Easy Believism And Eternal Security

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Answering three letters from a viewer.

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How to be saved:

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A person simply has to believe Christ paid for their sins at the cross, repentance comes at the moment they believe they cannot pay for their own sins . A change of mind is what biblical repentance is unto salvation. Eternal security is exactly what Jesus preached . You can not lose it once aquired. Gods grace is a wonderful gift


Thanks Brother Bryan.for exposing the deception of easy believing GOD bless you and the ministry HE gives you to do on YouTube.


I loved this study because as I searched in vain for help with the word of God, both in physical church buildings as well as YT, one day this man called Born Again Barbarian showed up on my screen and the topic immediately caught my attention so I listened and my eyes were so opened, truly opened as he bought the Bible to life and what was once confusing to me has over a year become crystal clear. I've gone back 5-6 years to go through Bryan's studies, many of them many times. Now I know that when a "pastor" begins to preach and I am confused and cannot comprehend it is them, not me. Now, I only listen and learn along with reading my kjv bible, by studying and re-studying Bryan's videos. I truly praise God that I had the good sense and desire to hear the truth and listen to Bryan's YT cast as what he teaches is crystal clear in God's word it leaves not doubt or questions so I never go searching for any other instructor, there is no need to any longer. God bless Bryan and his family, I pray that God keeps them in loving care so many more lost and searching people will find him. ❤


Just remember that God is not the author of confusion.


Thank you brother Brian, I felt this video was meant for me personally. The Holy Spirit is doing a good work in and through you. Fight the good fight brother.


I definitely needed to hear the latter part of this regarding heretics. There really is no point in going back & forth with people who do not have the Spirit of God.


I like what you said in the last few minutes. It seems so hard to convince unrepentant sinners of the truth of the gospel. A family member and I got into a heated discussion about the truth of the A1611 Bible that lasted a while. It was so frustrating because in the end, all that person was convinced of was that there are other books older than the Bible that inspired it or if I recall that the Bible just copied verbatim what older books had written. It seems like that is such a huge stumbling block to so many people ever coming to true saving knowledge in the LORD's word. She never showed me any proof, and there I was thinking the A1611 has more proof for its truth than any other book ever. Looking back, it should not have been heated because I know that the LORD shall preserve His word for ever. The unbelieving world sees things so much differently than a born again believer. I couldn't get through edge-wise. I just think of Psalm 39, Romans 8:28 and James 3 because of how the LORD caused me to hold my peace realizing how my tongue could have really led me into sorrows.


Thank you for taking the time to answer letters brother Bryan I remember that a lot of your videos answering questions confused brethren have sent you really helped me out when I first got saved.

I find that a lot these gainsayers love to do a balancing act on one verse of scripture and then use a ton of philosophy defending their "doctrine" and when you try to compare spiritual things they just see it as foolishness. I believe Proverbs 26:4-5 was written by God for these exact scenarios. Many of these anti eternal security heretics attack that because they know that people won't listen to them if they are open about the doctrine they really have a problem with which is salvation without works so they attack it in a roundabout manner. If they want to use philosophy then turn it around on them ask them what you have to do to keep your salvation and if that is considered work. That usually gets them to backpedal because they don't want to admit they don't believe in salvation by grace through faith as they know they will get ripped to shreds. Honestly the hardest part about Proverbs 26:4-5 is remembering that it is an admonition for us and not the heretics.

Proverbs 14:6-8 KJV
6 A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth.
7 Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.
8 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.


Even the demons believe, and shudder.


Any comments on Alberto Rivera's assertion that 'he who now letteth' in 2 Thess. Ch.2 was Emporer Constantine? I'm guessing the clue is in the word 'now'


Question: If two christian get marry and divorce because of falling out of love for each other can they get remarry? Jesus said that person will be a adulterous and Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7:39 only death of a spouse can someone get remarry. Can a divorce and remarry christian still enter heaven if they die as a adulterous? Eternal Security says you can't lose your salvation, so that mean this doctrine you can live and enjoy life in a adultery. That goes against Jesus, Apostles and Apostle Paul teaching. Just Asking. Thanks


Yeah I agree, I think Romans 10:9-13 comes into effect when we know who the LORD Jesus Christ really is. Some of us including myself were probably saved after being in a new "bible" version because the LORD knows the heart and worked on it through His circumcision made without hands and the quickening of our spirit even at that time. The Holy Ghost then led us into more and more truth. Nowadays we have all these professing Christians that believe in their infant baptism or that they think religion saved them at some point which they understand is based on some bible. Yet, they are the ones that fall away having built their house on sand. They never knew the LORD and therefore Romans 10:9-13 never truly happened for them even if it seemed that way to others. I think that's why being led to the A1611 is so important as watchers of this channel likely know- because it tells us who the LORD Jesus Christ really is. We are saved by and have a relationship with the fullness of the Godhead bodily.


@25:00 ish. Also, I'd like to point out, that one thing I've learned, is that arguing with atheists is also a waste of time. We are to spread the Gospel, but if the person rejects the Gospel, move on, shake the dust off your feet; it'd been better if that person was never born in the first place. I see too many "Christians" getting into debates with atheists (I will confess, I am somewhat guilty myself, as I've done it a few times, but I've not done that lately). Defend your faith, sure. But you're not going to convince an atheist to suddenly stop being an atheist. They are looking for _proof_ that God exists, and that the Bible is real. God would never allow such proof to exist; you can't have faith in something you can prove. God wants you to believe in Faith. How much more blessed are we, that we believed in Faith in Whom we could not see with our eyes, than the apostles who saw Christ with their eyes and believed?


Romans 10:14a
14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?

The easy-believism people who can't bring themselves to call to God for salvation clearly don't have that genuine belief in their hearts in what Jesus did on the cross. They say they believe but the truth is they don't. Talking to these people, it's like there's a spiritual block there (as brother Jacob put in one of his articles), they just can't see it in the scriptures. It's almost like they despise the notion of talking to God regarding salvation.


Jeffrey dahmer is a case study of this


Was a good study that one time on Brian Welch of Korn.


I have been running into these same exact type of people. They claim to be KJB only believers. And I notice they ALL reject repentance of sin. Its just 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. And then they will attack Romans chapter 10. Every time. I blame the likes of Robert Breaker and a lot of these so called fundamentalist Baptists.


I hope you don’t follow the teachings and doctrine of Jesus for body of Christ doctrine. If you do then you are back under the law. Cut it up and rightly divide is the only way.


Another thing born again is for Israel not the body of Christ. We become new creations. Brother you are all over the place. You need to study your Bible a little closer.
