What Mormons Believe: Their Own Planet

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A video explaining Mormon beliefs about the planet they are rumored to be excited about having.

These videos are meant to inform and clear up misconceptions about beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka, "Mormons"), and are not intended to convert. Video topics are inspired by questions frequently asked to me or misunderstood by those of other beliefs.

Each video is made independently by me, a Mormon girl with many friends who are not members of the LDS Church who have wanted to learn the truth behind what Mormons believe.

These videos are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, though my top aim is for accuracy.

● "Mormons Believe... What?! -- Fact and Fiction About a Rising Religion" Gary C. Lawrence. The Parameter Foundation, 2011.
● "How Americans View Mormonism." Gary C. Lawrence. The Parameter Foundation, 2008.
● "Preach My Gospel." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2004.
● www.LDS.org
● "The Book of Mormon"
● Personal experience. :)
Рекомендации по теме

Do one of these on black skin. I'll hold my breath until you post it.


I think Mormonism is kind of crazy. (I'm an atheist so I think all religion is pretty crazy) But I find it hard to not like you. You're so laid back and kind. You can also take a joke without getting offended. I think more religious people should aim to be like you.


if it ain't in the bible, it ain't true


does Mormon doctrine state that god, Elohim, was once a man?


I have a mormon friend at work and I can tell most mormons are decent people for the most part but how can you mormons believe in the bible and also believe this book of mormon at the same time?

Read Galatians 1:8: But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse!


While I don't agree with many Mormon beliefs, as I am fundamentalist Christian, I do love Mormons. They're always so nice, happy, and cool. I wish more people, regardless of their religious affiliations, would be like them. Thanks for making this video. Very interesting stuff.


Do you believe that God was once a human? (..and if so, who created the first human that became a god..) - Greetings from Norway! (not many Mormons to ask these things over here..) :)


I have a request (if you don't mind), could you make a video explaining about the mission that every LDS member goes on?


its not of scripture...so although you may appear civil and kind what you believe is completely wrong and not scriptural.


I'm an ex-Mormon happy with my membership in the Episcopal Church. But that was really entertaining and well done. Thanks!


I'm not Mormon, and I am strongly opposed to it, but I liked this video. It gave me a good laugh at the end. It is not fair of their critics to misrepresent what their beliefs are and would not be consistent with the second greatest commandment, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:39) I would never like someone to misrepresent me, and it follows then that I should not misrepresent others.


at least the Mormons left space in their religion for other planets to exist.


I find you very genuine and engaging.  At the same time, I really would like to hear an explanation about the Mormons' position on black people within the church.  I just hate you are the only one brave enough to discuss these issues.  


Hi wonderful videos. I was just surfing youtube and by accident click on one. I have watched 5 already... The excitement and joy in your voice and belifs make easy to see it. And your explanations are excellent. As well as the pictures. Great job sharing your doctrine with the rest of Us. Grettings from venezuela


i like how you guys are honest about not knowing too much abt a topic in your bible because it's God's words, not yours, instead of making things up. Christians make things up a lot.


Do Mormons believe that Jesus appeared to the Indians? And taught them the gospel?


I was raised LDS and although we didn't talk about it all the time, it wasn't taboo or uncommon to mention it or think about creating worlds. I think the Church now is moving away from talking about specifics because it comes off as weird— where it was more acceptable to discuss 30-40 years ago.

There are certainly enough sources verifying it was taught though that it's a pretty tough sell to say that the teaching is not part of Mormonism. My $ .02


For the same reason a well-educated and intelligent person would believe in an all-powerful being that created everything without one ounce of evidence.


I appreciate that you call us "critics" and not "Anti-Mormons." I will address the specifics of your video soon.


This started with Brigham Young, and was not a practice that was brought about by Joseph Smith. He, JS, ordained blacks to the priesthood and did not deny them the privileges of the church. Blacks were considered by and large regular members with all blessings and opportunities. Recently the LDS church admitted it started this practice absent of revelation and they are not sure today how this practice started other than it just did.
