Is Overwatch 2 a Failure?

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The Overwatch community is still reeling after the doomsday announcement of real PvE being cancelled. Flats and Asmongold have reacted to our video as well as further community discussion.

00:00 Intro
00:30 Asmongold Reaction
01:07 Did Overwatch 2 Fail?
02:25 Community Reactions
05:32 When is Full Access OW2?
06:37 Content Drought and Microtransactions
08:45 The Dev Team's Decisions
09:27 What Does Blizzard Stand For?
10:27 Flats' Reaction
12:13 Compared To Diablo
14:23 My Conclusion

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People seem to forget that blizzard is a massively wealthy company, so the fact that they claim to be short on resources is ridiculously


Has it failed monetarily? No. Has it failed the Overwatch community? Absolutely and several times.


From being my favorite and most played game all time to being completely out of my rotation.. i would say its a failure in my opinion.


Its hard for me to call the OW2 support great when you realize that it's received about as much content as it would have if they kept up the content release pace from the og launch, and that the content drought we experienced was because that content was witheld for an aggressively moneyized rebranding.

I held off picking the game back up when 2 dropped because it seemed cynical af, but I told myself that if they came through with what was promised that I'd give it another shot...and here we are... Haven't played in about a year and have zero interest in ever playing again. Honestly, fuck this game.


It's like Asmon said. I have no reason to be excited to play Overwatch anymore. I had an entire group of friends who all planned on playing the PVE together, and now all of us but one have left the game


It's not just a failure, it's a mega corporation breaking my heart. After 7 years of playing, sharing laughs and good times with friends, looking forward to all the great things to come... This feels like an awful breakup that came out of nowhere. Yesterday I pulled the trigger and deleted OW2 from both of my computers. Sad day indeed, but I won't put up with this anymore.


I had over 3000 hours in OW1, I played the first two seasens in OW2 and paid well for it. It is now completely uninstalled. What I found extremely fun in OW was collecting all the skins and that it was well balanced for everyone. Both ended up behind a paywall. I have to pay money for both if I want direct access to the new heroes. So yeah.. it is a failure!


Played this game religiously for 6 YEARS! SIX! Failure is an understatement. Overwatch was supposed to be a change in the landscape of Blizzard, and Overwatch 2 was supposed to be an expansion of that, but with the fact that they literally lied to us, along with the insanely high prices for skin bundles and the battle pass. If it was funding something bigger I’d be all for it, but now that a huge gaming company literally lied to its player base, it’s essentially just become a huge money pit.


Its actually funny to me how many people gave Blizzard the benefit of the doubt and gave them more money after they stopped dropping content for OW1 for 3 years. Though even i didnt think OW2 would be as scammy as it wnded up being. Its kind of impressive how far they had to dig to get under the low bar i had for them.


"Failure" doesn't quite cut it. This IP had the potential to be the biggest game in the world for many, many years to come, and Blizzard has basically gone out of their way at every step of the way to ensure that would not happen.


If hypothetically, any game were in a successful state, but then you later find yourself questioning if it was a failure, then it did indeed turn out to be a failure.


I feel real bad for the Overwatch community, just such a bad play from Blizzard. After the Diablo Immoral debacle, the wow token in classic wow and the pve drop from Overwatch. Blizzard just shows that it really doesn't care about its fan base and really allows greed to control their narrative. It's unfortunate that such a king has fallen so far. I actually have removed the blizzard launcher from my pc and will no long support that company.


As someone who’s put over 800 hours into OW the last several years and had no interest in a PVE. It really does feel like a slap in the face to those of us who have devoted weeks of time to the game. It’s a great game and has given me so many memories and still does with friends. It’s just a shame as a whole.


I played so much Overwatch - I was part of a community. Played in a beer league in real life at a local esports cafe. I had high hopes for OW2 and built a Not for profit plan to use the game to teach kids about the value of team work and controlling your anger in sports/esports- but I scrapped it all. This game has only made me realize there is something to actually be angry about.


Overwatch was one of my favorite games and I always played it for comfort, Overwatch 2 is now a graveyard of potential.


I’m just an average player. I’ve been playing overwatch off and on for 5 years now. I can say with 100 percent certainty that if blizzard had announced the cancellation of the overwatch 2’s pve before it’s release I would not have played it and especially wouldn’t have spent money on it.


I had been playing since 2017. I had a good group of friends to play with. Fell on and off it, even got a new group to play with in Ow1’s final days because we grew apart to no fault of anyone’s. When ow2 dropped, we played for like a few days before most of us left. However, still hearing about the pve cancellation still feels like a loss somehow. I haven’t touched this game since last October but still it’s upsetting. Time to move on.
It went from being my first ever fps, the first game I got on my laptop as a teen, to a hollow broken promise milked for money. Failure? There’s gotta be a bigger word.


I don't know, with all the money ow1 made and the strength of the ow IP, I don't see how this could have been worse. They really don't have an excuse for failing given all the resources they (blizzard in general not the devs necessarily) should have


I can confirm that I did indeed buy the Watchpoint pack, and S1-4 battlepasses thinking they would be funding the PvE. You are not alone. I want to see if battle pass sales tank in S5
