Why Am I Still Sick? - Trailer V1

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Interview excerpts & videos with Bacterial Biofilm Experts (doctors & researchers):

See the documentary's web site:
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corporate greed and politics is what we're up against !! i tell ya!!!


one best thing I know for removing biofilms is fermented kombucha tea (being biofilm producer itself) it works at least on some biofilms (one I deal with) when in direct contact it detaches them, it could possibly be good addition to wound care at different concentrations although I don't know if it could burn or anything. I am dealing with gut biofilm chronic infection that I can not shake off for many many years, I wish I could work with you on biofilms as well as get help


hey biofilm, is this full video out to see anywhere?


I’m ok to die. This has gone on too long and I give up. Not having support from medical doctors is bad enough but I don’t even have family that care anymore. I’m suffering and the doctors think I’m delusional. 🥺


I had a Doctor test me for Hypercoagulation. It was the worst she had ever seen. I was also positive for EBV, HHV-6, and CPN Bacteria. She said these are common in co-infections.

The Dr put me on Doxycycline, Azizthromycin, Metrandozole, and an Ant-Viral for 14 months. She also put me on Heparin for 6 months. This only made me worse and I now have Osteoporosis.


i'm entering my 5th year with osteomyelitis/infected prostheses. my 11th year with CRPS in all limbs. i finally heard the word "biofilm" about 3 months ago, just before my shoulder was removed. i am ready to quit.


Who is the best Doctor in the country to diagnose and treat me?


So sorry -- I could not get the link to work. Can you check the link again? Any way, culture-based diagnostics are a big problem. They only detect up to 5% of all known bacteria; has biases and is a 150 year old technology. Find another doctor. I know; easier said than done!


The use of ozone for dental treatment is still tightly regulated for many reasons. But yes, ozone can be very effective! The film will be finally released in June, along with a companion DVD. More soon, on the blog at whyamistillsick


sorry2 have had a pity-party online but yes, i'm suffering, & feel that life no longer has value. i've the best docs around but they're tapped out. the infection may have spread2 hip hardware but the new hip ortho is "2 afraid 2operate." my ID doc is super but it took us 4 yrs to get p.acnes 2even grow in the lab, despite surgeries with "frank pus, " daily fever, sweats, *pain*. ID now has "no plan." my answer2 yr ?, then? i don't know! THANK YOU4 doing this wk &i will tfollow yr research closely


sorry about that. thank you for the advice. youtube won't accept the entire url, which i guess i can understand. if you go to my channel page, there is a blogger link there. the post is titled "the one where i finally show my face."


I am so sorry to hear of your suffering. There are so many people that suffer needlessly -- this cold fact is the reason why I produced this documentary. Are you now in the hands of a good doctor -- one who understands how to diagnose and treat biofilm infections?!


Time to explore ozone in the control of deep biofilm disease. Widely used in Europe, Canada, South America, Aftrica and sorely missing in the US.

William C. Domb, DMD
