MH370: New search may find evidence on missing flight - The Global Story podcast, BBC World Service

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Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared over ten years ago and remains one of the greatest unsolved mystery in aviation. Could a new search finally find evidence to locate the missing plane and give the families the answers they desperately need?

James Reynolds assesses the latest evidence about what happened to MH370 with the BBC's South East Asia correspondent Jonathan Head and Alessandra Bonomolo, director of a new documentary on the disappearance of MH370 – Why Planes Vanish: The Hunt for MH370.

00:09 Introduction
01:31 What happened to MH370?
03:03 Where did MH370 go?
04:14 The search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
08:26 Main theories of missing flight
10:42 The families of MH370 passengers
12:42 What if we never know why MH370 went missing?

Thumbnail credit: Reuters
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Even the BBC succumbed to click bait.
So sad.


We've heard all these facts dozens of times already. It's clear that it was most likely the pilot's suicide. What's interesting is why none of the serious investigative journalists have conducted an investigation into the life and connections of the main suspect, the captain. It's necessary to talk to his colleagues, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, and relatives. Surely some details will emerge that may explain the reasons that drove him to this mass murder.


My hat's off to those who actually watched the whole thing. I stopped about a minute in because of the annoying background "music?". It was just loud enough to distract to the point I couldn't concentrate on what was being said, nor, at that point I did not care to listen. But perhaps the intent was to distract so people wouldn't listen carefully enough to realize there was really no new information, at least according to some of the other comments I have read by those who apparently did watch/listen to the whole thing.


So... there is no new evidence. Thanks for the clickbait


Worst, drama-filled, fake interview ever. They've said nothing new that hasn't been covered already. Click bait is an understatement with this video.


As someone who watched the Nexflix documentary on MH370, I warn you, this video is a CLICK BAIT


The MH370 will be found this year. A new area was found where the plane could be in the sea bed.
Remember this comment!


All pilots know that the routine, and expected, response when given a frequency to contact (or other certain information or instruction) is to read it back, followed by the aircraft callsign. The mere "Good night" response, in this case, especially from an experienced commercial pilot, immediately got my attention the very first time I heard it, several years ago, in the original TV documentary which, at the time, did not comment on it. For the transponder signal to then disappear from the radar screen but with military radar returns suggesting that the aircraft was still flying and manoeuvring does strongly suggest deliberate human input. The only questions then would be who and why? Those questions may, or may not, ever be answered even if the flight recorders are found.


The explanation is quite clear: somebody with pilot level expertise did it, it was a suicide and a murder.


I believe today that the pilot is responsible. In other words, we can't find the plane because the pilot had months or years of planning this act of evil. So, until we have the technology to solve this evil act we will never step ahead of the pilot's smart planning.


It was murder suicide by the pilot. Speak to Simon Hardy.


Here's a suggestion can Mr Robert Ballard have a say in this search for MH370? It's my most humble view that he's the most experienced oceanographer that might be able to find the missing plane. Can you give him a chance?


I think that plane disappeared due to negligence, the same as with the titanic.


The mh370 plane FUSELAGE is in a volcano in Sumatra Indonesia.
I found by my investigation calculation and reported to Indonesia forest authority to check the volcano at North Sumatra western hills.They accepted and issued a map with plane insert.They are tight lipped to press report to Malaysian.


I was twelve then. I was looking through articles with my dad for my essay and he predicted it, now he isn't here, lost him to covid.


Great article. You do mention the 70 years taken to find the Titanic... We have progressed massively technology wise compared to the time when the Titanic sank so let's all hope that MH370 is found way way sooner. My heart goes out to the poor families affected by this awful tragedy, the emotional suffering caused by not knowing what happened and where their loved ones came to rest is unimaginable.


The captain loaded his own program into the plane's computer so that he could put the first officer who was on his last training flight through the paces. _Was he capable of handling his responsibilities? How would the first officer react if communications were lost? Could he navigate to the nearest airport based on the stars in the sky and layout of city lights?_ The captain's software worked perfectly, having tested it many times at _home._ The ventilation sub-routine lacked data that the plane had left the ground and returned air valves to the open position. It was nighttime. Everyone felt drowsy and some passengers were dozing. Nothing unusual. They slipped into unconsciousness and were soon dead. The plane continued on the captain’s reprogrammed flight path until it ran out of fuel.

Authorities may load the captain’s program into a similar plane and verify the result.

But for overlooking the ventilation routine in a sub-program that proved fatal, the captain's method of testing pilots might have become standard procedure with his name memorialized into aviation history.


That's not the only plane that's been sucked up by some craft from out of space and people to stupid enough to not believe monsters exist.


On one of the first tv announcements about the disappearance, it stated that there were 'Chinese dignitaries' on board, not a word of this since. What is going on?


From the little experience i had since I started watching air crash investigation, i believe the pilot plan and disappeard with the plane
