These Are The 10 Most Regretted College Degrees

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These Are The 10 Most Regretted College Degrees

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2:41 - the list of most regretted.
6:12 - the list of most appreciated.


I went to a Community College for a 2 year program in Electrical Science and took 3 extra courses in Electronics. I've working for an Utility company as a Technician for 3 years now and making over $100K per year...


I love that everyone not on tech invalidates computer science degrees, with a saturated market of “boot camp grads” a degree gives you the ability to lean into a skillset


Sociology is the study of demographics and social work is public service. They are entirely two different degrees and careers but I agree the pay is terrible for both degrees


I have 4 yr bachelor degree, 1 MA accounting degree, and MBA degree.... thank goodness I barely paid for any of those (mix of scholarships, employer tuition assistance, and VA funding as a vet). I really do not regret my degrees. If I have a student loan on my back, I think I might regret some of them. Just be financially responsible when you get the degrees.


You're 100 % right about journalism.


This book helped me How to Get Any Job: Life Launch and Re-Launch for Everyone Under 30 (or How to Avoid Living in Your Parents' Basement)- I was as social science major with 5 jobs that lasted less than 2 years by age 28. Now i'm an insurance underwriter


Didn’t go get a degree, instead joined the military where they taught me how to work on Airplanes. And now I’m in the civilian sector making 6 figures in North Carolina and many job offers for around the same pay in many other states every week. I hid my resume from Indeed (where I got this job) but my profile can’t be hidden so I still get offers



You're completely wrong. Your problem is that you're conflating college major with career. Majoring in journalism or liberal arts doesn't mean you have to be a journalist or professor. Regretting your college degree doesn't mean you regret your career.

Many people who major in stuff like English, History, Literature, etc, go into business, politics, consulting, law, medicine, and other highly paid professions. I think most presidents of the United States in the modern era have Bachelor of Arts degrees in stuff like history, political science (which is history), etc. The most famous epidemiologist in the country majored in classics (Greek). Steve Jobs credits his college calligraphy class as being the most influential class he took. He didn't go to Bethel Tech.


It's almost like forcing kids who are 18 to choose their career with no real life experience and put them into debt is a bad idea...


Got a degree in biology. Ended up going into trade. Be carful what you are getting yourself into.


Free BS in Business Administration from the military and $44k for an MBA that landed me a life-changing remote job in tech with 0 experience within 2 months. It all depends how YOU leverage it.


My degree is accounting, I don't regret it one bit


I have a bachelors in computer information systems and cost me 40k for the degree and now earn 3x that amount or more.


Colllege isn't the problem. Ppl regret their degrees bc they hate jobs.Ppl hate their jobs bc they hate their paychecks and/or the people they work with.


General Studies grad here 🙋 also graduated with a Marketing Undergrad cert. I think it's worked out for me so far. Making $72k
But I was also experienced in the Marketing field so I think adding the degree on my resume was more like adding sprinkles.


I have a Bachelor's in Marketing. My first major was accounting and I didn't like it. I then talked to my college advisor and he said that if I switched to either Marketing or Finance I could actually graduate 1 semester earlier than projected due to the credit hours I had. I remember thinking to myself 'what am I going to do, work in a bank all day?' and chose the marketing degree instead. I had heard from professors how all of these people with marketing degrees were getting hired, so I was enthused about the prospects.

Fast forward to a few years later and I started to see that Marketing degrees suck. Most of the jobs in marketing are really sales jobs. The administrative jobs in marketing most bosses think anybody with a 4-year degree in any subject can do them. And the marketing department is often the red headed stepchild of the company. I've worked for companies that have valued call centers over marketing departments.

Luckily I was smart enough to have a minor in Applied Mathematics. It took me a while to understand that I needed to get a job that wasn't in a marketing department and everything has been upward and onward from there.


Unless your degree is specialized it’s virtually worthless. You know what I can do with my business administration degree?? I can wipe my ass with it. That’s pretty much it. Never been asked to even show it to prove I received it. But the college got their $40k+.


I have accounting/finance degree and love what I do. Always could find a job and work in different industries. Always something to learn and helps with personal management of money.


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