What Nobody Will Tell You About Baguio City in The Philippines

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You’ve said the same things… over and over again… but failed to show any of the overcrowding or congestion.
It’s a tourist and university city… there will be crowds…. Duh!


Somebody didn't do their homework before visiting...


I am looking to move to the Philippines in a year or so and cool weather is the most important thing to me. I am from Buffalo, NY where it snows a lot and I really don't like hot weather! That's why Baguio is appealing to me. Now, realistically, how many times in a year am I going to be out and about to see large crowds during the peak season of tourists? Probably only a few times as I am older but I do like a vibrant, night life vibe. Anyway, I can very easily handle large crowded cities since I lived in Tokyo for 17 years and had quite a few Filipina friends. It's called adapting to your environment. Nothing is perfect; and clearly everyone is different. And America is slowly dying and I need to get out so I am good where other people are generally happy and there is low crime. I also lived in San francisco for 2 years in the early 2000s and to see the extent to which it has fallen is eye opening.


Pros: cool weather, beautiful mountain scenery, 4 different universities, English is widely used, nice parks, less crime than Manila, cleaner than Manila
Cons: Crowded with tourists, expensive real estate, lots of traffic, no beaches


I am Filipino and I must say I am tired of exaggerated vloggers taking how amazing a city is.. but then I think you went totally extreme. I just been in Baguio, Manila and Boracay at the most busiest time during Christmas and came to conclusion I won't go to Philippines during Xmas period again. It was busy and crowded for my liking. However, Baguio was a respite for me.. yes, it was also busy but it is not different in other cities like Sydney Central business district during Xmas period. I didn't have any problem with the air, no smell and if anything, there's a pine smell if you walk around Camp John Hay. Taxi always put their meter without asking. It is orderly more than in Manila, and small enough that it feels like a village but there are enough variety of places to eat and see. It would have been nice to see videos on what you're saying and maybe put some context - when did you go?, what time and where did you go? In any place, you can focus on the negative or positive but have evidence. If you say the air is bad, maybe get an air sample and get it tested. Look you don't need to tell me what I want to hear but maybe go at different time again and see if maybe you were just unlucky at that time. I still follow you and hope to watch more of your videos.


I bet this guy only been on Session Road and Burnham Park 🤦🏽‍♂️


Air quality in Baguio is much better than in Manila, but it can get crowded with tourists in the popular spots. It depends on your preference.


I see the date for when you uploaded this video, so I'm assuming that you were in Baguio City around February, or the first week of March.

Well, every year and in the last 2 weeks of February and the first week of March is the Panagbenga Flower Festival celebrations. During this period, Baguio City usually gets 1 million, and sometimes more local tourists from all over the Philippines, and this cold city would continue to be a preferred destination for local travelers during the hottest months of April and May.
Surely why you would think that Baguio City is more crowded than Manila. It also explains the heavy traffic because the volume of cars also increases a lot.
BTW, I think that you may not be aware that Manila is the most densely populated city in the world. Baguio City only has a population of less than 400, 000, and on a regular day, it would only get to around half a million people.


I don't understand when you look to stroll around a nice park & all you have to say about the city is negative which is ok if its the truth but you don't even show any videos of your stay or where you had been around that city, not gonna lie but it actually sounds nonsense to me😅it's enough to say 'its not for me' when you don't like it after all your just a packing foreign nomad😁


As someone who grew up in Baguio and lived in Manila for 10 yrs, i disagree, its true that theres a lot of people in Baguio but i bet those are tourist not a native who lived here. Some places might be crowded (main city) but not for the most part.
Living expenses here is much cheaper than Manila, climate wise and even the pollution. When you went to Manila, you might been in places like Makati or BGC but never really been in places like Tondo, Divisoria etc.


The difference Is Baguio to Manila as you said in Manila and Cebu you simply turn on the air conditioning, but you cannot walk about outside with an air on strapped on your shoulder, Manila and Cebu your prisoners mostly in Condos with aircon on that is RIDICULOUS..and you do not have to stay in the city area Baguio anyway…I have lived in Manila and Cebu and Baguio..give me Baguio every time…Ray in the UK ingat


I was born in Pinas and I grew up near the Capital. I have been to Baguio during my younger years and I love it. I do not know the situation now, I have been here in the USA for a long time now.


It's a city, what did you expect lol! But you're wrong though, Baguio is way better than Manila not just because of the cool weather but also because of
- crime rate is lower
- Manila is way more polluted, which makes sense because there are way more people and vehicles there
- it's much more expensive to live in Manila. Rent wise, maybe you didn't search enough to get the best price out of your stay. Bills, you don't need aircon to live within Baguio unlike Manila. Transportation, If you're lucky at renting an apartment, one can actually just walk to work instead of riding a jeep or a cab. Baguio seems big but it's actually very small, maybe the smallest city in the Philippines

Living outside Baguio but within Benguet is different though. Depends where you are in Benguet but for me, it's much better than living within or nearby the city. Cleaner, cheaper, minimal pollution and no crime whatsoever

Honestly this is a pathetic excuse of content just to get monetized. With the rise of content creation, no wonder people are willing to stoop so low just to get paid


This vlogg is just as toxic as the vlogger.


He has only been there for 3 days and he talks like he had been there for years
Why don't you stop visiting the Philippines instead?


Dude You know why is nice is the cold weather. You dont like it then go home? 😂🤪🥵


I was in Baguio in mid-January this year. However, I did not find the air quality "disgusting" as you say. Session Road and its surroundings can have that exhaust/smog smell due to too many jeepneys and other vehicles.Yes it was more crowded than it used to be. It's no longer a quaint, charming mountain town that I remember from the 1980s, and that is sad. Now it seems like a mini Manila in the mountains. I was very surprised at seeing long lines of people waiting to get on jeepneys. I had no problem hailing a taxi (no waiting). But if you go further away from the areas on and near Session Road, I found the air to be much better and the views to be stunning. Waking up to temperatures in the 50s (F) was so nice! Maybe it has to do with the time of year you visited. Baguio gets exponentially more crowded during the hot summer months (March-May).


I am from Norway and shall have vacations in the Philippines besides other places in Baguio. This YouTuber made video about Baguio telling that this city is overcrowded, but didn’t show any video of congestion. So I shall still go there and shall experience this city from my own eyes.


I have been in Baguio and its cool but very crowded and hard to get a taxi there when I went last. QUESTION where are the smaller cities around Baguio that are tolerable


if you think Baguio and Manila are worst. maybe you should pack your stuff and leave the Philippines and never come back.
