Guardians of the Galaxy - Before You Buy

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Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S/One, Nintendo Switch) is surprisingly fun. Here's what we think.
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I actually really like the non-combat parts the most, I just really enjoy hearing these characters talk. I often stand there and let the characters finish talking so I don't miss dialogue.


This might be the first game in years that people actually have NOT bought the game before the BYB-video lol.


man it’s so refreshing for a game to not build up lots of hype, but the turn out stellar. i feel like the last time we had this was Horizon


Got the game bc I was frustrated with streamer mode and literally all streamers not bothering to talk to the guardians. When I played and TOOK MY TIME I found so many small interactions and extra conversations they didnt have to add.

This game has a LOT of heart, and you could feel the love. Biggest critique is honestly the combat and some voice acting lines, but really the main draw is the dialogue, banter, and story. Solid 8.5/10.


Bought the game because of this review and I'm not disappointed, honestly the most fun I've had on a game in awhile


Falcon sounds like the drunkest most sober person I’ve ever heard in my life


“Keep your expectations low and you’ll never be disappointed.”- Kratos


The gameplay really reminds me of Jedi Fallen Order, but with more linear/straightforward exploration. The story has been fantastic so far, and it very much feels like a more fleshed out GoTG(2014). They give the characters fantastic personality’s that are constantly changing depending on your decisions. Overall I’m really pleased with this game, I would give it a 9/10.


Just got it through GamePass. I wasn't sure what to expect. In a world of broken games and live services, this blew me away. It's just so damn fun and all the comic lore going on 👍. Everything feels very well thought out. Even has NewGame+.


In an era of microtransactions and broken releases, this game is great! I enjoyed every second of it! These kinds of fun, simple games are what we're missing in this current boring generation.


Seems like we finally get a game that's above our expectations.


I'm loving the game so far, I hope people buy it so these big companies can see how much people still love story games


You can fight monsters while listening to Rick Astley. Instant game of the year.


Finally played it. It's one of the most enjoyable experiences i've had in the last years.

Combat is meh, but it lets you vibe and it's somewhat fun, although not really challenging. However, the story is amazing, you never really know where it will go next and it connects the dots pretty nicely. A lot of hall walking with basic puzzles, etc., but they're just an excuse for the character interactions. There's so much *GREAT* dialogues to accompany you every second, , and the decisions you make come around later with great payoffs.

Characters are really compelling, imho much better than the movies at least. Feels like characters like Mantis or Drax are more than just a dumb walking joke and the personal stories and arcs of each one are really emotional.

Basically, the whole game is a great vibe. And Cosmo is the bestest boy.


The trailers for this game made it seem very underwhelming, but I just got it on sale and it blew my expectations. I hope it doesn't go under the radar for too long and receives some DLC at some point. It was an amazing game. I played on a high end pc and had excellent fps and it looked beautiful, however I did get some Bethesda-ish bugs here and there, but nothing ever gamebreaking, just a lil goofy for a second. Overall I honestly would give this game a 9/10!


This is exactly the type of game BYB is invented for, a linear, single-player, AI-co-op, unique action game above expectations in 2021?? Are we back in the golden era of gaming? Probably NOT but I will take it... Thanks for this BYB Falcon!!


This is the surpise hit of the year. Absolutely love the character chemistry and the unique mix of gameplay.


We need more single player games like this and *Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order™️*


It does start out pretty slow, but it comes together so well in almost every single way by the end and it's such a satisfying experience. One of the best I've played in a minute, easily. Can't wait for the sequel!


I am absolutely loving it. They nailed it with this one! The choices you choose makes some what of a different story! Definitely worthy of multiple playthroughs!
