How to Convert Numbers Stored as Text to Numbers | Step-by-Step Tutorial & Quiz

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An Excel worksheet which has numbers stored as text might cause calculation errors and or formatting problems. To fix these issues, you have to convert numbers stored as text to numbers. It's easy to convert numbers stored as text to numbers.
How do you know if a number is stored as text in an Excel worksheet? If you open such a worksheet, the cells with numbers stored as text will have green triangles and the numbers will be left-aligned.
If you want to confirm numbers are stored as text, click a cell with a green triangle. Then, click the diamond-shaped icon that appears. In the drop-down, you will see an entry, Number Stored as Text.
How to convert numbers stored as text to numbers in Excel? Here are the steps:
1. Start Excel.
2. Open a worksheet with numbers stored as text. Let's assume column B has such numbers.
3. Click the label B to select column B.
4. Format column B: In the Number tab, select a formatting option. For this tutorial, let's select Numbers.
5. Click the Data tab.
6. Click Text to Columns. Excel will convert the numbers stored as text to numbers in column B and right-aligns them.
TIP: If there is only one cell in a column with numbers stored as text, here is a quick way to convert it to number: Click the cell. Click the diamond-shaped icon. From the drop-down menu, click Convert to Number.
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How do you know if a number is stored as text in an Excel worksheet? If you open such a worksheet, the cells with numbers stored as text will have green triangles and the numbers will be left-aligned.
If you want to confirm numbers are stored as text, click a cell with a green triangle. Then, click the diamond-shaped icon that appears. In the drop-down, you will see an entry, Number Stored as Text.
How to convert numbers stored as text to numbers in Excel? Here are the steps:
1. Start Excel.
2. Open a worksheet with numbers stored as text. Let's assume column B has such numbers.
3. Click the label B to select column B.
4. Format column B: In the Number tab, select a formatting option. For this tutorial, let's select Numbers.
5. Click the Data tab.
6. Click Text to Columns. Excel will convert the numbers stored as text to numbers in column B and right-aligns them.
TIP: If there is only one cell in a column with numbers stored as text, here is a quick way to convert it to number: Click the cell. Click the diamond-shaped icon. From the drop-down menu, click Convert to Number.
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