Should You Ever Forgive Someone For Cheating? | Sadia Khan

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I tried to stay with a cheater for the sake of my daughter, but couldn't. Once trust is broken, a marriage can't continue. She is right about women. We can forgive, but the love light dies.


ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! even if she said she THOUGHT about sleeping with another guy she would be gone! disloyalty is the worst


Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her


My girls were 1 and 4 years old when my wife was love bombed by her narcissist co worker. He dumped her after 1 month because he got what he wanted and because i knew his identity. Now I had a homeless wife and mother. I knew she could potentially pick a new man that could have access to my girls. Her weak mind was just bowled over by a narcissist so i didn't want any strange men of her choice to be near my daughters. Yes i stayed with her and it's been 35 years of marriage. Still hurts today 25 years later.


It's not even about forgiveness. You can forgive but it's finished so you leave.


Don't Cheat, if you are not Happy, just Leave..


From my own experience I would say to absolutely forgive them. After the initial shock I I realized I didn’t know her as well as I thought I did. The mistake I made was not forgiving her on a daily basis. Also, in this type of case it’s important to move on immediately. Get money in order, work in order, friends identified, and move on. Don’t react, don’t act out, don’t yell and scream or make threats, just leave her and move on.I’m not saying ignore the fact you’re hurt I’m saying don’t act on it. I got a good job, dependable vehicles, place to live and even told her I hoped it worked out for them. They fell apart, she asked to come back and I said nope. Forgiveness doesn’t mean I go back to the same situation it means I give up revenge, keep myself together and move on. Easier said than done.


Also a woman who cheats will lose respect for a man that forgives even if she begs for forgiveness


With or without children, release yourself by forgiving them & leave the relationship. One life & time does not wait for nobody. Blessings & light on your journey 💯💋❤️


I believe a man who cheats will lose respect for a woman that overlooks it as well. It's one thing for a person to disrespect you by cheating, it's another thing for you to disrespect yourself by tolerating it. I would genuinely forgive, bless them, pray for them and release. No need to debase myself by staying with that. It's okay to expect more for yourself.


You can absolutely forgive them. But you don’t have to be with them. Because we all know, that once the trust has been broken things will never be the same.


My husband had been cheating from the beginning, but I didn't find out until after we had kids. I chose to forgive him and stay. He continued to cheat but got better at hiding it. He took my forgiveness as a license to do as he pleased. My needs went unmet more and more, my workload increased in the household as he refused to get a vasectomy and I was unable to take birth control. He knew I was "trapped" and cheated time and time again, especially while I was pregnant and battling serious health issues that worsened over time from lack of proper care and lifestyle. Women who cheat MAY learn their lesson and stop after one failed affair, but in my experience, men who cheat have zero regard for how their actions affect others and it's healthier to leave the situation.


i wish everyone out there the strength to move on if you have been cheated on.
its not worth the trouble. and its not the end of the world. move on.


She is chatting bs.The only thing you gain by staying with a cheater is losing your peace of mind and a high possibility of a nasty STD.


Women also hate themselves for not leaving. By staying, you're telling yourself you're not worthy of loyalty, regardless of your gender. When you stay, you will feel betrayed by TWO people - your partner and yourself. You will shrink and become a sad loser, acting out in what could otherwise be minor or ambiguous situations. She can be very insightful on many topics, but her opinion on cheating is too generalised, short-sighted and harmful.


No! Saying you should stay if you have kids is a terrible message.


Forgive and leave immediately. It's over. No more contact ever. Find someone else.


"Look for peace not pleasure". This is so true.


You should eventually learn to forgive as not doing so will just consume you overtime. But definitely walk away especially if you are a man.


No !!! HELL NO !!!, Get the hell away from them, block their number and never have any contact with them ever again, EVER !!!
