Computer Help When You Need It | Relief IT's Computer Help & IT Support Helpdesk

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We've all experienced computer headaches at some point or another!
Finding computer help can be hard and sometimes expensive; you may just be looking for someone to help you with the most basics of computer tasks. Having a computer technician come to your home just to setup your new printer can be costly.
Stop the madness and have it solved within minutes!
Relief IT's computer help service is an end-to-end service where our qualified computer technicians work with you remotely, to find a solution to your computer or home internet problem. Our services are available to you from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and you don't even have to leave your desk. Our qualified technicians can offer advice, set up, or repair services over the phone, or we can make an appointment to come to your home at a time that suits you.
All our technicians are Australian based IT experts & no overseas call centers!
For as little as $47 per month you can hire an entire IT team to work with you remotely to solve any IT or computer related issue, be the boss and have technicians working for you!
It's good to know you can find relief anytime your computer plays up and that's what we're about!
For a limited time we are offering our service for half the price for the first 3 months, that's right for only 23.50 p/m you can hire this team of IT experts and have them working for you
Be quick because this offer will end soon; go to the link below to receive help right away