Guardians of the Galaxy Review - Worthabuy?

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"You're not playing the game the games playing you." Damn that cut deep 😔


Starlord runs like he's shit himself.


I went to watch other reviews after watching this one and none of them mentions Auto aim, Interrupting combat with UI mechanics, or QTE's... This is why i love Worth A Buy 💯


The basic thing you need to take from this review is that the game as an Action Adventure is rubbish but if you are after a Story Adventure then it’s worth getting as it has a decent well voiced cast and a pretty good story, especially the way it unfolds. If you do get it for the story I strongly suggest you put the game on easy to blast through the terrible combat as you will learn to hate it with a passion if you are anything like me.

If you want good action and combat forget it, this game is so shallow in it’s combat with it’s auto aim that can’t be turned off, horrible clunky mechanics and utterly boring enemies. The only other action to be found is a terrible space battle where you can literally feel the game trying to steer for you and your auto aim lazers that you just need to roughly target anywhere near the enemy to kill them. Then we have loads of QTE’s that ruin immersion and just have you pressing one button while an entire show is played out before you eyes, utter garbage. The puzzles are even worse, they are so easy it’s impossible to fail, it’s all spelled out for you and if you take longer than 30 seconds to figure it out one of the Guardians actually tells you what to do. Loot is everywhere, no secrets unless you call checking behind that rock, a secret so there is none of that exploration that we are used to in Doom, Prey, half life etc it’s all right there in your face.

So again, if you are just in it for the story and the theme it’s worth getting, anything else then I think you will be very disappointed. This is another game for people to rush through, nothing to explore or figure out, it’s soulless and very boring, you will never feel like you achieved anything playing this game, unless ofc you think pressing a button is an achievement.


If you stop reviewing these we will miss out on your rage. Also a bunch of different reviewers "loved" it, but kept glossing over the combat. That was a red flag, and you nailed it in this one. Thanks love your content


I’ve never understood marvel games. It seems as though Marvel is meant to be watched, rather than played. explains why 40% of the game is probably cutscenes


This is why they don’t send Mack keys. He rips the games to shit, and exposes them for what they are. And for good reason too! Keep it up Mack


That on-rail spaceship shooting part where you can't even die flying past all the debris like some badass even though you don't even have to move is just the epitome of triple-A games now. But people will lap it up once more, for the thousandth time and forever more.


So, a glorified interactive story then?

Elements of this game reminds me of those video arcades, where you would see young kids sitting in the seat of the latest video game cabinet, while it was in demo mode. They would be holding on to the joystick and tapping the fire button while watching the screen - pretending they were playing.


It feels like the super publishers took over every single brand that peaked public interest and wanted to make "things to buy" so the developers moved to indie games to start making "games to play"


To be fair, if you are looking for a deep rewarding experience, you probably dont watch Marvel movies. Its like the McDonalds of cinema.


With Graphic Card Shortages everywhere I'm in an awful spot wanting for a non-scalped purchase.
But Developers keep making cow dung like this with good graphics and all the good games look like gladiator guild manager...
So it turns out I can play games just fine on a toaster!
Thanks for the Review.


You can have the Rick Roll song playing on your ship while you walk about. This game is an instant 10/10.


Mack you just earned the 'Medal Of Honor' Award equivalent for game reviewers.


Love it when Mack gets angry.

(Bell ringing)


There's like 6 qte's in this entire game and can be disabled in the accessibility menu but he doesn't mention that for a reason. That Peter Quill doesnt do much damage on his own, is because the combat is centered around teamplay and can also be changed in the menu but he doesnt mention that for a reason. What reason, you ask? Mack's online identity. It's bitching on anything AAA. He is the shill of his own trapped identity. I hope his fans will one day see this, because many games he shits on are actually worth a buy.
Disclaimer: I'm a 36 year old man who grew up with Commander Keen and Jill of the Jungle.


I've been watching this channel a very long time, so I'm used to Mack going against the grain. All these reviewers liking a game unfortunately just gives Mack impetus. I wish Mack would try to ignore all that and be more open-minded, because in this instance above all, I feel he is doing the game's merits a disservice. Downplaying the positives, just to 'prove reviewers are shills' - come on Mack, it's too predictable. I can tell he wasn't really paying attention whilst playing Guardians because some of the dialogue from Drax in particular is objectively funny. As for the combat, yes it's not the deepest, but importantly it's fun. How the game integrates the abilities of all the characters is done extremely well. The story, graphics, & art direction are standout. I just think it's refreshing to play a game which is so well written, that's immersive and is focused.

What I find sad is the amount of people sucking Mack off in the comments, cheering him on for hating on a game. Pathetic! Your loss guys!


I know you hate so many of these AAA games nowadays (rightly) but I gotta say these reviews are immensely entertaining and honestly save me, and I'm sure many others, lots of money. You are one of the few reviewers left that seems to offer a 100% transparent opinion and I greatly appreciate that.


While I do respect your view on the combat and you have every right to say you don't like it. But, I do believe you are missing the point of the combat. You are NOT supposed to be all powerful superman just killing everything. Starlord is a team leader and his role in the group is more directing his team rather than fighting himself and when he does fight, he is more support. This is evident even in the movies. They make fun of Starlord how they have to take jobs suitable for weak humans. All the other members of your team are aliens are way more tough than some puny human. So it makes sense and the game's combat was designed to give you a feel of a commander instead of a supersoldier.

Now does that make a good combat feeling, maybe not for alot of people. But for others, it does feel good. I just believe you aren't viewing the combat in the right mentality. The combat is more compariable to Mass Effect's combat where things are more tactical than adrenaline pumping. More so with ME1 than the later ME titles.


Gardeners of the galaxy.. .. “ just pished my frillies at that, this is definitely the game for me “ says Timmy aged 8
