? Or why this over any other religion? I'm not intending to be antagonistic at all, I'm just genuinely curious.


The reason that it's a bit easier (for me a least) to believe in that Moses parted the red sea, is that you can actually visit the red sea.. It is still there today. :)


I don't believe this but it would be cool if it were real


From what I've seen on youtube you and your whole family seem so happy, with such good attitudes, and fine minds. It's not hard to see that you learn of and practice your religion I can see the light and happiness of Christ in each of you. I'm grateful esp. to you for your example.You seem so respectful and loving towards those who comment, very mature and very Christlike. You have a most beautiful soul thanks for sharing it with the world. Please keep making videos:) I hope one day to be like u


How many changes have been made to the original Book of Mormon scriptures from the time it was first published?


If you read the BOM and pray about it you will know it is true? That reasoning does not sound valid. Also, how does it matter what you feel about something? Does it make up for the validity/veracity of the claim?I genuinely have a problem with the reasoning here. And how do you know if other religious people will not 'feel' good if they pray about their religion or church? If they do feel good, does that mean their claims are valid?


I get that Moroni 10:3-5 gives you the "Read, ponder, pray" bit, but what about Acts 17:11? Can a person not follow the example of the Bereans and research what they're reading to know that it's true?


@Iain -- I love the way the way you think I'm certain you are blessing lives! Good luck to you, as well!


@rohag735 - True, we read the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price, though while the Journal of Discourses has important info in it, it is not considered scripture. And you're forgetting another important book we believe - The Bible. Mormons believe other ancient prophets have also written scripture that would benefit mankind, but we don't have them in our possession (lost over time, destroyed, etc). If additional ancient prophetic records turned up, I would love to read them, too.


Is she being serious? We are suppose to "feel" the truth about the Book of Mormon even despite the fact that there is absolutely no evidence of a Judeo-Christian culture prior to the European arrival? I think God gave us brains for a reason and that we should use them. I'll rely on actual historical facts based on reality rather than a feeling that I force on myself. If that that were the determination of truth than every religion is true! It just doesnt work.


Thank-you for your time, efforts, money and your talents in a way that brings glory to God. I loved your video and look forward to many more!


@Dikotomii - I'm usually asked about what goes on in the temple, about my magic underwear, polygamy, if Jesus and Satan are brothers, if I believe in Joseph Smith, why I believe in works in addition to grace, what happens after we die, if I served a mission, etc. To be honest, I base a lot of the videos I make off of the questions I'm asked the most. Thanks for asking.


@susheel - Thank you so much for posting this! Amen, friend! This is exactly my purpose -- I wish so many people didn't find it a platform for argument. :p
