How to go zero waste in just 365 days!

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It's finally here! My Zero Waste in a Year Guide! This collection of the e-book, calendar, and journal are designed for zero waste beginners to build their perfect zero waste life. This is the perfect low waste Christmas gift and is a great way to start a zero waste New Year! Let me know your questions below. I hope you enjoy this zero waste guide :)

Videos mentioned/recommended:
Zero waste on a budget series:
What does the future of zero waste look like?
What environmentalists should do after the election:
Do our small actions even matter?

00:00 - The Ebook
3:44 - The Calendar
5:15 - The Journal
7:30 - Which one should you get?
9:10 - Things to know before you buy
11:46 - How to download Zero Waste in a Year
12:22 - Other ways to support me monetarily
13:51 - Other ways to support me for FREE
15:13 - Acknowledgements
16:29 - Do small actions even matter though?
18:14 - Bloopers

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DISCLAIMER: Links included may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product from a link, I may receive a small commission with no charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so that I can keep providing free content!
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I’m so excited! I just restarted my zero waste journey and also planning to do my first low buy in 2025 🎉


You help show it’s easy to learn to go zero waste and we don’t need to throw out what we’ve got just to buy the zero plastic version and waste money when we already had that product at home, each video I’ve watched til I came across yours they went straight to zero waste and made it seem almost impossible. So thank you for showing its use what you got til it’s empty, repair if it means something to you and everything else so far. Keen to hear what else you have to show us 😊😊


As someone who is further along in my zero-waste life, I feel that the calendar is the best one for me as there will almost certainly be tips there which I'm not aware of or tips that I know about but have forgotten which I could do with reminders about. The guide sounds fantastic and I'm tempted to get it as a gift for someone.

I'm not wealthy to say the least, so unfortunately I don't support my favourite creators financially as much as I wish I could. But I do try to engage with their posts; always through likes but also with comments (though I always feel I have to write a deep and meaningful comment which can take me ages, which adds some stress lol). It never occurred to me that commenting on sponsored posts would be more advantageous to the creators so I shall definitely try and do that, even if it is just a sentence of two expressing gratitude for the video.

Thank you for all that you do! I had already started my zero waste/sustainability journey before I found your channel, but you have helped me so much to do more and also to make smarter changes.


I’m excited to purchase and support you! Not sure if I’m doing my math wrong but it appears to be cheaper to buy everything separately than to bundle it. The guide is $19.99, Calendar $9.99, and Journal $1.99 or $31.97. Your bundle is $38.99. You should raise the individual product prices to reflect that the bundles are a better value 😊


Easy zero waste tip with pets: mix the powder from the bottom of the food bag with some wet food, dont just toss it out with the bag!


How exciting! Congrats 🎉 I appreciate how candid you are. You are my favorite zero waste influencer!


Been transitioning to zero waste for a year now, and I'm very excited for the guide!! There's so much to learn and so much internalized consumerism to de-program. Having so many different topics covered in one place sounds so helpful!


Congratulations!!! Just got the 20 free pages, but I am SO interested in the rest of them! Thank you! Keep going! 🥰


Amazing video Emma! I’ve how accessible and easy you’ve made if for all of us to live more low waste lifestyles ❤ Been on my zero waste journey for about 1.5 years, doing my first official tracked no buy/low buy in 2025. So excited.


I am slowly going zero waste. I started of with reusable pads, toothpaste tabs, and shampoo bars. I want to use reusable paper towels but my partner isn’t 100% down with it.


Yay top 20 and top 8 likes and comments. Love this channel. Best to you and your family. Thanks for making this video.

Clicked on video 42 minutes after it was posted. 9:43 a.m., Wednesday November 27th, 2024


Congratulations!! Thank you for all of your hard work!! I have learned a lot from you and will be sure to check all of this out!


Love this!!! I’ll be getting your guide for my kids.


I DLed the sample and it looks really solid! I'm really gonna think about if this is something I need, because I'm a bit advanced, but I am truly curious so I just might!


Cool, I think I can figure out how to get your eBook from your store for my 2 friends that are recently retired & are trying to do Sustainable Retirement. This is a great way for me to support your work, and give them a sort of “guidebook” to a 2025 Challenge on getting better at living a sustainable life. 🙃


I'm curious, is it only for US based people or is it working for Europeans too? I'd say I'm not a begginner anymore but I'd love to support you


Would like to purchase but in dollars.


Could this be downloaded on a phone since I don't have a laptop or computer?


This is just a 20 minute ad, for anyone who'd rather spend their time actually learning something from one of her educational videos. This is pretty unnecessary, tbh. Not the product, that's cool, but 20 whole minutes? Really? Five to ten would have been plenty.
