Stop WASTING Money On These 5 Supplements! | Dr. Mindy Pelz

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This woman is incredible. We can learn so much from her and her knowledge is endless. May GOD bless her so she can keep up THIS Gift.


I have Dry Eye, and was advised to take omega 3 and flaxseed oils daily. when i stopped my regimen, my eyes became dry again. It has resolved now that ive resumed taking omega 3/flax. Note, i am 42, have a clean diet, exercise moderately every day. Just wanted to share what works for me. We are our own best barometers, and i also value what Dr. Mindy is sharing.


Moringa, seaweed & Himalayan salt for vitamins and minerals.

Small fish for Vitamin D & EPA/DHA.

Kombucha, kefir, fermented vegetables for probiotics


I found NAC supplument to be vital to helping repair my ADHD brain after a decade+ of anxiety and depression. I highly recommend.


My vit D tested low last year. I began supplementing with D3& K2. My mood and energy has noticeably improved! It's well worth getting good vit D3/K2 especially if you have any depression. And who over 50 isn't?


2. Probiotics
3. Vitamin D
4. Omega 3 fatty acids
5. Vitamin shot in smoothie


My cholesterol and triglycerides were high and by just adding a good quality fish oil it brought back down all of my numbers to normal range. I am a believer of a good fish oil.


I add trace minerals to my water. I definitely started feeling better after starting them. They are sourced from a special water source.


Beam Minerals is in an HDPE plastic bottle: High density polyethylene (HDPE) microplastics impair development and swimming activity of Pacific oyster D-larvae, Crassostrea gigas, depending on particle size.(National Library of Medicine)


Coffee first thing in the morning and fasting for a long period of time has contributed to my LPRGerd. Caffeine is very bad for Gerd. I knew I had an acidic body but failed to take that into consideration while doing IF. I have since switched to a chicory drink in the morning and then continue to IF. I love how I feel doing IF and I am more energetic and IF keeps my weight in check. I’m 76 and am not on any drugs, which seems to be the minority of people in my age bracket. I have your book. I had complete blood work done by my Naturopath and then know what supplements I need. I control my LPR Gerd with diet and I am eliminating, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, sugar, and a lot of carbs, mint. No need for drugs at all. Thanks for your work Dr. Mindy. Linda


I am a 72 year old healthy, female, who’s had fibromyalgia for the last 35 years. After watching EO nutrition, Dr. Berg and the nerve doctors I started taking benfotiamine and magnesium at the highest recommended dose from EOnutrition, divided between morning and evening. And it is the first time in 35 years that I am almost pain-free. The B1 is fat soluble, so it gets into your cells and it really works to eliminate pain. My pain levels would be between seven and nine and now it is mostly two or three. Every. Single. Day. I can’t believe the difference it has made. So the types of supplements you take does make a difference like Dr. Mindy says.


Hi Mindy I am 23 years old and you are extremely inspiring to me. You’re my comfort YouTuber at the moment!


I do take Centrum Women 50+ and if I stop, after two weeks, I start to notice a difference in my wellbeing. I’ve unwittingly tested this in the past and even if it’s a placebo effect (which I don’t believe it was), it worked and still works for me. As this is a promotional video, it feels obvious that other brands would be accused of being less than the promoted brand. Not trying to be negative, but if it works and that’s all a person can afford, it feels like a no brainer to use other brands.
I also started taking Dr Vegan Gut Works, which has been great for me.


My cheap Vit D capsule elevated my Vit D to optimal levels


Vitamin D3 + K2 is the only supplement I take from the list. Totally worth it. My D levels were usually deficient. I get my levels checked about 2x/year and they’ve been optimal for a couple of years now.


I took a liquid D3 and my reading was 32. I switched to a gel capsule D3 and my last reading was 106. That's not bad for 75 and liver cancer for the last six years.


With so many conflicting opinions out there on everything health, I think Dr Mindy offers the balance I've been looking for. Keep the good work going Doc..


I just started taking Magnesium Glycinate. Should I also be taking a calcium supplement too? I’m 42!


Love your videos.
Sadly, if one doesn't live in the States like myself who lives in London, England these are not available to us. Any products such as this that don't have a dedicated UK distributor cost a bomb in import duties from the U.S 😒
If there are any equivalents that are available world-wide then it would be great to hear about them. YouTube is international so PLEASE lets talk about products that are available internationally. 😄


I'm so excited that I found your page, so much amazing information and I can't wait to incorporate it into my life.
