Easy Believism Is Easily Refuted W/ This Argument

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Many people who believe in a cheap grace gospel, or who believe that repentance is not required for salvation AKA easy believism say that you must repent of unbelief to be saved. With this argument they are preaching that people must turn from sin to be saved because unbelief is indefinitely a sin. Noah Hines deliverance ministry.


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Noah Hines | Head Minister of Deliverance at Expelling Darkness Ministries

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No trusting in what Jesus did versus what you do. That's the repentance.


Grace by definition is free. Cheap grace is by definition a contradiction, even moreso is costly or expensive grace. The expense was paid and the price was infinitely high by Christ alone. Therefore we should honour God because of what He has done. We love Him because He first loved us.1 John 4:19 We forgive with the forgiveness we have received. Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32.

Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Romans 4:4-5 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

Do we believe in the GRACE of God or not? God's Riches At Christ's Expense.


You dont get to make up your own definitions of words. The word repent is from the greek word, metanoia, which simply means to change the mind. You can change your mind about anything but in reference to the gospel its changing your mind from unbelief to belief. It doesn't mean to turn from your sins. It doesn't mean to turn your life around. It doesn't mean to dedicate your life to God. It doesn't mean to be sorry for your sins. Many have tried to say it means those things. But words have meanings and you don't get to just choose what you want it to mean.


Biblical repentance is a change of mind toward God and sin that results in a change of life. To say that it has nothing to do with one’s attitude toward sin is to throw away 19 centuries of Christian preaching.


Unforgiveness is an unforgivable sin according to the bible. So having unforgiveness can send you to hell. That is another argument that people who are into easy believism dont take into acount


Metanoia is Greek for repent .. It means change of mind bro... Turn from works.. Faith in Jesus alone


ORSAS: Once Really Saved Always Saved.
Also there is one SIN we need to repent of and that's the SIN of UNBELIEF into Jesus.
The world’s sin is that it refuses to believe into me. John 16 9

Put your TRUST INTO Jesus and into Him Alone with the weight of your existence, without holding anything back and not turning back, by the help of God.


You are confusing sin with respect of the Torah vs sin of unbelief [rejecting Jesus as savior]. If you accept Jesus as savior you are no longer under the Law (Romans 10:4). All of those sins you mentioned go against [the Law]. The whole point of the Law is to lead a unbeliever to Christ [the Savior] -Galatians 3:24
The gospel of Jesus Christ does not involve the law (Romans 3:21-22). All righteousness belongs to him, we get 0 glory and he gets all the glory. Thats the whole point of the new covenant.


So you deny the book of John that says to believe about 100 times? That salvation is a GIFT?


Repentance from sin is not requirement for eternal salvation. Just a bad thought is a sin...how can u repent of your sins...u can't. When you are saved, you get a set apart spirit that is sealed. Doesn't mean your flesh will stop sinning. Sin is in the flesh. Not the spirit


You're turning from unbelief to belief in Jesus finished work. 1:40


All sins have been paid for by his blood but the only sin Christ could not pay for unbelief in his work on the cross because if he did that would go against our will. In the Garden of Eden Adam had a choice between two trees and today we have a choice between two trees.... or self-righteousness and goodness or Christ only.

The only sin that takes Amanda hell is unbelief in Christ. Because in rejecting Christ and what he did for you on the cross you were rejecting the only payment for all sins that you had done in your entire

The Bible says without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins ... so to reject that shedding of blood is to reject the only thing that saved you


Excellent video. Yes, unbelief is sin, but why turn from one sin but not the others?


Proverbs 24:16
For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

Hebrews 3:12
Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.

Hebrews 3:12's words are brought to pass in Proverbs 24:16 one reading in Proverbs about the wicked falling into mischief no wonder why it says. Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God.


The crucial or critical question to ask is this ; Is salvation solely of God or is it man co-operating with God in his or her salvation? Or, to frame it this way ; Is salvation monergistic (solely from God) or does man have the capacity, desire or will to contribute in any way to his / her own salvation ie synergistic? Ephesians 2 verses 8 - 9 holds the answer to this question and the way people interprets these two verses. The second verse (Ephesians 2 verse 9 makes it crystal clear that salvation is not of man but solely by God's sovereign will and work alone and man make's no contribution towards his own salvation. It is the age old argument that has invaded the early church with the Pelagian heresy and then further with semi-Pelagianism that has become the prevailing teaching in most churches today and this is a different gospel which is really no gospel at all and powerless to save.


Even the word faith (both in English and Greek) means to believe AND to do right by/to be true to.
If a husband shows faith to his wife he is faithful to her.


John 17:17
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

Ephesians 5:18
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;


You are turning from unbelief to belief. You are repenting Metanoia In the Greek, which means changing your mind from not believing to believing. Sin flows from our fallen sinful nature of Adam, your fallen nature is still there even after you Believe upon Jesus Christ. Believers and Unbelievers still sin everyday in thought word or deed. The only difference between an unbeliever and a believer is that we are now in Christ and God the father sees us as children through what Jesus did on the cross by us believing! The book of John talks about believing 98 times what else can you do God‘s plan of salvation before time was to do it all because we couldn’t do it! He is the one saving us Christ Jesus there’s nothing that we can possibly do to save us other than believe on his sacrifice to save us! Thank you Lord Jesus!


How dare you call grace cheap grace, that's blasphemy! It wasn't cheap because it cost God his precious son Jesus Christ and his blood!
You are mocking God with your heresy because you think your better than other people and somehow think you deserve to go to Heaven
"because you turned over a new leaf". But like it or not grace is a free gift with no strings attached and no contradictions so yes a saved
person can watch porn or be transgender or whatever and still go to Heaven. Free grace theology is what the bible teaches so get over it!


2:00 - It is to turn from one belief to another. You're adding extra stuff like self-righteousness and pride likely because you are hearing easy-believists accuse you of being guilty of these things. Commonly, easy-believists will tell people like you that you are being self-righteous because your view indicates that you think you hold a special standing with God based on your actions. Actions being, how well you turn from sin or how well you walk in the spirit. You can deny this, but you still believe that your actions keep you saved.

3:50 - The record is that "God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son." If you don't believe that God HAS given to us eternal life, as in, eternal life right now, then you don't believe the record. What this means is that if you think you can go to hell after you first believed, then that would mean you don't believe that eternal life IS given to us, rather, you believe that eternal life is given after death. A quick reading of John 3:16, John 5:24, John 6:47, etc, will tell you that someone HAS eternal life as soon as they believe, so if at any point in the future they go to hell, for any reason, then they had temporary life and God lied. Essentially, if you believe that someone can go to hell after they first trusted in Christ's sacrifice alone, then you don't believe that eternal life HAS been given to us, which would mean you don't believe the record that God gave of his Son.

5:14 - By saying all sin is disbelief in God, you've effectively redefined the term belief into following the law. I'm sure you are confused as to why easy-believists call people like you self-righteous, and this is precisely why. If all sin is disbelief in God, or Jesus, then none of us believe. By saying that sinning means you do not have faith in God, you're essentially saying that you don't trust God to forgive you of these sins, which would mean you don't have faith in God. And people like you will downplay your sins by saying "you can sin, but not practice sin, " which is precisely why you are being called self-righteous. Think about how you sound when you say, "I don't sin...willfully. I don't...make a practice of sin."

6:10 - Every single verse you rattled off here you failed to confirm what the punishment was for not repenting in the manner described in the passages. The word repent is used frequently in the old testament, and every time it is at the threat of a worldly punishment. You haven't considered that God forgives in this life as well as in the life to come. The general crutch of your argument is that a Christian who believes the record that God gave of his Son, can later come into condemnation. You would have to deny verses like John 5:24, because according to your argument, "shall not come into condemnation" isn't always true, and God doesn't always give eternal life to those who believe the record, because if they later come into condemnation (go to hell) then they never had eternal life, which again, would mean that God has lied in John 5:24 as well as in other verses like Romans 5:8, John 10:28, Ephesians 4:30, etc.

Either you believe in eternal security, or believe that eternal life is given to us only after death. You can't deny eternal security and simultaneously believe that you have eternal life as you live and breathe, because if it could be lost, then it wouldn't be eternal. I'm sure you have a grand argument for this, but at the end of the day, you're going to have to deny John 5:24.
