The Book Of Enoch REVEALS the Location of Garden Of Eden!

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The location of the garden of Eden has been an excellent problem for Biblical scholars and non-scholars alike. There has been diverse literature on it, but there still exists no valid answer, and we are as in the dark as the people of the past until recently that Biblical scholars began to point their hands to the book of Enoch... Yes, the book of Enoch. We know you might not have heard of it because it was removed from the current Bible in circulation. While one can doubt the book of Enoch, the recent scientific discovery makes that quickly impossible to be true. Take, for instance, the current consensus in Geography holding that the universe is one big giant continent and that it shifts.

This proves that close to Africa, India has shifted towards the Asian plate and collided. Judging by this, there could be an excellent reason to believe there was a pole shift after Noah's flood that makes that place look, unlike the original place. In this video, we will take a look at the available evidence and suggestions by experts in the field to try to approach all these questions and faithfully consider what the book of Enoch has to say on this salient matter that by the time you finish watching you would decide for yourself whether the Book of Enoch is correct or not. Why won't you take your seat and glue your face to the screen for a good session of intriguing discovery like no other!

Probably, you are aware of the legend surrounding the Garden of Eden. Numerous non-Christians around the world are aware of it, according to some research. It is the story of a place often declared the first paradise where the human race is said to have originated. Adam and Eve, two young people whom God created there, had access to everything but the tree in the center of the garden. But, alas, Eve was duped by a serpent into eating the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden—often referred to as apples—and she did. She would eventually convince her husband to eat it, and he would follow suit. However, many experts in the scientific world and many religious scholars have frowned at the literal interpretation of this story. Let's take a brief look at their contents.

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Even if the garden of Eden was or is in the Antarctic God has angels guarding it. No one or thing is coming in or out.


We Ethiopian Orthodox Christians have a book of Enoch as part of our Babil


The problem with humans today is thinking that God thinks like they do. They forget that God is supreme and can tell what will happen in the next 100yrs. And go ahead to plan for it. God let's you know what He thinks you should know


I’m still not sure how reading the book of Enoch led you to believe that the garden of Eden was in Antarctica


The book of Jubilees tell us that mounts Sinai, the Mount of God which is Mount Zion and the Garden of Eden is given to shem for an inheritance and his places of Yehuah the Elohim are facing each other


isaiah 24:15
book of enoch chapter 31


Deuteronomy 18:15 (21st Century King James Version)
“The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, from thy brethren, like unto me. Unto Him ye shall hearken,


The holy scriptures speak of this so no one should twist the scripture because of ignorance to suit their own desires 🙏🙏🙌🙌


I think you may find that ancient books can offer us knowledge. However, that knowledge needs to be compares to other books and manuscripts of the same era, epecially, if there is a conflicting texts.


There are only two logical explanations here. Either the Garden is a supernatural place protected by God and guarded by cherubim. Or it was destroyed in the flood.


I wonder if the angels guarding it has anything to do with the freezing temperatures. Angels are very astounding creatures


I still wonder why John Kerry went to Antarctica on election day - 2016? What in the world is there to see??


East or eastward also means old or olden times in Hebrew. For example, in ancient Egypt there wasn't a word for death. The closest thing to describe death was to 'go west ' to sunset. So some of the language is Deliberately symbolic.


Well my opinion is that seeing as how the garden is regarded still as a sacred place, and then the Bible says that the ENTIRE earth with the exception of people and animals on the ark was destroyed by the flood. It's reasonable to also consider the possibility that God may have removed the garden of Eden from earth altogether in order for it to remain intact during such a large scale extinct event... So then it would no longer have a physical, geographical location that's accessible by man. Lol now I know why there are reasons to say that the book of Enoch is likely untrue, but it does mention that during Enoch's ascension to heaven he saw many heavenly bodies and other planets and he also mentioned seeing the Tree of Life in the garden of Eden and that's after he left Earth. Just food for thought really.


Literary, there must be Eden, why because God left cherubim and flaming sword to guard it. It must be concealed somewhere within four rivers Pishon, Kishon, Tigris, Euphrates.


Why do you think we have had many militaries, world leaders, etc. going to Antarctica a few years ago? Something is up... not saying they have discovered it, but why the obsession?


The Garden of Eden was in Torreya State Park in Florida, as described by E. E. Callaway, The Gopherwood tree used to build the Ark is native to that area, Check Old World Florida for more info.


Where do I get the book of Enoch? Please let me know so I can purchase one.


This still sounds like satan is still up to his old deceiving tricks


Its not difficult to locate. It was described clearly as far east. Over the summits of all the mountains (himalayas), passed over the Indian Ocean, far towards the east of the earth. It's the Philippines. Duh!

The same place as Ophir, Sheba and Tarshish can be located. Ophir now Aparri in Luzon island, Sheba or Cebu in Visayas and Tarshish in Mindanao.

Human activity in the Philippines dates back to 700, 000 years. And the recently discovered Homo Luzonensis near Aparri.

Banaue rice terraces is one of few remaining proofs of ancient civilization in the Philippines.

Just look at the map, there you see the Philippines in the east. And all resources mentioned in the bible, were abundant in the isles east of ganges (india) and south of seres (china). Mountains of fire or volcanic eruption and some of the greatest floods/storms were recorded in the Philippines.

Why Antartica, when all the evidence was pointing in the same direction, to the Philippines. From ptolemy, the bible, and other ancient sources.
