Fine-tuning Argument for God

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In my opinion, this is the MOST convincing argument for God's existence. I think God is the best explanation of the universe's fine-tuning for life! What do YOU think?


“Obviously, the values of the parameters we measure must be compatible with the development of life…. But within the anthropically allowed range, the parameters can have any values.” S. W. Hawking, “Cosmology from the Top Down,” paper presented at the Davis Cosmic Inflation Meeting, U. C. Davis, May 29, 2003.


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Pie proves God exists.
If Pie was a bit bigger, there would be some left over.
If Pie was slightly smaller, there wouldn't be enough to go around.


Not only the universe, but also history is fine tuned.
This universe is finetuned for the finetuner to fake his death and announce that next time, he will truely kill himself and create the final world called heaven. Only then has all finetuning ended!
So gods plan is to undo himself. This was just his test run.


If you had a bucket of 1000 dice and you tip them out onto the floor. The chances that they would fall in that exact way, with those exact numbers in that exact position are incalculably small, yet they did . They did because they had to land somehow and that’s how it happened to be. The only way it would be amazing is if you had planned out ahead of time how you wanted the dice to land. If you have a goal in mind, where every dice has to fall just where you want it to, then achieve that with your. bucket roll, then we can be in awe at the slim chances. It’s the same with the universe. We only know of one universe, we do not know there was a plan or a goal. It’s this way, because it happened to land this way. If the the bucket of dice were rolled again, the result would be different, just like if the universe were different, the universe would be different. Doesn’t tell us anything because we have no evidence that there was any intention for it to be this way. What I find astoundingly egocentric is people that look at the universe and conclude they, as a human, must have been the goal of the universe all along .


And what fine tuned God? What are the odds that there would just happen to be this super complicated mind existing in the void somewhere, that just so happens to want to create this Exact universe, when it could have been that there was a different God that would have wanted to create something else? There would have to be another god who created God to explain how we could have gotten so lucky.


Hiya ☺️ Thanks again for your "Snack of Truth". May i add my certainty too, that Everything is made & sustained by the Grace of the Almighty God?! 😇💖
~Nehemiah 9:6~
“You are the Lord, you alone. You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them; and you preserve all of them; and the host of heaven worships you."

~Hebrews 1:3~
"He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high" 💖
Stay always Blessed, Brother! 🙏🏼🌻
Postscriptum: me hopes you are not gambling, you would've lost that hand(2cards missing for that Royal flush) 🤔😅😀


Wow.. you sure know the puddle fallacy. You find yourself in a universe where you can exist, this doesn't mean that the universe was made for life. That presents you with a very very difficult task: demonstrably evidence a universe where life can't exist, yet does. Good luck with that! Also.. would a loving deity make a universe instantly deadly to all forms of life, then put life there? Sounds cruel.
