What is Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and how to manage your excessive worry.

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In this video, Fraser from the Private Therapy Clinic talks about GAD or Generalised Anxiety Disorder specifically its symptoms, key features, diagnosis, and medication. He'll also be discussing some tips on how to prevent and manage GAD including some tips on how to minimize stress and things to avoid for managing GAD.

For further help with this topic you can contact us here:

Dr Becky Spelman c/o Private Therapy Clinic
Albert Buildings
49 Queen Victoria Street,
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The hard part I struggle with is, when you are constantly trying to prove why you're right, and you really believe you are right about something bad. I've gone through it before, and I'm going through it again now. Everyone I ask says that what I'm worried about isn't a big deal, but to me I really believe that something really bad is going to happen, and they just don't see it. I'm hopping it's in my head, but it feels real to me.


i started having anxiety attacks after lockdown started back in March but as the months went by it got so much worse that since the end of September I'm anxious 24/7, I'm not even worrying about covid anymore, i started to think that I would have heart attacks, strokes etc. and I'm only 20, mind you. the doctors told me countless times that I'm okay and yet I can't believe it. I'm just so tired of this. my psychiatrist started medicating me for GAD at the beginning of this month and I'm doing much much better without no panic attacks at all but i still can't stop worrying about stupid things.
just wrote this down bc maybe there's someone scrolling down this comment section who is going through the same so i want you to know that you're not alone. please hang on tight there and let's try to accomplish healthier habits so we can have a healthier mind. i started stretching this week and it has been great! it shuts my mind off for at least 15 minutes plus it's good for my body so I'd definitely recommend it to everyone fighting anxiety.

edit: made some typos here and there hehe english is not my first language but i hope that i could make myself clear :)


The incertainty part makes a lot of sense on why my anxiety has become worse with the pandemic situation. Thanks for this video.


I’ve been worrying about the same thing for the past month and my mind doesn’t rest unfortunately. But this helps knowing there’s something that might help me understand what’s happening to me.


I think my GAD came from stressful childhood and my fathers doom and gloom opinions which scared me. However, I found exercise and enjoying life helped a great deal. The only thing that bothered me is job loss and financial stress. Luckily, I made fair decisions.


*I’ve found that singing ones thoughts in your head, thinking thoughts backwards and finding anagrams in the words, transliterating them into sign language, Morse code, and Braille to be helpful*


Anxiety is good.
Constant anxiety isn’t.


I have overcame some bad GAD and began going to the gym. Once the pandemic started. I was let go and no gym. My anxiety came back like a slap in the face. Luckily, I accepted my anxiety when it hit me and knew I wasn’t sick. It’s very difficult to get through and especially if it is a genetic thing. As got myself with a family with has anxiety all the time. There is no way to avoid it but to accept it. You will all get through it and know if your doctor says your okay, please believe them. Don’t fight it.


I have been feeling this exact thing since as far as I can remember. I was diagnosed with GAD a while ago.


I have been struggling with severe anxiety for about four years now. It just came out of nowhere and I can’t seem to find a cause. It’s been getting worse and worse, and I’ve started having what I think might be small anxiety and/or panic attacks. I wanted to find something to help because it’s getting to the point where I’m actually scared of trying to go to sleep because every time I do I started having scary thoughts and start worrying about things that I shouldn’t. It gets so bad that it makes me physically sick, and the only way to calm myself down is through watching YouTube. I haven’t been able to get much sleep, and the smallest things trigger me into horrible anxiety. Example: I see a couple holding hands. My mind starts thinking about my future and how I will probably date and get married to someone someday. And then it will remind me that we will share a bed. That starts anxiety because I like being alone and doing my own thing at night. Also my anxiety mostly happens at night and makes me feel sick, and I don’t want my future spouse to have to deal with it all the time. This makes me not want to be in a relationship. It’s controlling my life and it feels like torture. I think part of it might have been from my mom too, because she says that she was the same way. Sorry this is so long, but this was helpful, and if you have anymore advice for me I will gladly take it!


For the past few months, I've been apprehensive for no apparent cause and occasionally for the most irrational notions. I'm also constantly out of breath. I'm going to see a doctor to see if I have any health issues, which I'm not sure is feasible considering I rarely get sick and I'm only 19 years old.


I wake up early in the morning very early I tried falling back asleep after a while of doing things to calm me down but every time I close my eyes and try to stop fidgeting around my anxiety seems to get worse sometimes I can’t even fall asleep until the daytime.


From years of GAD as caused my adrenals to produce too much cortisol and now have ADrenal exhaustion. Dr's don't believe in it but it is very real... When people have a nervous breakdown it's really just adrenal exhaustion


I whent to the hospital I told them about how I have been feeling like this for 3 months and they said I had GAD but I'm only 11 almost 12 yr !!!


Thanks for all this information. I don’t talk to anyone about how I feel but to be fair there not many people who would care anyways . But I’ll endure It . And yeahh I think it’s the uncertainty and something else hard to explain it . Idk how to even begin explaining the other part


Recently it has gotten so bad for me, i quit my job and i’m going to start studying soon, but I don’t know how. I can’t do anything until my anxiety has lessened or has completely gone. It seems like no one, including professionals aren’t taking it as seriously enough. I just need urgent help and it needs to go, because I cannot deal with these dark thoughts.


Man im scared dont smoke dont drink i eat healthy and all i have this so bad heat in my head tingling numbness limbs i thought i had ms they tell me im healthy but it bothers me been happening yearly


I think i have a combination betwen ocd, gad and paranoia


It’s like living in hell with no escape


Can you get anxious from not getting enough sleep or is that just me getting sick every morning?
