Weak Foot Restoration Program

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Bunions, plantar fasciitis, flat feet, hallux limitus, and many other foot dysfunctions are all the product of weak, inflexible feet failing to properly handle the load of our body. Modern shoes that pinch our toes together and provide an abundance of cushion are usually the culprit that lead to our feet morphing and atrophying overtime. I’ve lived both lives when it comes to all the foot dysfunctions above, and now live with pain free, functional feet. To pay it forward, I’ve compiled the 6 most compelling foot exercises I’ve ever come across to make up my Foot Restoration Program. When performed daily and consistently, they are some of the most powerful tools that have worked like magic for myself and countless others:

1. 25 Hand Foot Glove Twists
2. 25 Toe Flexion Pulses
3. 25 Big Toe Thumbs Up Pulses
4. 25 Big Toe Thumbs Down Pulses
5. 100m Sled Push
6. 25 Slow Calf Raises

Even with restored feet, these exercises remain a staple. If your feet are in pain or you suffer from any foot dysfunctions, you owe it to yourself to feel the difference in just the first session. And if you already have healthy, functioning feet, now you have the tools to help someone else. We can all win with this stuff. Can’t recommend everyone follow @thefootcollective enough - a page of truly invaluable information

#fitness #mobility #flexibility #footexercises #foothealth #bunion #bunions #plantarfasciitis #flatfeet #arches #arthritis #sled #calves #minimalshoes #toespacers
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87% of people will experience foot pain sometime in their life! Bunions, plantar fasciitis, flat feet, hallux limitus, and many other foot dysfunctions are all the product of weak, inflexible feet failing to properly handle the load of our body. Modern shoes that pinch our toes together and provide an abundance of cushion are usually at fault that lead to our feet morphing and atrophying overtime. I’ve lived both lives when it comes to all the foot dysfunctions above, and now live with pain free, functional feet. To pay it forward, I’ve compiled the 6 most compelling foot exercises I’ve ever come across to make up my Foot Restoration Program. When performed daily and consistently, they are some of the most powerful tools that have worked like magic for myself and countless others:

1. 25 Hand Foot Glove Twists
2. 25 Toe Flexion Pulses
3. 25 Big Toe Thumbs Up Pulses
4. 25 Big Toe Thumbs Down Pulses
5. 100m Sled Push
6. 25 Slow Calf Raises

Even with restored feet, these exercises remain a staple. If your feet are in pain or you suffer from any foot dysfunctions, you owe it to yourself to feel the difference in just the first session. And if you already have healthy, functioning feet, now you have the tools to help someone else. We can all win with this stuff. Can’t recommend everyone follow @thefootcollective on Instagram enough - a page of truly invaluable information


“See ya later guys, I gotta hit the gym. It’s toe day 😎”


Your feet are where balance begins. Make them strong now and they will be strong when you’re getting older in life. The #1 injury cause in seniors is from falling and having strong feet is going to drastically reduce that from happening. It’s going to help your knees, hips, and lower back stay strong and healthy as well because they will have proper support.


To people who are new to this: remember it's not about going hard, it's about being consistent. Don't all of a sudden start doing heavy foot workouts or you will end up injured. Build up slowly and realize it will take years, but it will be worth the effort. A great start is never wearing shoes around the house (that includes flipflops!). For most peope this will be all the footcare they need. If you do other stuff like basketball for example, then you definitely need to build foot and leg strength for more longevity and less injuries


I'm from hawaii and grew up in a mountain area on Oahu. We barely wore any shoes and so my feet naturally spread a lot including my toes. I've always been called "hand feet" because of how my toes spread out lol.


It makes sense. The feet, the root, determines the flow to the rest of the body. Poor foundations have always led to poor structure in anything.


this has honestly changed my life. 2 years ago I started having mild foot pain that has now progressed to major foot pain & i’ve been doing some of these stretches & exercises for just 2 weeks and i already feel a difference 😭😭😭 thank you! I thought I had gout or something but didn’t test positive for it and it turns out I probably injure my foot unknowingly and it needed some serious PT.


I have severe bunions. Thanks to you, i bought combat ropes (1.5 inch diameter x 18 feet) and i walk on them. Will add these exercises as well


You’ve got a new subscriber—great content, just in time for me. My flat feet hardly bothered me all my life until recently. I need a foot restoration program like this!


Thanks for sharing this. My left big toe is messed up because of shoes and now I got bones spurs. Been using toe spaces. Recently and it’s been helping a bunch. Looking forward to trying your program to strengthen my feet!


I’m out right now for a bulging disc and started foot strengthening this week and I already feel the advantages of having strong feet and now I know why I’ve pronated so badly on my right side.


I've been wearing toe spacers and toe socks around the house, during my workouts, and to bed for two weeks and I'm already seeing improvements


Just do everything barefooted. I'm 33 and I still don't wear shoes if I'm not in public. It really does help.


Omg as someone whose arch dropped. This will be so helpful


Thanks a lot for this post. My mum has been losing her balance whilst walking etc.
These movements I’m sure will help her regain the strength back.


This is good stuff! Ánd underestimated. You’ll also experience NO more pain when walking on bare feet over uneven terrain, ruds f.e.

Will do these exercises! Thanks.

Started wearing barefoot shoes a few months ago, with some other exercises, and already big changes! Can’t wait to experience the results of your tips! 🤘🏼


Fighters would really benefit from this. It will give you impeccable balance.


Oh wow this is awesome 👍
I've had less foot pain after wearing barefoot shoes more often and doing more exercises like these.
Thank you for sharing this program 😁


I’m 27 and have some decent sized bunions on both feet. Just got some toe spacers and ordered some minimalist shoes! Gonna be following your vids to fix my issues so thanks !


Exactly what I needed for my plantar faciitis problem👍
